see you again

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                                  your last
                        chapter twenty six
see you again

Given the Mikaelson family's immense power, I shouldn't be as surprised as I am to find that Klaus can book last minute airplane tickets in five minutes. Much less buy an airplane.

He put it simply. 'We're going to be travelling the world fairly often, and this will come in fairly handy for when we need a sudden escape.' It made sense. But habitually, I don't go around buying planes because it's handy.

My time with the Mikaelsons has been posh and luxurious. But I've made myself swear that this is the last time I will let them buy something for me. I've ridden more planes in three months than I will in a lifetime.

But this time, Klaus has decided that it's something I've needed for awhile, much to my surprise. Of course, he's not overjoyed about allowing me to return to Mystic Falls for one week only. See my family, my friends. They won't be overjoyed that I'm mothering Klaus's baby, but that's where my life as led me, and it's not going to disappear.

I fell asleep for a good chunk of the airplane ride. I'd enjoy blaming that on hormones, but me and Klaus both know that's not the case. It was early in the morning by the time we arrived in a neighbouring town to Mystic Falls. I don't remember anything but flashes of memories as we stumbled into a cab. The Mikaelson family and one singular taxi driver within four walls of a car.

We returned to the home that the Mikaelsons had temporarily bought the last time they visited. It was not nearly as large as the New Orleans home, but it was unbelievably luxurious, much to my delight. The last thing I remember of that entire day was finding my way to a bed and falling asleep to the sound of Kol's heavy snoring. The first good sleep I had for a good month because of the pregnancy.

Now, I'm lying in the same position I fell asleep to thirteen hours prior, contemplating my decisions and life choices. Maybe I could spend the entire week in bed, and avoid talking to my friends for a while. But we all know I'll guilt myself into giving up eventually.

I inhale through my nose, absorbing the rays of sun streaming through the window. I'll ease into it today- maybe see my family and friends, but not tell them anything that's going on yet. But, of course, that's not possible because of my inflated stomach. Huffing, I sit up immediately.

"Klaus!" I yell, furrowing my eyebrows. He's at my side in an instant, his expression slightly annoyed. Being a morning person, I assume he's been up for hours.

"Ah, you're awake. Good morning," he greets, avoiding my call. There's a hint of tiredness in his tone.

"Is there any way I can get my hands on a witch?" I ask immediately, ignoring his greeting. He raises his eyebrows.

"And why would you be in need of a witch any time soon?" He questions. I can't blame him.

"I'd like to see my friends today. But I don't want them to know about the baby... just yet."

He seems to get the message, because he nods, standing up and easing himself out of the room.

"I'll see what I can do."

Minutes later, there's a witch in my room. Again, I'm left absolutely impressed with his ability to snap his fingers and instantly get whatever he desires, but I brush it off.

She has dark skin and ebony hair, with contrasting green eyes, wide with knowledge and age. Her expression is steel, but kind. Klaus stands by her side.

"Hello," I greet, and she nods in acknowledgment.

"Thank you for coming," I begin, not wanting to sound too eager or rude. "Obviously, I'm pregnant." I gesture to my stomach. "Is there any way to hide that for a while?"

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