past life

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                                  your last
                       chapter twenty five
                                    past life

I've tried so hard to forget about everyone and everything waiting for me to return back in Mystic Falls.

I disappeared without a word. Once I arrived here, I had a witch cast a spell on me so I wouldn't be able to be located using magic. That didn't stop the constant flood of messages and missed calls, though. I listen to them from time to time.

A large portion of the messages are from my mom. She's worried. Scared. I've texted her and confirmed that I'm okay, but I can't help the nagging guilt at the bottom of my stomach at appears when I think of her.

Then there are the messages from Bonnie and Elena. Like my mother, Bonnie's concerned. She wants me to come back to Mystic Falls. And, predictably, Elena is absolutely angry. She suspects that I've run off to Klaus- which I have been doing. But it was taken out of context. Klaus killed Elena's aunt in a sacrifice. And while I don't expect her to forgive him any time soon, I don't expect her to immediately blame him for my disappearance.

Then there's the calls from Stefan, Tyler, and even Damon. My friends and family are in Mystic Falls, but I'm not returning until my friends here decide to accompany me.

Klaus must catch the concerned look on my face.

"Are you alright, love?"

I snap back to attention, my eyes meeting Klaus's. Worry clouds his vision as his eyebrows knit together, a fusion of concern and fear. I nod, biting my lip.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Matt catches the exchange. He seems pleased with how considerate Klaus is being. I suppose this isn't a side he shows to people often. Klaus must remember that Matt is there, though, because he sits forward in his seat.

"Alright, then, Matt."

The way Matt's name rolls off his tongue seems almost ferocious. I don't catch the sarcasm in his tone. After the lecture I gave him a few days ago about not referring to Matt as human, he's replaced the nickname with multiple different descriptions of Matt. So has Kol, though. I can't complain.

"How is Mystic Falls? I can't say I miss the dreadful place." Klaus blows out a breath. "I do admire your perseverance."

Matt rolls his eyes.

"It's fine. Everyone's worried about you, Care."

I swallow. I suspected as much, but I'm not going to back down that easily. My eyes close. I'm sorry, mom.

"So let them worry."

Matt seems surprised at that, his eyes flicking from me to Klaus and then back.

"You'll have to go back at some point, you know."

My lips press in a line.

"I know."

Truthfully, I do want to go back. I want to yell at the top of my lungs what I've been itching to tell someone, no matter their reactions. Despite my yearning, though, I know that I have commitments here that I should keep to myself until the baby is born. My mom and my friends have an endless grudge against Klaus- not that I can blame them, of course- and I'm not sure if they'd be appreciative if I revealed that he's fathering my baby. Klaus Mikaelson is fathering my baby. I will never get used to those six words in the same sentence.

Matt smiles. A sad smile, but it's something. I can feel Klaus wrap his arm around my waist.

"So," Matt breathes, breaking the tension with an impish grin. "When did... this happen?" He gestures to my protruding stomach. I'm grateful for the sudden topic change. From the corner of my eye, I catch Klaus smirking smugly.

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now