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                                  your last
                       chapter thirty three

"Wait, so you're telling me you haven't celebrated a proper Christmas for over nine hundred years?"

There's a touch of disbelief in my voice. Christmas has always been the most important holiday for my entire family. I suppose once my dad left, there were always heavy undertones, but we ignored the drama and persevered. In the end, almost every Christmas has been magical. Therefore, I will not Klaus and his negative attitude ruin this year's Christmas for me.

"That's exactly what I'm telling you, love."

I let out a disbelieving laugh, raising my eyebrows incredulously.

"What? How?"

He shrugs as if the subject of conversation were a casual affair.

"I suppose searching for a doppelgänger for nine hundred years left me otherwise occupied."

I roll my eyes. Wow. What a Grinch.

"Too occupied to celebrate Christmas? Yeah, this year, that's changing."

He scoffs, indifferent.

"What makes you think I'll agree to that?"

This time, it's my turn to scoff.

"You underestimate my powers of persuasion."

He narrows his eyes, but says nothing of it, the edges of his lips turned into a slight smirk. With that concluding note, the rest of his family decides to speak up. Rebekah, Kol and Elijah don't seem like people who would push for a Christmas celebration, but I have faith that I'll convince them otherwise soon enough.

Kol, seemingly overhearing our conversation, is the first to speak up about the subject. He takes a seat next to Klaus and slings an arm across the couch.

"While I agree with Nik for the most part, I see no harm in celebrating the holiday once. Why not?" He narrows his eyes at an attempt to be seductive. "It could be fun."

The way he says it- how he thinks it's sexy- sends shivers of disgust down my spine. Kol will be Kol. Constantly making unneeded comments.

"Thank you," I say nevertheless, ignoring the parts of his words that I dislike. "Rebekah?"

Rebekah seems like someone who is yearning for a normal life. Settling down, starting a family. With a family comes Christmas, and I intend on proving that to her however it takes.

"The idea is certainly intriguing," she allows, pursing her lips and seemingly pondering upon the thought. After a long while, she reaches a conclusion, her expression smug. "All right. I suppose it could end up being somewhat enjoyable."

Not exactly jumping of joy, but it's not a rejection. I grin, and turn in Elijah's direction, my eyes hopeful.

"Then it's unanimous," Elijah declares, a smile hinting at the corners of his mouth. "We'll celebrate Christmas this year."

I squeal in unprecedented delight, ignoring the defeated groan that emerges from Klaus.

"Perfect! I won't let you down, I promise."

With that, I rush off, the quiet chuckles of the Mikaelsons echoing through the halls.
"God! Have you ever strung lights in your life?"

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I immediately realize the error in them. Of course they haven't. The last time they celebrated Christmas, electricity wasn't even a concept.

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now