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                                 your last
                            chapter four

a/n: a filler chapter, if you get bored you can skip it
  It's been five minutes since finally reuniting with Klaus. Five extremely difficult to endure minutes, as I awkwardly attempted to ward the conversation away from why I was there.
  That's a conversation for another day.
Then, after a few moments of silence, I decided I needed to leave, and soon after, I called a cab, hauling my luggage into the trunk.
  I willingly left.
So I shouldn't be relentlessly remembering the events that just occurred. His thumb skimming my cheekbones, his bright turquoise eyes shining with relief as he saw my face for the first time. As much as I hate to admit it, I missed him.
  Still, I can't let whatever I'm feeling get in the way of the task at hand. I need to tell Klaus that I'm carrying his baby. Those have been the words circulating through my mind for the past two days, repeating over and over; a chant, a mantra.
  No, I don't think he wants a child in his life. But does he deserve to know about the child that's already in my life? Yes. Yes, he does.
  It's just as much his child as it is mine.
Klaus's lips, curving into his signature smirk smoothly. How he kept his jaw locked the entire time, attempting not to fling himself into my willing arms. His hair, falling in soft ringlets onto his forehead...
  Stop, Caroline. You don't have feelings for Klaus. Your number one priority right now is your child.
  Instinctively, my hand flutters to my flat stomach, rubbing where I assume the baby is. A baby. There's a living being inside of me.
  I have yet to tell my friends. What will they think of me? My entire future is affected by this  beautiful being.
  I can only hope that Klaus feels the same.
I blink. My vision drifts to outside the window.
  The sun is setting, casting a cool magenta tone across the city. I can feel the vibrations of loud music in my skin, pumping through my bloodstream, thumping at the bottom of my stomach. New Orleans has never-ending music, not that I'm complaining. It's a change of pace compared to the dull silence of Mystic Falls. Here, there's always life- ironic, really, given my current undead state.
  In front of me, a new taxi driver sits wordlessly in the shiny leather seats. The blinding lights of headlights cast an eerie glow across the car, and I shiver unwillingly.
  I wonder how Klaus is feeling through all this.
I haven't taken the time to consider his side of all this- is he happy to see me? He hadn't really showed much emotion the last time we saw each other. Still, I detected no sign of unhappiness at my arrival- which is a good sign. I can only hope that he's ready for the news that I'm about to spring on him.
  While I'm here, I should probably see a witch.
According to Klaus, there are many at his disposal, and I would like to get further in depth about how all... this is possible.
  Yes, Klaus is a hybrid. And werewolves can have babies. If I was human, or a werewolf, this would make sense. But I'm a vampire.
  My body should be never-changing.
That makes pregnancy very impossible. But, obviously, I'm very pregnant, and I want exact answers on how this is possible.
  The taxi comes to a sudden stop outside the hotel. Over the course of ten minutes, I manage to get my bags out of the car, check into the hotel, and trudge tiredly upstairs.
  I'm almost too tired to absorb my surroundings. Almost. Rustic, antique vibes are emitted from the walls, from the floral bedspreads, even from the chandelier swinging softly in the breeze. My jaw drops, only to be quickly shut closed.
  I shiver, then proceed to make my way to the other side of the room, swiftly shutting the windows. I wonder if Klaus knows this place. 
  Well, of course he does. He's the king of New Orleans.
  I can't stop thinking about you.
And, before I know it, my mind is off, thinking about Klaus's delicate touch, his distinguished accent, even his cocky, crooked grin. I miss him already.
  So there's some part of me that has feelings for him. We've established that. He knows that.
  I confessed that to him a month ago when he promised I would never see him again.
  That didn't work out great on my end.
I can only hope that he doesn't bring up that night; which will be fairly hard to do once I spring the news on him.
  What will be his reaction? He'll hate me forever. Klaus doesn't want to be a father.
  To be quite frank with myself, whether or not Klaus wants this baby, I'm going to give birth to it and raise it with or without him. And, biologically, he will always have a child roaming the world, wondering what it would be like if life had taken a different turn.
  Still, I want him to want this baby. I need him to want it. While I'm prepared to raise the child myself, I would much sooner rather he split the work.
  Klaus Mikaelson, domesticated. That's a funny thought.
  And, suddenly, my mind takes a swerve for the worst, reaching into the depths of my worries, poking and prodding in my fears.
  I can hope all I want. Klaus will not want this baby. I'm foolish to think that he will. At best, he'll leave us alone and never come back.
  At worst? At worst, he'll kill us himself.
And that's not something I'd particularly enjoy thinking about right now. Or ever.
  My hand drops to my abdomen as I crawl under the sheets of my bed, still fully clothed.
  There is a baby in there. A living being.
And what if I do have the baby? Then what?
We don't know what will come with being three quarters vampire and one quarter werewolf. Will they be able to turn on command? Will they drink blood, or have fangs? With Klaus, he got the best of both worlds. However, this child could grow up needing blood and not having the fangs to be able to feed.
  And yet another issue- aging. Will they be stuck as a baby forever? Or even, will they age as typical humans do? Dying at eighty or so, giving us an eternity to mourn?
  That's not something I'd wish for. Perhaps I should be taking this opportunity at parenthood better.
  Me and Klaus, holding hands with a child, running giddily through the New Orleans streets. I smile at the thought.
  I can't stop thinking about you.
a/n: alrighty then this was a filler so sorry if you read it & got bored

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