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"Okay, here's your plane ticket. It's a one way non-stop flight." Leah, my social worker said, handing me the ticket.

"Wait, I'm travelling alone? Is that even legal?" I asked confused.

She chuckled, "You're 17, Kiera, in a few months you'll be 18. It's not illegal for you to travel all by yourself." She explained to me.

"Where am I going exactly?" I asked her, staring at those tickets constantly. I've been in and out of foster homes for over 10 years and I've never traveled alone. Especially on a plane!

"Manhattan." She told me with a light smile.

"MANHATTAN?!" I yelled, shocked. That's almost halfway of the country!

"Why are you guys shifting me off to Manhattan?" I yelled again, still staring at Leah for an explanation. "There are plenty of foster homes here in Colorado!" I continued.

"You'll be going to a great home, Kiera." She looked at me sadly.

What am I? A homeless dog? I don't wanna go to a 'great home'. I just want to go to a house where I don't get punished because I break a rule set by the foster parents.

"Yeah, last time you said that and I ended up in the Rockwell's house." I laughed sarcastically. At the Rockwell's I got punished for breaking every fucking rule. I still have bruises they gave me in my hands.

I looked at Leah and her sad expression instantly made me regret what I had said. "Look, Kiera, I'm sorry. I don't have very much to say as to where you are placed, however, all things considered, the house you are going is for the kids of your age. The woman you're going to live with has never been in jail, nor the other kids have been reported with cuts or bruises. Plus you'll like it there. You'll have a lot of company." She said trying to convince me that this family will be different from the rest.

"What's her name?" I asked in defeat. I should at least know something about this lady with whom I'm going to live with.

A big smile spread on her face, "Rose Grey. Here take this" she handed me a file, "This contains the information you should know about the people living there."

I stared at the big black file. Let's do some study.

"Gate A15 to Manhattan will be open for boarding in 10 minutes" a voice said over the intercom.

"That's you. A social worker was supposed to pick you up from the airport but Rose said that she'll pick you herself. There's a picture of her inside the file." Leah told me and I nodded.

I walked away from her and stood in the line for Manhattan flight.

Finally I was pleased to find that my seat was a window seat and turns out it'll take four to five hours for the flight to reach Manhattan from Colorado. I looked at the person sitting next to me. He was really huge in size. I know I shouldn't say this but he was really fat, man. I don't know about 300 pounds? That man caught me staring at him and just smiled at me. I nervously returned the smile and quickly snapped my head towards my lap and noticed the file that Leah gave me. I had a lot of time to kill so I opened the file.

NAME: Rosalind Grey

SEX: Female

AGE: 37 years old

LOCATION: Manhattan



Hunter Reid: 18 years old

Ryan Maxwell: 17 years old

Jason Deacon: 17 years old

Camilla Deacon: 16 years old

Okay, so I have two guys of my age, a girl younger than me and one more guy older than me. Well, for the first time I have kids of my age. Usually there are kids about six to eight years old and I have to look after them. Mrs. Grey picture showed she was a thin woman, with blonde hair and some wrinkles on her face, forest green eyes and a bright smile that reminded me of my mother. Well this family is going to be interesting.

A sudden wave of drowsiness washed over me. I closed the folder and decided it was probably time for me to sleep before I touch down in Manhattan.

Because when I wake up it'll be time to start all over again.   


I have really high  hopes for this story!

Hope you guys will like it!

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Next part will be uploaded soon!!

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