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When I was down, Camilla and Jason were already present there. "Hey, sis," Camilla gave me a tight hug. "Hey," I gave her a tight smile. "Ready to leave," Ryan entered from the stairs in his grey basketball jersey. "Yep," Jason replied, all excited. "Good luck, Ryan," Rose said, coming out from the kitchen. "Thanks, mom," Ryan hugged Rose and we all went outside. We settled in the mustang and with a smile Rose closed the door and Ryan started driving.

"I suppose you've never seen a basketball match before, right Kiera?" Ryan asked, looking from the rear mirror. "Yeah," I replied in a short voice.

"It's gonna be really exciting," Camilla said who was really over excited. "Yeah, cause you'll get to see your die- heart crush," Jason teased her. "Shut up," she shouted, irritatingly. "You know, Kiera," Jason faced me; "Cam has a crush on a boy who's on Ryan's team. His name is Steven. And the funny part is, he doesn't even know her name is Camilla. He always forgets her name," Jason and Ryan both laughed together. "I wish you both weren't my brothers," Camilla made a puppy face. "You can't help it, sweetie," Ryan said.

The ride was all about laughing and teasing. When we finally reached there, a large crowd was already gathered there. We stepped out of the car and went inside a cage type ground which had two baskets on either side. "Come on, I'll introduce you to my friends," Ryan said to me. Without saying anything, I followed him and we stopped before three guys dressed into the same clothes as Ryan's. They did a guy shake. "Guys, this is Kiera," he finally said. "And Kiera this is David, Steven and Kyle," he introduced from left to right. Steven; Camilla's crush, had blonde hair and golden tan skin and he wasn't very tall, just about Ryan's height. "Hey, Steven," Camilla said while blushing. She was standing just beside me.

"Hey..." as Jason said, Steven forgot her name. "Camilla," Jason said trying to hide his laugh. "Camilla, right. Sorry." Steven said.

"Okay, I'll see you guys after the match," Ryan said. We all nodded, "Good luck, Ry," I said before leaving. He smiled, "Thank you."

We three were seated in the second row. There were five rows on the either sides of the ground. I guess one side was filled with Ryan's supporters and the other was with the defending team. There were six members in Ryan's team and they all were present on the ground waiting for the other team. Finally, I saw six men arriving from the gate, dressed in a black jersey. As they walked closer, I couldn't believe what I was watching. Hunter Reid? Ryan was playing the game against Hunter? "The match is between Ryan and Hunter?" I was shocked. "Yeah," Camilla said. "They were on the same team before but then things went bad and Ryan left the team and joined the other one," she added. "But Hunter was grounded, right?" I asked "Uh... Ryan requested mom to let Hunter out of the house just for the game," Camilla told me. I looked back towards them. Hunter was examining the crowd, like he was looking for someone as he met glances with me. His expression darkened and he mumbled something. He looked away from me like he wasn't happy to see me here. And why would he be happy? He was looking on the other side as a smile occupied his mouth. I traced my gaze where Hunter was looking and a girl was sitting in the crowd smiling at Hunter too. She had black long hair and fair skin. She waved towards Hunter and his smile grew bigger. That guy has friends too?

Okay, the match finally started and a guy of Hunter's team was dribbling the ball. I cannot really explain what was happening there because I've never seen a basketball match before but it seemed like Hunter's team was winning.

After 15 minutes, Hunter's team had the lead with two goals and Ryan was still on zero. I could tell Ryan was irritated because he was losing.

Finally, a man ringed the buzzer and the match was over. Hunter's team had made seven goals while Ryan was on four. So that makes Hunter the winner. Ryan walked towards us with a sad face. "Sorry, I lost," he said. "It's okay, bro. you tried your best," Camilla said while hugging him. "You did good," I too said. He smiled at me.

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