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your last
chapter thirty five

I suppose it shouldn't have come as a surprise to me that when I complain about something to Klaus, he does everything within his capabilities to make sure my problem is solved.

I try not to whine too frequently. But realistically, I'm pregnant, and it's most definitely not my fault if I eat all the ice cream, or I scream at Kol for eating all the ice cream. Or if I go on an hour-long rant about how I never get to leave the house because I'm pregnant and everyone takes me for granted. Hypothetically, of course.

The whole family has been absolutely welcoming after time about my stay in their home. But after a while, the same hallways and rooms get exhausting. Klaus is too overprotective to let me step outside of the manor, and I genuinely don't remember the last time I visited downtown. I'm in a city of absolute life. It seems like a waste to not go outside.

After much convincing, Klaus agreed to accompany me to the city for a few hours at the most. New Orleans isn't the safest city for a pregnant vampire, but with him at my side, I'll undoubtedly be able to stay avoided. Still, he's like a bodyguard, brooding and protective.

There's lights everywhere in this city.
Crazy costumes and music constantly thumping, reverberating through the city. Some might call it bothersome, but in a strange way, I think it's beautiful, and I absorb the entire scene with wide eyes.

That is, until I catch Klaus's firm expression from the corner of my eye. He's been guarded this whole visit, for obvious reasons, but the look of hatred in his eyes is unmistakable. His eyes widen slightly before he flashes me at vampire speed into the nearest building.

"What the hell- " I start, but he cuts me off, tugging me into thick crowds of drunk people. It's then that I realize we stumbled into a bar.

The stench of alcohol reeks, floating through the room, combined with sweat and perfume. Undoubtedly a bar. Klaus tugs me into a nearby booth, leaning forwards in his seat.

"What's happening?" I question, confused at the sudden change of mood.

He opens his mouth to answer, but is cut off by the warm, low voice of a nearby man. Dark skin and black eyes, with a cocky expression and a confident posture. It makes me wonder why Klaus would go out of his way to avoid this man.

"Klaus! Haven't seen you in a while," he greets in a way that comes off as casual, but their rigid postures tell me otherwise.

"I've been busy," Klaus replies simply, not bothering to meet his pressing gaze.

That's when the man's gaze meets mine. And travels to my stomach. I can see the obvious confusion register on his face before he decides to acknowledge the obvious subject at hand.

"And who is this?" He asks smoothly, holding his hand out expectantly. As if I'm supposed to shake it. Ignoring his outstretched hand, I sink into my seat.

"Caroline," I reply shortly. "And who might you be?"

He grins devilishly, his gaze flickering from Klaus to me.

"Marcel," he quickly answers. "And old... friend of Klaus's."

I don't say anything, taken aback by his sickly smooth tone. I open my mouth to speak, but again, he beats me to it, seating himself comfortably in the seat next to Klaus.

"So, Caroline, how long have you been a vampire?"

I hope he doesn't hear the audible intake of my breath as I meet Klaus's gaze. Probably not a good idea to let him know that I'm young, easily killed, and one of Klaus's few weaknesses.

"A while," I lie shortly. He arches an eyebrow, sensing my lie.

"Now, I wouldn't- " he begins, his tone snarky, but Klaus decides he's done with our small talk.

"I believe it's time for you to leave, Marcel," he says, his jaw firm. Marcel seems to take the hint, hesitantly climbing to his feet. Still, despite his new position, the flow of questions doesn't stop.

"And how long have you been pregnant for, Caroline?"

My gaze remains locked on my hands, laced neatly on my lap. What am I supposed to say to that? Luckily for me, Klaus interjects at the perfect time.

"I said I believe it's time for you to leave," Klaus growls, repeating his past words. This time, Marcel narrows his eyes, but stands, his posture stiff.

"Of course," he whispers in a false sweet tone. "I hope to see you soon."

I don't miss the threatening glare he sends me on his way out, and I don't think Klaus does either, based on his low growl. I consider asking about their relationship, but I assume by the wild expression Klaus holds that now is not the time.

Apparently, some people don't assume the same, because before we have the chance to talk, a perky blonde bartender waltzes up to our seats, smiling widely. She reminds me of me, in a cheap knockoff way. I hate her already by the flirtatious winks she's sending in Klaus's direction.

"Hi! My name is Cami, can I get you guys anything- " she begins, looking solely at Klaus, but he interrupts her before she can continue.

"We're fine." He grounds out, clearly regretting the idea of bringing me into the city.

"Well, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to- " she starts again, not at all swayed by Klaus's dismissal. But, again, Klaus interjects.

"I repeat, we're fine."

I consider sending him a scrutinizing glare, but quickly remember that I dislike this girl, and let it slide. But, of course, she doesn't take no for an answer, and continues, much to our annoyance.

"Alright. I'll be back when you guys have decided what you- "

I think that's when Klaus decides he's finished with showing me the city, and grabs my hand, yanking me to my feet. He then turns to the annoying bartender- Cami, was it?- and lets a low growl escape his lips.

"Listen, sweetheart, we appreciate the sentiment. But me and my very pregnant wife are not entirely willing to put up with your obnoxious behaviour. So, kindly, would you leave us be?"

Her jaw drops. Clearly, she's not used to this harsh rejection. She bites her lip, thinking, and after a couple glares from Klaus, she spins on her heel, walking away with a huff. As soon as she's gone, Klaus takes my hand again, breathing a sigh of relief. Absentmindedly, my posture slouches. I hadn't realized that I was stiff.

"She was annoying," I comment offhandedly, and he lets out a laugh.

"Agreed, love. Have you had your fill of the city, or are you ready to turn back?"

I wrinkle my nose. Usually, it wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm feeling fed up, and I shrug.

"I think I've had enough New Orleans for a month."

A rumbling laugh escapes his lips before he holds out his hand, raising his eyebrows expectantly. And so, arm in arm, we walk out of the dirty bar, leaving a chaotic New Orleans behind us.
I'm tireeeed and do not feel like updating but here we are ???? kind of a filler but tbh I just wanted to knock camille for a bit. if any of you guys like cami I'm sorry but I hate her and that's that. she's like a caroline ripoff and it's actually insulting.

ok I think that'll be it for marcel & camille for a while. I don't enjoy writing cami because she's bratty but marcel is eh. also if you don't watch the originals they're basically some characters ??? but I do not like camille

anyway okay I'm done. I'll start writing better soon but I'm tired and that's that.
ok love you xo bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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