loving you

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your last
chapter fifteen
loving you
(caroline's point of view)


Klaus's voice is the thing that pulls me out of a deep slumber. I must admit, it's a nice thing to wake up to- the soft tones of his voice, the sweet British accent,- but waking up will never be a good thing. Ever.

I roll over, groaning at the sudden light pouring through the windows. My eyes flutter open.

Klaus stands at the doorway, his hands stuffed carelessly in his pockets, an amused smile on his lips as he watches me. My eyes widen, and I fumble to sit up, sobering immediately.

"What do you want?" I ask sharply, my good mood from yesterday gone. He smirks more at that, advancing towards my bed.

"We're going for dinner tonight," he says, lingering on every syllable. His eyes flash to a box beside my bed, wrapped in a red bow, and I almost groan. Another dress? "Wear what I've given you and nothing else."

I glance at the box, my eyes narrowing. What if it's an absolutely skimpy dress? I fall back into the sheets, taking the box off the counter. Klaus takes that as a queue to leave, and swiftly exits the room, leaving my heart pounding wildly.

So I'm having dinner with him. Alright.

Slowly, I remove the lid from the box, pulling apart the bow delicately. I gasp, marvelling at the dress in the box.

It's a baby blue- what is it about him and me in blue?- with a sweetheart neckline, jewels dotting my chest. It's strapless, but flows at the waist- not an over the top dress, but elegant and formal. I take in a breath of air, taking the dress out of the box. The material feels silk against my fingers, gliding across my skin.

What time is it? Noon? I slept in- hormones, I'm hoping- but it still leaves six or so hours to get ready. If I'm fast, I'll make it in time.

I dash to the bathroom, doing simple yet elegant makeup, with winged eyeliner and baby blue eyeshadow. I leave my hair down, curling it slightly so that large, bouncy curls fall down my shoulders.

And now for the dress.

Hesitantly, I pull the magnificent excuse of a dress over my skin, inhaling when I feel the marvellous fabric used. Must be expensive.

Before looking at myself, I tie a silver choker around my neck, matching earrings hanging loosely from my earlobes. And, finally, my eyes lift to see myself in the mirror.

Damn. I look good.

These are probably my last few days of having a flat stomach- this dress was a squeeze, in fact- so I should take advantage of my remaining time.

By the time I'm finished, it's already 5:00. Time flies, I suppose. Walking gracefully in silver heels to the bed, I sit hesitantly, imagining the night ahead.

Champagne. He'll probably bring champagne. Because that's our thing. Some failed attempt to woo me.

Then I remember the fact that I'm pregnant with his baby, and the heated night in the woods.

Was it really a failed attempt? I don't think so. He got me in the end.

I let out a breathy sigh. And so what? I'm ready to give in at this point. He's fathering my baby, I can do what I want.

My eyes glance at the clock. 5:30.

Half an hour doesn't seem like much. Two fifteen minutes. But now, at this very moment, thirty minutes never seemed so impossibly long.

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now