now you know

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                                 your last
                         chapter thirteen
                            now you know

  Yesterday was more than I ever expected.

How Klaus finally revealed to me the side of him that wasn't tough, and didn't have walls built high, and cared for others.

How we spent at least two minutes, wrapped in an embrace, breathing heavily. We were so scared for what's to come, but found momentary comfort in each other.

How we spent the night in his bed- not doing anything but hugging, a sweet gesture of love instead of lust. One-sided love, of course.

And so, this morning, I have the chance to continue yesterday's festivities. I wake up wrapped in strong arms.

I can feel his eyes, baring into me, watching me as my eyelids flutter open, blinded by the sudden light pouring in through his windows.

He smiles. Tucks a lock of hair behind my ear.

He has been so kind, and considerate, and I've done nothing but shut him down. He deserves more than that. More than me.

"Good morning, love," he whispers, his voice gravelly. I smile at the sight of his face, resting my head on his shoulder.

An odd move for two vampires who aren't dating, but I'm allowed a pass. He's fathering my baby.

"Good morning."

I've always been a morning person. But today, I feel especially chipper, with the urge to just stay here and rest in his embrace all day. I don't want to face everyone downstairs.

Oh, god. They heard our conversation.

I almost groan, and Klaus must see something wrong on my face, because his fingers brush my eyebrows, his entire body tensing.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Sweetheart. 'Love' was bad enough- now sweetheart? I roll my eyes, adjusting my position so that I'm comfortable again.

"Just thinking about everyone downstairs."

I can hear him take a silent breath, obviously not looking forward to it now that I've mentioned it. Perfect. I just ruined the moment.

His gaze meets mine again.

"Let's not fret."

I smile, exhaling, resting my head on his shoulder.

We lay like that for hours, lost in each other, enjoying a rare moment of peace in the whirlwind of a story we call our lives.
It's strange how quickly Klaus accepted the baby. I expected so much less of him. I was wrong to think that low of him.

His expression is kind as he takes my hand in his, leading me down the stairs to finally face the rest of his family.

Rebekah is the first to greet me.

Clearly, she heard all of our previous conversations, based on the award-winning smile she sports shamelessly. When her eyes fall on Klaus, she grumbles, but immediately takes my hand, tugging me away from everyone.

"I'm so proud!" She whisper shouts, jumping excitedly. "I'm officially going to be your-sister-in-law."

I laugh at her sudden accusations- we're nowhere near married, after all- but don't say anything; smiling guiltily.

She squeals, taking my hands in hers.

"I think the rest of the family heard, but you've got to confirm what they heard was true right away." And, before I can protest, I'm being dragged across the kitchen, only to join Elijah and Kol, who sit innocently at the diner table.

"Caroline," Elijah says warmly, pretending like he hadn't been eavesdropping.

Kol just wiggles his eyebrows, his eyes trained on a newspaper that he's probably not even reading.

"Mumsy," he acknowledges, earning a slap on the head from Rebekah.

Klaus then decides to enter the room, genuine nerves visible in his eyes. He smiles when he sees me, quickly rushing to meet my side.

"So, you both obviously heard our conversation last night," I start, glancing at Klaus for approval. He nods. "So I just thought I would... clear things up."

I let out a breathy laugh, appalled at my own casual tone. When did I become so nonchalant about the situation?

"I am pregnant," I breathe, unable to tear my gaze away from Klaus's. "And Klaus is the father."

Almost as if on queue, Rebekah, Kol and Elijah all turn their heads to look at Klaus, almost expectantly. I contain a chuckle.

"And..." I start, before anyone can beat me to it, "I saw a witch. And she confirmed it. And we don't know how this is possible."

Elijah simply raises his eyebrows, shock clear on his face but his features placid.

"I wish you both the best."

We both turn our gases to Kol expectantly, who continues to read the paper until he notices our expressions. He groans, setting down the news.

"So when did you guys have sex?"

If I had a drink, I would be spitting it's entire contents on the floor right now. Not exactly what I was expecting, even from Kol.

I send him a glare. Klaus is smirking like an idiot. He opens his mouth to answer, but u clamp my palm over his mouth, blushing wildly.

"None of your business," I cover, my cheeks turning a bright pink. Subtle. Rebekah smirks and takes a bite out of a cookie.

Kol huffs, shrugging his shoulders.

"Why would you hook up with my brother?" Kol asks rhetorically, shaking his head and continuing to read the paper. I'm almost positive everyone but Kol synchronizedly rolled their eyes.

Rebekah squeals, wrapping me in her arms- though she knew this news before anyone else. And, though I'm standing in the kitchen of the most powerful family in the world, holding hands with an all-powerful Original hybrid, and my free arm wrapped around the singular female of the Original family,
  I've never felt so loved.
a/n: also a filler oops bear with me bc this chapter is so short uh oh

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now