brand new

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                                 your last
                      chapter twenty four
                               brand new

Matt has always been the most understanding out of all my friends. Honourable mention to Bonnie, who's put up with what seems like an eternity of complaining. But after a while, she seemed to have lost her interest. I can't blame her. But Matt was always ready for a heavy vent on my half.

That changed somewhat when the supernatural was incorporated into our lives. He has a difficult time trusting vampires. While he didn't want to be with me as a vampire- which now benefits both of us- he's always there for me as a friend and a shoulder to cry on. About Elena, about Klaus, about anyone.

Matt has a very good reason to hate Klaus. And I'm see he does hate Klaus. But he pretends not to, for me. And I'm eternally grateful. I don't think I could bear more disappointment.

After our exhausted reunion, I fell asleep instantly, sleeping until noon the next day. A long, dreamless sleep. Something I've needed for a while.

I wake in my room. My room. A strange thought, seeing as I've always associated my room with my home in Mystic Falls. I have two homes now; only one in which I've decided to live in for now.

Klaus isn't here. Unsurprisingly. I assume he's still sore about my we're not together remark yesterday. He's got quite the temper, but occasionally, it just adds to the growing list of attributes I admire about him.

A hesitant knock on my door. Groaning, I roll over, squinting at the sudden light streaming through the windows. I scrunch my nose, struggling to open my eyes.

A tall figure stands in my doorway. Blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing typical high school jock attire. It doesn't take me half a second to recognize his face.

Matt Donavon. The guy who's been haunting my thoughts for the past half an hour.

"Care, we're having lunch. You should get up."

His blue eyes shine cerulean in the bright morning light. Not quite morning, maybe. Have I really slept that long?

"Sorry. You should have woken me up!"

Matt shrugs, his expression incredulous.

"You needed the rest. Besides, we kind of forgot."

I roll my eyes, sitting up and yawning loudly.

"Gee, thanks," I retort sarcastically. He laughs, shaking his head.

"No offence or anything. Anyway, come down. We're eating."

I practically flop out of bed, not bothering to brush my hair or even change out of my pyjamas. Why bother? I know everyone in this house well enough, and I'm just wearing a simple silk nightgown ending just above my knees.

I trudge down the stairs, the only word circulating through my brain being coffee. Quiet snores are audible from down the hall. I furrow my eyebrows. Who's still sleeping?

Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Matt are seated at the dinner table happily. The picture of a perfect family. In reality, this family is one of the most dangerous in the world.

"Caro! Finally. You've been sleeping forever. Where's Nik?"

She looks at Matt expectantly. Matt was supposed to wake him up as well. His cheeks burn a brilliant red.

"I didn't really want to."

Oh. So that's who was sleeping. Matt's not entirely willing to walk into the original hybrid's room and wake him. Understandably.

Rebekah rolls her eyes.

"Caroline, go wake him up and be down in five. I'm hungry and not willing to wait any longer to eat."

A groan escapes my lips as I turn around, trudging up the stairs. The quiet snoring is now replaced by absolute silence. He must be awake.

I push his bedroom door open with the tips of my fingers, peeking inside his room hesitantly. I've never seen his room, and I can't imagine Klaus having a room or even sleeping.

"Klaus?" I whisper softly, my eyes roaming the room curiously. It's a fairly simple abode, with brown walls and matching wooden floor. His bed sits promptly in the middle of the room. Black sheets and blankets cover the mattress. It's a fairly classic room, but with a dark twist. So Klaus.

I can see his form, laying in the bed. Oh. So he is sleeping.

I advance toward his form, absorbing his relaxed state. His eyes are shut firmly. Peaceful. Youthful. He seems so at ease with his mouth parted slightly and his face free of stress and anger.

I hate to part with it.

My fingers reach out, shaking his big form hesitantly. His eyes shoot open. How is it that seconds after waking, his expression immediately changes into a cocky smirk? I'm willing to bet all my money that Klaus is the original morning person.

"Good morning, love," he chirps, sitting up abruptly. I take in note his shirtless body, the only thing he wears being his black beaded necklace.

I huff in return, crossing my arms over my chest. He's seemingly forgotten about my comment yesterday. It seems like an eternity ago. I'm sure the subject will come up eventually.

"They're calling you for lunch." My words come out in a quiet growl. He raises his eyebrows, surprised, and kicks a leg out of bed.

My eyes widen.

He wears gray sweatpants casually, hanging low on his narrow figure. It's not uncommon for men to sleep shirtless, but for some reason, in this particular scenario, it seems completely unreal.

He starts out the door, running his fingers through his hair casually.

"Aren't you going to put on some clothes?" I grumble, following him out into the hallway. To that, he simply shrugs.

"I don't see the reason in that," he allows, walking swiftly down the stairs in nothing but sweatpants. I let out a sigh, chasing after him helplessly. We arrive at the bottom of the stairs. His family seems relatively indifferent to his half-naked form. Why am I so worried about this?

"Nik," Rebekah acknowledges, taking plates from Elijah and placing them carefully on the table. Such a human gesture.

"Rebekah," Klaus shoots back, seating himself at the table comfortably. Matt is still not entirely at ease with Klaus or Kol, and his posture stiffens.

Kol sits next to me, smiling smugly as he starts to eat from the bowl in front of him. Rebekah smacks the back of his head.

"Ow!" He yells, his hands flying to comfort his head. "What was that for?"

Rebekah narrows her eyes.

"Elijah's not seated yet. Wait until he's at the table to begin eating."

Kol huffs, sitting back and rolling his eyes. We wait another five minutes until Elijah's finally finished seasoning the salad dressing and sits. We talk for what feels like ages.

A human, three Original vampires, a hybrid, and baby vampire, talking casually. Six different souls, joined over salad and a large wooden table.
a/n: don't hate me I know this chapter is HORRIBLE oops

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