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My alarm started buzzing in my ears and I quickly shut it down. It was 7:00 am and... it was cloudy outside. I kinda hate rain because the day when my mom died, it was raining. Anyways, last night didn't go very well. I hate that moment when I entered Hunter's room to help him. What was I even thinking? I hate helping people then why on earth did I go to help him? Maybe because I couldn't see people in pain? Yeah, maybe...

I got up from the bed and straightly went into the bathroom. After a cold shower, I changed into a purple tank top and black jeans and I decided to keep my hair open. I noticed a blackberry in my closet. I was told that I am allowed to have a mobile, so, I picked it up and shoved it into my jeans pocket.

When I went down, Ryan, Hunter and Jason were all present at the dining table already. Okay, they all are early riser.

"Mornin'" Ryan smiled at me. Jason turned and too smiled, "Mornin', sis."

"Hey, good morning." I politely greeted and walked towards the table. Hunter didn't even bother to look at me. And why do I even care? I'm not even going to talk to him after what he did to me last night. Rose and Camilla also joined us at the table with a plate of toasts and a jar of orange juice. We all settled down and guess what? I was seated next to the one and only Hunter Reid. Ryan was in front of me and he kept playing with his eyebrows that made me smile. He's a nice guy. I'm always happy when I'm around him. He is—

"Okay, I have an announcement to make," Rose caught our attention. Everyone was looking at her with big eyes except Hunter. It seemed like he wasn't interested in the conversation. "Today is you Aunt May's birthday and... we're going at her party tonight." Ryan, Camilla and Jason jumped with happiness. Ryan winked at me and I blushed. Seriously, I've never been like this with any guy. "You're coming, right Kiera?" Rose asked and Ryan was gawking at me for my answer. "Sure," to be honest, I'm not really a party animal because I've been in parties like 3 times only. I couldn't just say no to Rose because she asked me so sweetly.

"And, you're not coming, Hunter." Rose's expression turned dark as she saw Hunter, not-so-interested in the conversation. "Yeah, 'cause you're grounded." Ryan commented, laughing.

"I'm not interested in going either," Hunter said coldly, still not even looking at us.

"Keep that attitude of yours with yourself. You're grounded because of your own mess," Ryan said.

"One more word out of your fucking mouth and the next thing you'll see blood oozing out of your head," finally Hunter looked at Ryan with a death glare.

"HUNTER!" Rose shouted. I jerked when she raised her voice. "Where are your manners?"

"Sorry, don't have any."

Rose closed her eyes, trying to control her anger. "You cannot talk to your brother like that. Apologize, now," Rose ordered.

"He's not my brother," Hunter clenched. "We all live under the same roof that doesn't mean we're siblings. We're not blood-related anyway."

Okay, things are going to be really messy now.

"You're crossing your line, Hunter!" Rose got up from the table, slamming her right hand on it. Ryan too got up.

"Then don't draw one," Hunter too jumped from his chair.

Jason took Camilla inside. I guess he knew what was going to happen. I too got up but didn't move.

"I'm fed up from you!" Rose shouted.

"Great! You're fed up from me, I don't like living here either, and then why don't you just set me free. I'm 18 already." Hunter said.

Yeah, most of the forest parents set the kids free when they turn 18.

"Go to your room, now!" I think Rose didn't wanted to answer his question.

"Why? I-"

"Didn't you hear what she said?" Ryan cut-off Hunter in between.

"You stay out of this, Ryan," Hunter was really angry now.

"I won't." Ryan came face to face with Hunter. Hunter still towered Ryan. "You cannot talk to my mother like that."

"If you wanna stay in one piece, back-off," Hunter warned.

"I'm way stronger than you, Hunter." Ryan said.

Hunter giggled, "I doubt that."

"Want me to show you?" Ryan grabbed Hunter by his sando and gave him a death glare. Hunter looked down at Ryan's hands, "Keep your hands off me," Hunter pushed Ryan back and he stumbled back. Ryan punched Hunter in the face and... I knew Hunter was out of control now. I glanced towards Rose but she was standing there, tears in her eyes. I knew she couldn't do anything. I turned towards the boys and Hunter was about to punch Ryan but I quickly ran, pulled Ryan back and stood in between them. "Hunter!" I shouted. His fist was just an inch away from me. I swear if he wouldn't have stooped, that punch would've broken my face. "Are you mad?!" Hunter backed off. "Do you wanna die, Kiera?" he yelled.

"Stay away from Ryan." Keeping my fear aside, I stood up for Ryan.

"Oh, you're really standing up for him," his sentence was filled with disdain.

"He didn't say anything wrong," I said. Hunter kept staring at me, his eyes filled with anger and... hurt. Why would he be hurt? Without saying anything and without letting me say anything, he walked towards the stairs and disappeared. I don't from where I had the courage to stand up against Hunter.

"There was no need of doing that," Ryan said softly behind me. I turned towards him. "I didn't want anyone to get hurt," I replied.

"Thanks." He had a really sweet smile on his face. I couldn't help smiling too.

"I'll take mom to her room," he said and walked towards Rose. "Do you want help?" I wanted to help. "No, thanks. I can manage," with his last words he took Rose inside her room.

I washed the dishes and went to my room. I have to plan on what to wear at the party tonight, since I agreed. When I was on my floor, I looked towards Hunter's room. The door was closed. I wanted to talk to him about what happened. I found myself standing in front of his room's door. Wait. I'm not gonna talk to him after what he did to me last night. And I didn't do anything wrong this morning. He shouldn't have talked to Rose like that. Ryan was right. Suddenly, the door opened and Hunter was standing in front of me. He looked at me and clenched his jaw and slammed the door on my face. What the hell is wrong with me?! Why was I even standing here? Now he'll thing that I was desperate to talk to him. That I cannot stay away from him. I walked towards my room and jumped on the bed. Okay, nothing is going okay. And why Hunter and Ryan always keep fighting? I know Hunter seems like the bad guy but I think Ryan and Hunter don't have a really good bonding.

The knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. I hurriedly went to the door. I swung open the door to see Ryan.

"Hey," he said.

I was relieved to see him, "Hey," I smiled. I cannot stop smiling whenever I see him. That's really weird, right?

"Are you free?" he asked. I wasn't expecting that.

"I don't have much to do in this house," I replied. "Yeah," we both laughed.

"I was thinking maybe you wanna come to see my basketball match," he said while scratching the back of his head. "Uh... I don't know," I wasn't sure because it will be really awkward to sit among strangers since I don't know anyone here. "Jason and Cam are also coming," he said briskly. "Okay," I agreed. "Great," his smile was back, "Meet me downstairs in five, okay?"

"Sure," I replied. He smiled and ran down quickly.


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