i & love & you

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your last
chapter twenty seven
i & love & you

{ a/n: inspired by the song 'I and love and you' by the avett brothers. I was listening to it when writing this chapter ALSO SORRY THE TITLE IS MISLEADING. NO I LOVE YOUS IN THIS CHAPTER BUT IT WILL HAPPEN OVER TIME }

Though I leave my mom's house during the afternoon, planning to return to the mansion immediately, I have the sudden urge to stay out longer. Kol agrees to accompany me to the grill, where he finds us a seat, and we talk over milkshakes.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?"

At first, I think he's talking about the milkshakes, but after a moment, I realize he's referring to my encounter with my mom thirty minutes prior. I purse my lips.

"For you, maybe."

He chuckles at that, taking a long sip of his milkshake. I'd never think in a million years I'd be here, drinking milkshakes with Kol Mikaelson, discussing how to tell my mother that I'm pregnant with his brother's baby.

He narrows his eyes before leaning into his seat, his hands laced on his lap.

"Let me get straight to the point."

I furrow my eyebrows. What did I do?

"I think you should give Nik a chance."

At that, I almost choke on the remaining milkshake in my mouth, coughing wildly until my face turns red. After a few minutes, I calm down, and he continues.

"What do you have to lose? You're pregnant with his goddamn baby. If anything, it'll profit your family."

The sudden change of topic has me confused. I fiddle with my fingers, considering his words.

"That's kind of the thing."

He raises his eyebrows.

"I'd love to give Klaus a chance. Really. But if things don't work out, this baby will grow up with a broken household. I know what that's like, and I would never wish that on my own child."

His eyes narrow.

"This family is twisted enough as it is. Besides, if things do work out between you two, it will benefit your family tremendously. Think of it that way."

It's strange, me being the negative one, and Kol being the one to boost my spirit. But his words ring true, and they weigh with me on the ride to the mansion. Perhaps Klaus deserves a chance. He's given me so much. The least I could do would be to try make an effort.

So, when I see his unmistakable silhouette, perched across the kitchen counters lazily, my breath catches in my throat. In a sudden burst of confidence, I take a deep breath, taking fast strides in his direction before I change my mind.


My voice comes out soft, and innocent as I pull myself onto the counter across from him, the moonlight pouring in through the kitchen windows.

His eyebrows raise at my presence, but he blows out a breath, his head cocking slightly.

"Hello, sweetheart."

My breath hitches. Sweetheart. That's a new one. I inhale, hoping he'll say something.

"How was your visit with your mother?"

Seeing as he didn't have a strong bond with his own mother, I can't imagine how he must feel talking about this. I shut the conversation down as soon as I can.

"Okay," I allow, wincing at the memory of her disappointed expression. "It was nice to see her again."

He smiles slightly, his posture sagging. I can barely make out the outlines of his profile in the dark lighting. When did the sun start to set so quickly?

"I'm sorry I forgot to call you," I add, my voice breathy. He shrugs it off.

"Kol called me after you arrived at the grill."

So when he made an unexpected phone call to a friend, that's who he was talking to. I swallow audibly in the thick silence of the night.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I whisper, suddenly recalling that he's the one who suggested that we visit. "Really. It means a lot."

His gaze locks with mine, and suddenly, the world around me dissolves. It's just me, and him, and his dark blue eyes in the starry night. They're almost black.

"It was no problem, love."

What were we talking about again?
In a sudden whim, I slide off of the counter, moving to sit next to him. He stiffens, but relaxes into my figure, his expression soft.

"Seriously, thank you." I repeat, my words reduced to a breathy whisper. He hesitates before answering.

"It was no problem, love," he confirms, more sure of his words this time. Still, I know buying an entire airplane is not something to brush off. He went through a lot of trouble to get me here.

I feel the blush rise in my cheeks. How is it that even now, after seeing my peaks and lowest points, he sees me as beautiful? I haven't felt this way about anyone since... ever. This is all entirely new. Not with Matt, not with Tyler.

I'm having an out-of-body experience as I stop breathing entirely, not even stopping to consider what I'm doing. So, before I can stop myself, I lean forwards until my forehead presses against his. He looks at me from under his lashes.

He's the first to close the gap between us. And suddenly, his lips are on mine, needy and desperate, and I return the kiss as eagerly as I can. His fingers rise to meet my chin, holding me in place, as he deepens the embrace, sliding me off of the counter and into his arms.

Abruptly, the kiss turns from sweet and innocent to desperate and passionate. His arms slither around my waist, hugging me closer, and I moan into his skin. It's the peaking point before things start to go downhill.

"Listen, Caroline, I appreciate that you took my advice into consideration, but I didn't tell you to jump his bones the first chance you get."

I pull apart from Klaus abruptly, pushing myself away from his form, still seated on the counter. Kol Mikaelson stands innocently at the door, dressed in fuzzy slippers and pyjamas, his eyes tired.

Klaus lets out a growl, and I cross my arms over my chest. Kol must take that as a hint to leave, because he turns on the lights, trudging silently down the hallway in nothing but sleepwear.

"I'm going to kill him someday," Klaus grumbles, still hugging me tightly.

"Not if I get to him first," I retort, still slightly angered that he interrupted our much-needed moment. Kol is the definition of an ass. Klaus chuckles, his arms tightening around me, and I relax into his embrace.

We stay like that for a long, long time.
a/n: oops :/
you guys are the greatest & I pinky swear that their time will come. just not now I guess

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now