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your last
chapter twenty two

I awake wrapped in warm, strong arms.

Not an abnormal sentiment, based on my long history of dating, but this time feels different. Safe. Protected. I relax into the embrace, closing my eyes once more.

Klaus blinks, his hand smoothing my hair.

"Good morning, love."

The night prior, we had returned to the hotel room early. Not for scandalous reasons- instead, to talk. Get to know each other. Caught up in his embrace, though, I fell asleep before we had a chance to even begin to converse.

"Good morning," I croak, my eyes fluttering open. He smiles, his hands pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. His lips brush my nose; my neck, and he works his way down to my stomach, leaving a sweet kiss where our baby should be and whispering sweet nothings. The romantic side of Klaus is utterly astonishing to witness.

I pull back, my eyebrows furrowing, and pull the blankets off my body. Something seems... off. There, in the sunshine, are two ghostly pale legs, accompanied by feet of the same shade. But what surprises me is my stomach.

It's usually flat. People don't usually notice I'm pregnant; including my friends. I don't intend to tell them until later. But now, unless I don't see them for seven more months, they'll know immediately.

Where the baby rests is a small bump. Easily concealed with a baggy sweater, but prominent in the sunlight. Suddenly, everything is real.

A gasp escapes my lips, and I immediately look to Klaus, a smile stretching across my cheeks. He seems more frightened than excited, his eyes wide and afraid, but after a good minute, his lips stretch into a splitting smile.

He pulls me into his arms. We stay like that for a very long time.
"Hey, Bekah."

It's strange to finally speak with Rebekah after only five days of being apart. Since I left without so much as a goodbye, I've missed her during the time that I've been away, and it's a relief to finally hear her voice again. Never did I think I'd feel this way about her.

"Caro! How are you?"

Rebekah's cheery, excited voice rings through the phone, her happy tone catching. She seems absolutely happy.

"I'm... good."

Before I can ask how she's doing, trying to turn the conversation on her, she speaks, her voice hushed.

"How's Nik treating you?"

I feel the blush rise in my cheeks as I bite my lip, hesitating.

"Amazing. Really, really great."

I can't deny the amount of happiness this trip has brought me so far. He's been nothing but sweet. But then, I remember my manners.

"How are things back home?"

Home. When did I start calling the Mikaelson mansion home? Rebekah starts to answer, but a faint male voice cuts her off.

"Who are you talking to?"

I furrow my eyebrows. That definitely not Kol, much less Elijah. Oddly enough, the voice seems strongly familiar.

"Caroline," Rebekah answers truthfully. Okay, so if she's going to name me by my first name, I must know this person well.

"Caroline? Why are you talking to her? When did you become friends? Where is she? Can I talk to her?"

A million questions. This person seems genuinely concerned for me. They must be from back at Mystic Falls.

Then it clicks.

Matt Donavan. She's with Matt. The rough, sweet tone is unmistakable. But what is he doing in New Orleans?

His voice becomes louder, and I can't help the splitting smile that stretches across my cheeks.

"Care! Where are you?"

I make the mental decision to not tell him I'm with Klaus until it comes up, or I return home to find him and tell him.

"Matt! I'm in Hong Kong."

Dead silence on the other end.

"What are you doing in Hong Kong?"

I blow out a breath. I can at least let him in on half of the truth, can't I?

"Business. I'll be back by next week, though. What are you doing in New Orleans, with Rebekah?"

A feminine giggle on the other end belonging to Rebekah makes me understand completely, though. Oh. Oh. The summer they spent in Europe together must have paid off.

"She invited me," he says simply. Okay. So we're both going to lie to each other. Or maybe they've got something unofficial going on.

"Okay..." I start, a little confused. "How is it back in Mystic Falls?"

Usually I would refer to Mystic Falls as home. But over the past month, I've found my priorities changing.

"They were good when I left. I'll be back by next month, though."

Next month. So I'll get to see him before he goes.

Behind me, the door opens. Klaus appears, his curly hair wild, and he advances towards me, smirking, and wraps his arms around my waist. I hold up a finger, signalling one minute.

"I've got to go, Matt. Love you."

"Love you too, Care. Goodbye."

I turn back to Klaus, a lazy expression painted on my skin, giving him a pointed look.

"So the human is in New Orleans," he begins, his words leaving shivers on my skin. I glare daggers at him, but still unable to suppress my smile.

"First of all, his name is Matt. Second of all, yes. Don't listen to my phone conversations."

He doesn't answer to that, resting his chin lazily on my shoulder.

"And I assume he's there because of my darling sister?" He doesn't seem at all angry about the situation. Just fairly unamused.

"Yes," I mumble.

With a smirk, he whips me around to face him, and I giggle, biting my lip.

"Splendid. We'll return tomorrow."

I raise my eyebrows, absolutely confused.

"Don't you have... business in Eastern Europe or something?"

He just casts me a look, his eyebrows raised.
Oh. There was no business. He just wanted to get away from New Orleans with me. Smooth, but I can't truthfully say I'm complaining.

"Oh." I beam excitedly. "So we're going back tomorrow?"

"If you'd like, love," he says sheepishly, pulling my body closer to his. I struggle to speak, my voice lost in my throat.

"I'd like to," I manage to choke.
a/n: shitty ending. and what about it? I will try to make the next chapter better & longer just you wait

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now