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your last
chapter thirty four

I suppose, in a way, this year has been the most eventful of my life.

I've never really considered it. With all the supernatural stuff in Mystic falls, I assumed those years had been the most hectic and full of drama. And they were. Until I slept with the most powerful hybrid on earth and, eventually, found out I was pregnant. After the initial shock, I've gotten used to the fact that I'm pregnant. It's been peaceful, in an odd way.

This year had started just like the last. Filled with blood, lust, and vampires, but normal, for me and my friends. Now, half of the friendships I had so carefully built for my entire life are now either severed or tense.

The new year symbolises letting go of those relationships and embracing the new ones.
Letting go of my past, and accepting my future. I only have four months left where I'm not a mother- and though I'm not at all dreading parenthood, I only get so long without three babies in my arms. Therefore, I will try to make these next four months the best of my life.

That being said, there's some emotional attachment that comes with the last day of this year.
While I act nonchalantly about letting go of my past, I'm terrified of letting go of control and not knowing at all what's coming. I've always lived in Mystic Falls. I've always had Bonnie and Elena as best friends. Never did I ever imagine I'd be living in New Orleans, having the Mikaelsons as my closest friends. Truthfully, not knowing anything about the future is scary.

This is my last day as being the Caroline I've always been. And while I let go of my past self with no regrets, I am sure as hell not going to let this day go to waste.

Later, of course. After I finish my coffee.

To my left, Kol sips a fairly large mug of coffee, grunting on occasion when addressed directly. His coffee machine has been used frequently during the six days he's had it.

Tomorrow is the day that Elijah and Rebekah each leave for the trips I bought them- Rebekah to Mystic Falls, and Elijah to his cruise. But they may as well be gone, seeing as they're holed up in their rooms packing anyway.

I raided Klaus's alcohol stash in the basement, searching eagerly for champagne for tonight. I intend on sticking with my usual traditions, despite the lack of enthusiasm. After a while, I began to wonder if the Mikaelsons celebrated anything. To that, Kol replied with a simple laugh and snarky "no." There's a first for everything.

Savouring the last sip of coffee in my mug, I groan lightly and slam the cup onto the counter. God, what am I doing?

I'm done being lazy. Time to start being productive.

"Kol, get up. We're taking down the Christmas decorations."

He replies with a grunt, his nose still in his coffee mug.

"Kol!" I shout, more insistent this time. He splutters into his coffee but says nothing of it, groaning as I drag him to his feet.

For the next two hours, we yank the decorations off the house, despite his constant protests and complaints. On occasion, I catch Klaus's amused glances from the window of his bedroom, watching as I scold Kol for attempting to compel a passerby.

Once the house is bare, we trudge inside, frosty and cold and tired of each other. Luckily, Klaus chooses this time to wrap his arms around me, warming me instantly. Neither of us notice that Kol sneaks away, groaning and muttering something about how public affection from his siblings should be illegal.

"What are you planning now, love?"

His murmurs send shivers down my spine, and I lean into his embrace.

"Nothing big," I mutter innocently.

And, for the first time in maybe ever, I genuinely mean those words. All I want for New Year's is a quiet evening with the Mikaelsons. Maybe it's a lot to ask.

But, as the day progresses, that's exactly what we end up doing. Until eleven thirty at night.

It turns out that playing cards with the Original vampire family is much more of an ordeal than I'd think it to be. Rebekah and Kol are each extremely competitive people, but I didn't think that would affect a simple game of cards. Unfortunately for me, soon, there's a full-blown insult match that I try very hard to ignore. After a while, Klaus gets tired and ends up putting a stop to any arguments, which results in absolute awkward silence.

Luckily for them, though, I'm not going to let Rebekah and Kol ruin my perfect New Year's eve.

And so, ten minutes to midnight, instead of putting up with the tension between Rebekah and Kol, I put up with Klaus yanking me away from the table. Which never happens. Habitually, when he tries to get me away from his family, I complain.

A laugh bursts from my lips as he tugs me through the garden, slowing his pace when Rebekah's grumbles are out of hearing distance.

God. His family is amazing at times, but every other time, they're practically unbearable.

We spend the last ten minutes of the year in a blissful silence; my head on his shoulder, his arm around my waist. The air is thin and cold, and our shallow breaths create clouds of fog, but we warm each other, each lost in a state of absolute content.

I don't think I notice when the clock strikes twelve. I don't notice when it strikes one, or two, or even three. All I know, at that very moment, is Klaus's jubilant smile and the occasional blush that creeps on his cheeks.

We stay awake until the sun peaks at the horizon, each wordlessly wishing the other a happy new year.

And a happy new year it is.
ok so many many things:
- first of all I know this chapter is horrible and cheeseball. I rewrote it a total of thirteen times which is a record for me and it took SO LONG I'm not okay
- also uh when does it become unacceptable to wish people a happy new year? because this chapter is incredibly late
- yeah that's really it I just strongly dislike this chapter. probably the worst chapter I've ever written which is kind of an achievement because I write a lot of chapters

question: do you guys want people like davina, marvel, etc. in this story? If some people like them I can add them but I don't know I guess I just never really considered it. except I'm not writing about cami unless you want klaus to trash talk her. that's my one solid no. anyway back to the point I just get a lot of requests for marcel. might add him for like one chapter and then get bored

yeah I promise next time it will be longer and just better. despite this crappy chapter, happy belated new year and I hope 2019 treats you well🖤

your last | klarolineWhere stories live. Discover now