it comes out

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                                  your last
                              chapter six
                              it comes out

There's a number of things I do in the morning.
Usually- on a daily basis- I do my hair, makeup, and outfit until they're perfect, which can take up to three hours. And for that, I wake up at 6:00 am daily. Of course, though, within the past few weeks, there have been breaks between tasks that consist of me puking violently in the toilet due to pregnancy symptoms.
  This morning, though, I wake up with a flutter at the bottom of my stomach. My heart immediately skips a beat, in fear that it's the baby that I'm carrying, but after much thought, I conclude that it's just nerves.
  Today is the day that I'm seeing the witch.
What am I scared of? There's so much to be afraid of that she could reveal. That my baby is only going to live the average lifespan of a human. That I'm not actually pregnant, and that I came here for nothing.
  I suppose I should've seen her before I came here, but at the time, it wasn't something I was considering.
  This morning, I sleep in until 8:30, unmotivated to get out of bed and quite frankly, afraid of what will happen if I do.
  Then the events of yesterday come back to me, and I remember where I am.
  So this is the Mikaelson's infamous mansion.
You wouldn't guess that's where I am based off of my surroundings. Pastel pink walls- very vintage, and wardrobes lined up against the wall facing me. My suitcases are in a messy pile in front of the bed, thrown haphazardly as soon as I arrived. Exhausted, I rub my eyes, checking my phone for any texts I may have received. Once I see my notifications, may have is an understatement.
  Elena has called me a total of thirty two times within the past two days. I read her texts, my eyebrows furrowed. 
Caroline, where are you? We're worried.
Your mom is really concerned. Please come home.

Where are you?

We miss you, Caroline. I'm sorry if I did anything. Please come back.

