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                                 your last
                       chapter thirty two

Within the past week, I've certainly discovered many things, ranging from friendship to love. I've broken off relationships with people that have been with me since day one, but I let go with no regrets. Still, as I let people go, I also invite new people into my trust. Namely, the Mikaelsons. And not only Klaus at that.

Sure, I haven't had entire closure with all of my friends. Mostly Elena. But recently, I went to visit people that I know will support me and love me no matter what.

Slowly, and quietly, I allow myself to drift into thought, reminiscent on when I had shown up at Bonnie Bennett's doorstep at midnight. She had not been happy.

My hand lingered on the door from where I had previously knocked. Memories of my argument with Elena floated through my head. Of the eye-opening doctor's appointment from earlier that day. We were to return to New Orleans the next day, and I was certainly not about to leave without saying a proper goodbye to my best friend. If that was what she still was.

The door swung open. Quickly, at first, but when Bonnie's brown eyes matched mine, she almost closed the door once more. But, reconsidering, she smiled, and I felt warmth seep through my chest.

"Hi," I whispered, quietly, innocently. I hasn't seen her since the blow-up with Elena, and I was almost positive she didn't quite hold me in high regards. "Listen, I'm sorry about the other day. It's just... we're leaving tomorrow, and I wanted to say goodbye before-"

Her response was almost immediate as she interrupted me, sighing.

"You don't need to apologize, Care."

Silence was the only thing between us as she stepped aside, a smile stretching across her cheeks.

"Do you want to come in?"

I beamed, my hands fluttering to my chest.
Wordlessly, I stepped into her house, taking in the warm appeal of it all. We each took a seat in her living room. But there was something about the way we went about- formally, stiffly- that made me question if we would ever return to the stage in friendship that we once had.

She swallowed and began to speak:

"I'll admit I wasn't overjoyed when you announced that you're with Klaus."

This time, I didn't argue. My gaze travelled to my feet, where it lingered before snapping back up to meet hers.

"But I can tell he makes you happy, Care. And I'm trying hard to forget what he's done, because I don't want to lose you as a friend."

I sniffed, feeling silent tears roll down my cheeks. Damn pregnancy hormones.

"I don't want to lose you as a friend either," I whispered lamely, because I didn't know what else to say.

She rubbed my arm. I was overjoyed that at least one relationship from my human life could remain intact.

For hours, we rattled on able everything and anything, ranging from the baby to her current well-being, much to my content. And when it finally came time for me to return home, she pulled me into her embrace, and I disappeared into the dark, unable to keep the smile off my face.

That seems like an eternity ago, but the memory is still fresh in my mind. Bonnie has always been there for me, as well as I, her, and keeping Bonnie as a friend will always be important to me.

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now