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*The picture above is Ryan.*



"Come on, let's go. Everyone's been waiting for you."Ryan said to me. I took a deep breath and took a look at the house again. Yeah, he's saying like everyone will be so happy to see me. "Okay," I agreed and took my first step towards the house.

"What if they don't like me?" I whispered to Ryan, as he was the one on whom I had a bit faith.

He chuckled and then smiled at me, "Everyone is going to like you, Kiera. Especially Camilla. She's been dying to have a sister in this house." He smiled at me to convince me.

"Okay" after that speech of Ryan's, I think I should get pass over this.

"After you, ma'am," Ryan bowed.

"You're so weird" I noted out loud.

"You'll learn to love that," he chuckled again.

I rolled my eyes at him avoiding his flirting and he just laughed at me. I think I've made a friend. Ryan seemed harmless.

I took a deep breath again and opened the front door but before I could barely put my foot inside I was embraced. My body tensed up by the sudden action but then I realized the person wasn't trying to hurt me but was actually hugging me. I'm not much of a hugger or toucher for a matter of fact.

"Whoa, at least let her in, Cam" Ryan said behind me and I could hear the chuckle in his voice.

The over excited girl pulled away but kept me in her arms. I could see that she has blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm Camilla," she said, beaming at me.

"Kiera," I replied back, smiling lightly so she didn't think I was being rude to her. She was too friendly, too much friendly if you'd ask me.

I looked around in the room. It was too big. I noticed a boy standing near the kitchen table, smiling at me. He was about my height, black hair and black eyes. I smiled at him and looked over to the living room noticing a pair of eyes was already on me. The boy nearly took my breath away. He had dark brown, almost black messy hair. I couldn't clearly see his eyes color. But I could see he had light beard shreds on his cheeks. He was wearing a black button down shirt that basically screamed trouble. When he saw me that I caught him glaring at me he looked away with a dirty look on his face. Okay, I already knew his type so I should stay away as far as I can from him. I tore my eyes away from him and noticed the black haired boy standing in front of me.

"Hey, I'm Jason," he smiled at me. He looked a bit familiar to Camilla from his face. "Camilla's brother," I think he read my mind that's why he said that. He quickly embraced me in a hug. People in this house are surely a hugger. I pulled away from him and forced a tight smile.

"And the jackass in the living room is Hunter," Ryan told me. "But he's a hardass," he explained.

Rose looked at me and smiled. She then looked towards Hunter who was sitting on the couch, his head lying at the back.

"Introduce yourself, Hunter," Rose said to him.

"I think Maxwell did that for me," he replied, not looking at us. His voice was smooth and hard, even emotionless.

"I think we talked about this," Rose said through her teeth but kept her smile.

I heard Hunter sighing as he finally got up from the couch and headed towards me. He came close to me, not much but enough. Now I could clearly see his eyes. They were ice blue and not to mention he was tall about 6 feet because he towered me and as I said, I'm 5'5.

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