  And the list goes on.
Bonnie's also texted me a shocking amount of times, based on her grudge against texting- because she has to spend money per text.
  My mom has also called me sixteen times, each time, leaving a worried message. There's also various messages from not-so-close friends such as Damon and Jeremy.
  I text them all back letting them know I'm fine, but not quite revealing my location. I explain to them that I just needed some time away and will be back as soon as possible.
  I don't believe a word I said.
The only thing motivating me to get out of bed is the sweet smell of coffee emerging from the basement. Intrigued, I get out of bed, sporting a pair of gray long-sleeved pyjamas and bed hair.
  I seemingly float down the stairs, greeted by the Original family. None of them look surprised to see me.
  Klaus greets me with a smirk, seated on the living room lounge, coffee in hand. He raises his mug, takes a sip, and continues watching me walk down the stairs.
  Kol makes some comment about my pyjamas that I don't listen to. Rebekah watches me with a twisted grimace. And, of course, Elijah's expression is unreadable- placid.
  I smile sleepily, helping myself to a cup of coffee and lazily sitting down on the couch across from Klaus.
  "Good morning, love."
There's an audible smile in his voice, and for some reason, I smile sarcastically, taking a long sip of my coffee. Kol smirks and flips the pages of a newspaper that he's definitely not reading.
  "Good morning," I mumble, but I'm pretty sure it comes out more like mush. My cheeks burn red, and I take a big gulp of coffee.
  Klaus smirks, and sets his coffee on the table in front of him. It's funny to see the Mikaelsons so domesticated- reduced to idly sipping coffee every morning.
  I check my watch. Alright. I should probably start getting ready now, given that I'm supposed to meet her in an hour, a twenty minute drive into town.
  But, before I can stand up, Klaus interrupts me.
  "We're going to go into town today to do some business. Not to worry, though, Rebekah will stay and watch you," he quips, earning a glare from Rebekah. I turn my gaze to her, and she narrows her eyes at me and huffs.
  I decide not to tell him that I'll be out as well.
That would earn many not needed questions that I'd rather not answer.
  I nod, then awkwardly fumble my way up the stairs, getting ready in under twenty minutes. By the time I'm down the stairs, everyone is gone except Rebekah, who sits grumpily at the foot of the stairs.
  She sends me a sarcastic smile.
I should be going soon. Luckily for me, I'm early in the pregnancy, and I won't be experiencing major symptoms until mid next week- such as throwing up. That will earn me a lot of questions. I'll need to tell them before then.
  Rebekah ignores me, reading her book with her eyebrows raised. I doubt she's even reading.
  I open the door, surprised when I don't hear her make any argument or even acknowledge my presence. Quickly, I close the door, hurriedly catching a taxi in case she changes her mind.
  It's twenty minutes from their house to the witch's house. I called her beforehand to make sure that she knows I'm coming- I think her name was Kate? She seemed nice enough, nevertheless, and very supportive of my situation.
  I stop at the address she told me. It's a large, wooden house, surrounded by flowers, trees, and various plants. Hesitantly, I knock on the door, butterflies in my stomach.
  A hand pulls the door open.
Behind the door is nothing at all what I was expecting, but so much more.
A girl with red hair- looking a few years older than me- maybe mid-twenties? Freckles dot the bridge of her nose, her eyes shining a bright green with delight when she sees me.
  "Caroline?" He asks. Her voice is high pitched.
She steps to the side. "Come on in."
  She seems trusting enough, I realize, but there must be a motive behind her actions. I pause, then take a step into her home, surprised at the lack of invisible barriers.
  "Thank you so much for having me," I mumble, admiring my surroundings. The walls are completely made out of wood, as if we're in a rustic cabin, as are the floorboards.
  "Thank you so much for coming," she says, leading me towards her seating room. I can almost feel rays of happiness bouncing off her.
  I sit down on a moss green sofa, crossing my legs and placing one hand protectively over my stomach.
  "You have no idea how much this means to me," she says, almost reading my thoughts. "I'm a very curious person. And seeing as witches created vampires, it's our job to see that they are kept in mind control. I'm very interested in the baby you're carrying," she adds, motioning to my stomach. Oh. That explains her sudden interest in me and my baby.
  She advances, her hands spread.
  "May I?" She asks, and I nod.
Her hands touch my skin, lightly at first, and she smiles and closes her eyes. Coldness instantly spreads across my torso. No spell is needed- thankfully, of course- and she grins as she pulls away from my stomach.
  "Alright. You're definitely pregnant."
I breathe out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Thank god. I've been so emotionally attached to the being inside of me that I don't know what I would do if I lost it- or it was never there to begin with.
  "I'm sure you have some questions," she begins. "I've been doing some research. Of course, you're the first vampire pregnancy documented, ever, so this is all completely theoretically based."
  I nod. If theoretically based is the closest I'll get, I'll take it in a heartbeat.
  "Alright. First of all," I begin, reciting the list of questions that I conveniently memorized last night. "How will my baby age? And will they have vampire abilities their whole life?"
  She smiles at that, sitting forward in her seat.
  "I'm so glad you asked. I was confused at first too. But then, I discovered some information that might help us."
  She carefully explains that the baby will age normally until eighteen- with all abilities that a normal vampire would have. Then, they would stop aging forever.
  She adds that the baby will also be able to turn on will once they break the curse, which cannot happen until they turn fifteen.
  I listen eagerly to everything she has to say, content that everything I'm hearing is what I want to hear.
  "You should start experiencing symptoms next week. Be ready. Also..."
  She trails off, fumbling with her fingers. Her gaze drifts to the floor. My heart skips a beat.
  "There might be a chance that the baby bites you. It's not guaranteed, but it's always a possibility. You'll definitely feel it, so you'll know when it's happening. But just be prepared with a vial of Klaus's blood in case it does happen."
  I nod, letting out a shaky breath. As long as the baby is safe, I'm fine. I glance at my watch. I should be back in ten minutes.
  "One last question," I add, fumbling for words. "How is this possible? I mean, I get that he's half werewolf and everything, but I'm a vampire. This shouldn't be possible."
  With that, she draws in a breath, pursing her lips.
  "I don't really have an answer for that."
Silence follows her words, and I nod, looking down.
  "I mean, my guess is that is has something to do with his werewolf gene. But I'm not so sure about why you're able to have his baby."
  As long as it doesn't affect me or the child I'm carrying, to be honest, I don't care. For all I know, it could be some ridiculous witch spell, but for now, I'm perfectly content with having a baby, as long as it's healthy and safe.
  We say our goodbyes, and I walk home in silence, happy with the answers I received and excited about finally knowing what's to come for me and my baby.
  The only thing to factor in is Klaus.
That's a rough one. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
  I push open the door, shrug off my coat, kick off my boots. It seems no one is home yet.
  And, abruptly, Rebekah zooms in at vampire speed until her eyes are level with mine, glaring daggers.
  "Where have you been?"
a/n: hello babes here is another chapter for you! this is one of my least favourite chapters so far (I have a bunch more written that I haven't published) but my favourite I think is one of the ones coming up ;) stay tuned loves

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now