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*The picture above is Camilla.*



He stared at me for a while and here my heart my was pounding in my throat that why's he staring at me like that and wants to ask me something.

His index finger traced from my shoulder and I shivered at his touch.

"How'd you get these bruises?" his finger stopped at my neck.

I was still shivering because he was making me feel uncomfortable.

"From last time where I used to live" I answered shortly.

He raised his left brow and looked at me with a confused look. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay, now let me help you," I tried to change the topic.

I was getting up from the bed but was stopped by a hard grip. Hunter had caught my wrist again and had stopped me from moving.

"Don't" he whispered.

"Don't what?" what does he mean? Don't help him? Or care for him?

"Touch me" he replied with a smirk.

God! What the hell is wrong with him?!

"Seriously? Who are you? Christian Grey?" tell me he wasn't serious.

He chuckled, "I'm worse than him, baby." I'm going to kill that.

"Drop that act and let me help you, Hunter!"

"I never asked for your help," he smirked.

"Yes, you did," he did, indirectly. I snatched my hand out of his grip.

"What are you doing here, anyway, Kiera?" he asked, still smirking.

"I'm here to help," I again tried to touch him but he again caught me.

"I told you not to touch me," he repeated, not dropping that smirk.

"It's you that's touching me right now," I bit my lip.

His pupils dilated and his eye darkened. I was afraid that what I had said wrong?

"Don't do that," he said, more like warned.

"Don't do what?" seriously, he's so confusing!

"Bite your lip. It's distracting as hell" he replied.

Oh? Hunter Reid finds that distracting? I giggled and tried to control my laughter.

"Sorry. I'll keep that in mind next time." I said between my giggles.

Hunter raised his brow and smirked at me, "You find that very amusing, Miss Summers."

"Of course, I mean why on earth would you find that distracting?" I chuckled.

"Why shouldn't I?" he answered me with a question. Great!

"Uh..." I accept I didn't have an answer of his question. He was still waiting for my answer with a ghostly smile on his face. I can tell he was enjoying my discomfort.

"Don't do that," I said.

He raised his eyebrow, "Do what?"

"Smile like you know everything about me."

"I never said I know anything about you," now he was being irritated.

I was done taking his over smartness, so I said the best I could, "Shut up and go to sleep."

"This is my room; I can do whatever I want. You are no one to tell me what to do and what not to," he cannot shut his smart mouth, can he?

"Go to sleep, smart - pants," that was the end of our talk.

"Smart – pants?" I could see he was trying to hide his smile.

"Yup. Got you a new name," and with that I was walking out of the room.

"Hope you'd like to see what's underneath that pants," his sentence made me froze in my position.

What? He did not just make a double meaning joke with me. I turned towards him, my jaw dropped in astonishment. "What?" he was enjoying my discomfort?

"Don't ever make jokes like that with me again, Hunter," seriously, I hate double- meaning jokes.

"Make me, baby." He said huskily.

"I'm going to kill you, Hunter," I ran towards him like a Viking running for a battle and he immediately jumped out of the bed and caught me by my waist. Again, my back was pressed against his chest and his lips were on my ear.

He chuckled, "You are seriously a brave girl, Kiera," he whispered, "You've tried to hit me twice," he completed.

"Let go of me, Hunter," my voice was shivering.

"Again, make me."

"One day, you'll pay for all this, Hunter," I warned.

"I'm eagerly waiting for that day to come," I felt his hot breath on my neck.


I know it's short but I'm not getting much time to upload story :(

Sorry guys :(

I'll try to upload the next part soon ;)

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