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When I opened my eyes, I saw the sun was about to set. Shit! How can I sleep? And why didn't anyone woke me up? I ran towards the bathroom, splashed cold water on my face. I stood in front of the mirror, stared at myself for a minute as my eyes fell on the clock. It was 5:10. What? I slept for 5 hours?! How can I waste my time in sleeping? But I don't have much to do either.

When I was down, I saw Ryan standing at kitchen counter in a black tux. When his eyes met mine, he smirked and walked to me. Okay, don't take it the wrong way, but he was looking really hot. I noticed he had removed his lip ring.

"Try not to drool," he laughed.

"No way," I smacked his shoulder, trying to hide my embarrassment. He kept laughing.

"I heard you're not going," he said. "Not interested at all," my mood refreshed just by seeing him. His smile always made me smile too.

"Why?" he asked. "I just... I just don't like parties," I replied. "Yeah, I can see that," he said, his voice low.

"Ryan, we're ready," I heard an over excited Camilla coming out of her room. Jason was behind her. Camilla was in a short white dress while Jason was in a tux same as Ryan. "Fine, we're leaving then," it seemed Ryan wasn't very interested in going.

"Okay, kids. Have fun," Rose said, coming out the kitchen. "Yes, mom," Camilla said and then they were gone. Ryan closed the door, smiling at me. I blushed. I know! It's weird!

"Rose, do you need any help?" I asked when Ryan left.

"No, sweetie. Thank you," she smiled at me. "Okay," I started walking up to my room. I was thinking about Ryan. It's weird for me because I've never felt like this around anyone. Whenever I'm around him, I feel... safe. And I barely feel safe around anyone. He's the only one who can make me smile without actually saying something funny. I think I'm—suddenly I felt someone's hand around my wrist and I was dragged in that direction. I was about to scream when a hand covered my mouth. I felt something hard behind me. I felt hot breaths on my eyes. My eyes were closed and I bit that hand which covered my mouth hard that I tasted blood.

"Biting me isn't going to get you out of my grip," I heard a very familiar voice. Hunter Reid. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Hunter's deep blue eyes watching me. His other hand was flattened against the door and I guess I was in his room because I couldn't see anything else except him because his body is really big. "Don't scream or I swear I'll hit you really hard," slowly he removed his hand from my mouth and flatten it too beside me. I was completely caged in. It was like I was pressed between two walls.

"If you wanted to talk, you could've just asked," I said.

He started to giggle, and bent down a bit so he was eye-to-eye with me. What's so funny again? "Talk? I don't wanna talk. I want to warn you, Kiera," his smile faded. "About what?" my voice shivered because I was slight uncomfortable from 'Hunter: The murderer' being so close to me.

"About what you did this morning and in the basketball court," his voice was husky.

"I didn't do anything wrong," I said, confidently.

"It wasn't right either. You wanted to know what I can do to stop you, right? I'll tell you now," he said. He started to close the gap between us.

"What? You'll kill me like you killed Elena?" that... slipped out of my mouth unintentionally. Hunter backed off a little and his brows were furred. He had a confused look on his face.

"Who told you—Ryan," he answered his question himself. He looked at me and leaned in," What did he tell you? That I went to jail for 6 months for shooting Elena? And Rose requested the officers to give me a bail? That he loved Elena? That we were best friends? That I'm dangerous?" he said, smirking. There was no sign of guilt on his face. He had killed someone.

"Yes," I gulped.

"And you believe him?" he chuckled. "Y-"

"Oh sorry, of course you believe him," he didn't let me speak, "he's your new bff, right?" he concentrated on the word 'bff'.

"At least he's better than you," I seethed. "Yeah, of course. You know, this is what Elena used to say. 'Ryan is better than you Hunter.' And I hate when people compare me to someone," he jolted me back that my head bumped into the door hard.

"That's why you killed her," I gulped. What I said wasn't a question, it was a statement. Hunter didn't answer me and he didn't have to. I knew I was right.

"You see, Kiera," he shifted in his place, "I'm not bad as people think I am."

Seriously? He has killed someone and he expects people to like him?


"I'm worse than that," he cut me off. Now... he's right. I kept staring at him. I didn't know what to say. His eyes were scanning my face too.

Then suddenly, a smirk appeared on his lips. That stupid smirk. He bit his lip, god knows why. But I accept it was kinda sexy.

Okay, no! That's just the weirdest thought I've ever had.

"It's better if you steer clear from me, Kiera," he said. Then he leaned in a bit more, "Or you'll end up dead too."

I gulped because his closeness was intimidating me. I wanted to shout at him, embarrass him but it seemed like my mouth was sealed.

"Ba- back off, Hunter." Instead of replying him with attitude, I stuttered.

He giggled, "Why do I make you so uncomfortable?"

Trust me, I didn't have an answer to that. A smirk was still on his face because he knew I won't ever answer to that.

With collecting my courage together, "I said back off," I shouted and was going to push him back from his chest but his hand caught my wrist, but still my fingers brushed his shirt.

"Uh-uh," he said, "I told you, no touching."

"It's you that keeps touching me all the time," I was being bold. Go girl! And besides, it was the truth.

"I never heard you complain," he breathed huskily.

Okay, he was right. I never complained to him but I complained to myself because he was really intimidating.

"I'm complaining now," I said, shivering. I think he forgot that he's still holding my hand, almost bruising it. "Fine," he let go of my hand and backed off a little, his stupid smirk growing bigger, and "I won't touch you from now on, until... you insist me to."

"That's never gonna happen," seriously, who does he think he is? Some Greek god?

"Trust me baby, sooner or later that day will come," he whispered huskily. I felt his hot breath on my chin. I noticed he wasn't touching me but still... he was very close to me. Wise bastard!

"Can't you talk while keeping some space between us?" I mumbled.

"I can't because you don't fucking listen to me when I try to speak with you," he seethed. I watched his face's muscles clenched.

Gazing at him, I replied, "I will now." He raised his eyebrow at my reply. I guess he wasn't expecting that.

"Okay," he withdrew his hands from the door, "let's see." He completely backed away leaving enough space between us that a six foot man can lie.

My plan worked! Immediately, I turned the knob of the door, still facing him, "Fooled you," I ran out of the room and slammed shut the door. I think I heard him chuckling. I don't find anything funny in this. Whatever.

But finally, Hunter Reid can no longer intimidate me. Yes! Plan successful!


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