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your last
chapter thirty one

I suppose that within the flurry of chaos that this past week has produced, we've forgotten all about the baby.

Yes, they've been mentioned many, many times in our half-assed attempts at getting into Elena's thick skull. But we haven't taken the time to sit down, talk about the baby, and let reality set in. Within the past hour, I've decided that it would be a good idea to set up an appointment with a human doctor. Compel her afterwards, of course, in case anything supernatural occurs, but it would be nice to just check up and see how things are going.

I know they're still alive by the quiet heartbeat that pulses inside me. But that doesn't stop my worries. Maybe something's wrong with them. Better safe than sorry.

As my fifth month of pregnancy is drawing to a close, the baby should be kicking sometime soon. It concerns me that I haven't felt anything other than a heartbeat from them. So I set up an appointment with a local doctor for today at 2:30. A little compulsion was needed, but not more than necessary. I still haven't told Klaus. But why should I? He has so little faith in humans that he'll think the entire idea is stupid. Nevertheless, I will not let his negative attitude ruin my perfectly okay day.


Speak of the devil.
Klaus's melodic accent rings through the halls, though I'm almost positive it's not as musical to his siblings as it is to me.

"Huh?" I grunt, almost rudely, turning around to face him. His expression is confused, and he clutches between his fingers the calendar I bought his family last month. No one writes in it but me, but I'm almost positive they read everything I write. Unfortunately, my theory has been proven to be true based off of the concerned expression he wears.

"Why would you write 'appointment, 2:30' on the calendar for today?"

I huff at his tone. Almost innocent. I will not let your puppy-dog eyes get to me this time, Klaus Mikaelson.

"I didn't think you read that anyway."

He purses his lips, embarrassed.

"That's besides the point."

I turn back to the notebook in my hands, jotting down a quick note before slamming it shut and looking him straight in the eye.
"I made a doctor's appointment. You're coming."

He lets out a low groan, raising his eyebrows as if saying, why?

"I do not trust human doctors with the life of my child, and I'd advise you to think the same way."

I roll my eyes.

"It's just a checkup, okay? What's the worst that could happen?"

He arches a singular eyebrow.
Alright, there's a lot of things that could happen. But that doesn't matter.
I quickly rephrase.

"Nothing bad is going to happen. You'll be there, and so will I. We're going. Be ready."

The last thing I hear is his frustrated sigh before marching out of my bedroom.
I fiddle with my fingers.

I thought that vampires weren't supposed to sweat- that certainly isn't the case now. It must be hot in here. I tap my foot impatiently, my hand reaching to soothe my swollen stomach. While I'm only five months pregnant, I look at least seven. I'm fairly larger than most women in this room.

Various females sit cross-legged, waiting patiently in a hospital room.
Some have completely flat stomachs. Others are bigger than me. To my left is the delivery room, where a woman and her husband exit with a baby gurgling happily in their ams. The sight makes me smile. That will be me and Klaus once this is all over.

Klaus's posture is stiff- not uncommon, for when he's around people, but I've become so habituated to his domesticated side that I've forgotten how cold and ruthless he is around others.

"Caroline Forbes," A nurse calls from across the room. She's dressed in tacky pale blue pyjama-like pants, and she smiles when I raise my hand. "Follow me."

I exchange a worried look with Klaus before standing, pain shooting up my leg at the sudden shift in weight. Klaus's arm hooks around my elbow, comforting me. Together, we walk through the eerie hospital hallways, each sneaking glances at less fortunate patients. The nurse guides us into a small room where she instructs me to lie on a cot. She introduces herself as she pulls a pair of slick gloves over her fingers.
"You're here for an ultrasound?"

The way she phrases it makes me shiver. Klaus's hand grips mine tightly.
I clear my throat.

"Uh, yeah."

She smiles, sensing the tense energy floating around the room.

"Not to worry. It won't hurt. It'll only be cold for a few seconds."

I don't relax entirely, but my heart rate slows as she lathers a frigid blue substance on my abdomen. This entire process seems absolutely human. It's ridiculous to me that Klaus Mikaelson is by my side as we go through this. He is everything but human.

She pulls out a device, switching on the monitor beside my cot.
And then everything is eerily quiet.

On the monitor is what appears to be darkness. I can hear the quiet pulsing, still, but I tense, my eyes scanning the screen for anything resembling a child. Then the screen shifts, and I can hear three simultaneous intakes of breath.

There's a child on the screen. It's more like a blob than a baby, but it has five bumps which look similar to fingers. A large, round head. Two stubby legs and ten stubby toes. It's so real to me.

But that's not even the part that has everyone alarmed.

Instead of one, there are two babies nestled comfortably in each other's embrace. Twins.
No. I narrow my eyes, looking closer. Triplets. Three babies inside of me.

At first, there's a moment of silence. Bliss. Denial. I don't know. Three babies. That's a good thing, right?

But then I remember the trouble we're going through already with one baby, and I groan inwardly. Three? I'm not ready for this.

But then, I see fifteen toes, and fifteen fingers, and something inside of me softens. This is happening.

"What?" I murmur, narrowing my eyes at the screen. My heart flutters. Beside me, the doctor smiles.

"Congratulations. Looks like you're pregnant with triplets."

I narrow my eyes at the screen.
They're just blobs. Clusters of cells with fingers and toes. I can barely identify that they're babies.
So why do I feel such an attachment to all of them?

My gaze locks with Klaus's, and he rubs circles on my hand.

"Triplets," I breathe, my eyes focused on the screen.

"Triplets." Klaus repeats my words, more of a sigh than an acknowledgement. His hand finds mine.

Eventually, the nurse leaves, but we stay there for a long, long time, the sound of three babies' heartbeats ringing in our ears.
a/n: ok sooooooo I hate this chapter BUT
if you guys are unhappy with the amount of babies that Caroline is having I am happy to go back and change it.

I got a lot of requests for over one baby, a few for two, and a whole lot of messages saying that they want like... seventeen children. Unfortunately I do not have the time to name seventeen children but I hope three suffices.

also I know I said I had the names but I need one more name- male, preferably. and middle names for each of them. I need suggestions please help

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now