with me

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                                 your last
                        chapter fourteen
                                 with me

  a/n: please listen to all I want by kodaline while reading this chapter

It's odd, really; how contact can mean so much.

The briefest touch at dinner, when we intertwine our fingers under the table, oblivious to what's going on around us. Even laying in my bed, as Klaus whispers sweet nothings to my stomach mindlessly.

Every action means so much.

Klaus is scared. I know that.

But, try as he might, he hides that side of him- not because it's a weak side to him, but because he wants to appear calm and collected. For me. Gah.

The rest of the family has been excitedly talking with me about the baby's far-in-the-future arrival. By the rest of the family, I mean Rebekah. Kol has done nothing but make sarcastic comments and mock me constantly, whereas Elijah is kind and welcoming except for the occasional warning about his brother.

Both expected, of course.

I feel a presence beside me as I lay on my bed, my arms slung wildly around my face. Klaus. His distinct smell is warm, strong, and manly.

I turn to face him.

His eyes shine a brilliant turquoise- when do they not?- absorbing my face as he looks me up and down. His lips are parted slightly, a look of awe upon his skin.

We've been acting like a couple. I should stop. But, in all seriousness, whatever's been going on with Klaus makes me feel more at ease. Safe. Ironic. It's annoying how charming he can be, at times.

"Hi," I whisper under my breath, smiling idiotically. I can almost feel myself being drawn to him; wanting to feel his skin, his heart.

"Hi," he repeats, whispering, almost mocking my American terms. As British as he is, he sounds unbelievably hot while using slang.

What's happening to me? Must be hormones.

I grin, immediately forgetting whatever I was thinking about. Klaus seems so human at moments like these- sometimes, I forget about the fact that he's a centuries-old hybrid. All the walls he's built up to protect his pride crumble down whenever he's with me.

I roll around, turning to face him. I shiver from the frigidness the November air brings into the Mansion, and Klaus must sense my discomfort, because his arm reaches out and wraps around me, immediately sending a warm glow across my skin. I smile genuinely at him.

We lay in bed for half an hour, exchanging brief glances, smiling idiotically the entire time. Eventually, though, the time comes for us to start talking; and so we do, hesitantly at first, but after awhile, we're conversations fluently.

"Mm...  no." I shake my head, lost in thought. Klaus pouts, turning his head to continue looking at the ceiling.

"Alright then. What about..." he pauses, thinking. "Thomas."

We exchange brief eye contact and each let out a soft chuckle, quickly adding synchronizedly,
"No," we both say at the time, laughing when we realize our mistake.

"Maybe..." I rack my brain for more baby name ideas. Klaus enjoys old-fashioned names.

Klaus interrupts, seemingly coming up with a good name.
"How about Henry? After my late brother?"

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