all i want

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                                your last
                           chapter five
                             all I want

  "Caroline. What brings you here?"
Elijah's stiff, unyielding voice is cold, but unpleasant, and his rigid posture tells me he doesn't want me here. Unfortunately for him, I'm not going to leave that easily, and I'm staying here until I tell Klaus about the baby.
  I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest.
I'd assume Klaus has already told his family about my presence. But, obviously, Elijah doesn't particularly appear unsurprised.
  "I'm here to see Klaus."
It's supposed to come out as confident; smug. Instead, I sound so small, desperate. Great. Not the vibes I wanted to start this day with.
  Elijah raises his eyebrows, remembering the lecture I gave him back in Mystic Falls about how I'd never date his brother.
  My cheeks burn a hot pink. But, he smirks, then answers, just as stiff as before.
  "My brother isn't here at the moment."
He steps to the side, gesturing towards the living room.
  "Would you like to come in?"
Surprised, I nod, taking a cautious step into the house. I'd assume they'd have the house in a human's name, but Elijah just invited me in- who is very clearly a vampire- and I'm alright.
  I look around in awe.
Maybe last night I was too distracted to notice my surroundings, but now, it's all I can absorb. A sleek, modern atmosphere blankets the entire house- probably courtesy of Rebekah- except for the living room, which is decorated with lazy leather couches and a rug.
  Elijah gestured for me to sit down, and I gladly do as told. In preparation for today, I drank vervain to ensure that no one can safely compel me. I heard that Katherine did it when she was living, and I'm convinced that I should start doing the same when being around the Originals.
  Elijah gives me a steel glare, his hands laced firmly on his lap.
  "How are you, Caroline?"
His question is not at all what I was expecting, but I shrug it off, fumbling for an answer.
  "I'm fine. How are you?"
His eyes narrow, but his mouth stays shut.
  "I've been better," he admits, his eyes not tearing from mine. Uncomfortably, I shift in my seat, pressing my lips in a line. Something about him makes me very at edge.
  Just on queue, the last living Original marches in, sporting a white bathrobe and slippers. Kol Mikaelson- last seen dead, on the kitchen floor. Shocked, I raise my eyebrows.
  Kol's vision meets mine.
  "I know. Shocking."
He almost read my mind. Still, that doesn't explain is sudden resurrection.
  "We found a witch," Elijah says simply, and doesn't address any more on the subject.
  Kol cocks his head, stirring a mug of something steaming in his hands.
  "And what are you doing here, darling?"
I shrug, but really wanting to go into detail. Luckily, Kol doesn't push for an answer, and sits down on the couch next to Elijah.
  Lastly, Rebekah walks in, her high heels echoing through the house. Her blonde hair is pulled above her head in a bun, and her torso is covered with a mustard yellow floral romper.
  We've already seen each other. No need for introductions.
  Her nose wrinkles when she sees me, but reluctantly seats herself next to me, her lips pursed. She opens her mouth to say something, but before she can speak, the very last member of the Original family waltzes through the front door.
  My heart skips a beat. Klaus.
A black v-neck shirt hugs his muscles, paired with loose jeans, and he looks very at ease. His eyes roam around the room, soaking in his siblings' faces, but he freezes when his eyes meet mine.
  I blink. I can't look at him for too long.
He cocks his head, advancing towards me.
  "Hello, love. Couldn't wait to see me, could you?"
  I roll my eyes, forcing a nonchalant look.
  "Charming. I'm flattered."
He smirks at that, his head tilting up so that he can speak to his siblings.
  "Me and Caroline will return by the end of the day."
  I furrow my eyebrows but comply, knowing better than to argue. Instinctively, I follow him out the door.
  Klaus insisted on stopping at a quaint Korean restaurant a few blocks down from his home. The walk here was wordless, but he sent me the occasional cocky smirk.
  Once we're seated and have already ordered, he finally starts talking, a smug look plastered onto his skin.
  "Let's start with the easy, love."
Shoot. We're asking questions? This can't go well.
  "Why are you here?"
I wouldn't call that easy. He asked me that before, last night. I averted it with difficulty, but something tells me he's not going to let this go.
  I bite my lip, leaning back in my seat.
  "I told you. I'll tell you later."
His eyes narrow.
  "I want to know now."
I roll my eyes again, unable to stop myself at his childishness.
  "Mature, Klaus."
  "I wish you would just tell me."
  "Well, I wish a lot of things."
He glares at me, his smug smile disappearing. Thankfully, he sees how much I don't want to answer the question, and moves on.
  "How long are you staying?"
To that, I genuinely don't have an answer.
  "I'm not quite sure."
Again, he huffs, frowning slightly.
  "All right. Where are you staying?"
I give him the name of my hotel hesitantly, guilty for not being able to answer his previous questions.
  Again, he frowns.
  "Well, that won't do. You'll move in with us for the rest of your stay."
  I open my mouth to protest, but he interrupts me quickly.
  "Just for your stay."
  Then I realize that it will be more convenient this way. Living with him. I'll be able to break the news better. Faster.
  So reluctantly, I agree, and we make plans for me to move in this afternoon. I'm going to move in with the Mikaelsons.
  If someone told me this would be happening a month ago, I would've laughed in their face. Actually- now that I think of it- I might anyway.
  I let out a chuckle under my breath.
For some reason, the idea of me, and the Mikaelsons- a big, happy family, makes me hysterical. I bite my tongue before anything else happens.
  Klaus raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.
  "Have you told your friends from Mystic Falls that you're here?"
  The way he emphasizes Mystic Falls send shivers down my spine. My gaze travels to the floor.
  "No. I haven't." Then, I quickly add, "and I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell them either."
  He smirks at that, content, and leans back in his seat.
  "Of course, love."
We spend the rest of our time at the restaurant talking; mostly with him asking me questions, and me professionally diverting the conversation away.
  We talk until we realize what time it is, and, wordlessly, he walks me to my apartment to get my bags and move them to his manor.
  "You don't need to do this, you know."
My words break the sudden silence, expect for the low booming of music and cars speeding by. He raises his eyes to mine.
  "It's no problem," he whispers.
We take a taxi to his mansion- an unusual form of transportation for a thousand year old Original vampire, but okay- and he helps me cart my bags into his home.
  Rebekah side-eyes me.
  "Alright. What the hell is happening?"
She asks, setting her book down on her lap. She stands, crossing her arms over her chest.
  Klaus smirks, slinging an arm around my waist.
  "We've decided that Caroline is going to stay with us for the rest of her visit."
  Rebekah narrows her eyes.
  "Why can't she just stay in her hotel like last night?"
  Klaus smirks at that, turning to face me.
  "Because she was staying at that grubby hotel in the centre of town." He proceeds to tell Rebekah the name of my hotel.
  That hotel was the most gorgeous place I've ever stayed- maybe when you're a one thousand year old vampire, your standards are heightened.
  Rebekah looks conflicted.
  "All right. But just because nobody should have to stay in that hotel." She shudders, then picks up her book with two fingers and struts out of the room.
  We spend the rest of the day organizing my room, exchanging laughs and talk, leaving me with a nagging pit at the bottom of my stomach.
  He deserves to know.
And, as I fall asleep, feeling his presence a ew doors down from my room, the only thing I can think is.
  I can't keep this to myself for long.
a/n: alrighty I think I know where I'm going w this story

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