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I settled inside the car. The atmosphere inside was warmer as compared to outside. Hunter also settled in the driver's seat and closed the door with a thud. I jumped at the sound but didn't let him know that. "You're freezing. Take it," he offered me his brown leather jacket. No way was I taking it. I snatched my gaze from the rear window to my window and looked outside, the droplets of water falling down from the window. I just wanted to show him that I'm ignoring him and so should he.

He grunted and threw the jacket on the backseat. Whatever.

He brought the engine to life and drove the car as ricocheting a bullet. The other cars were passing behind us in a buzz and in no time I was in front of that house again.

Poof. Home sweet home, huh?

I got out of the car and stepped outside on the pavement. It was still pouring. Hunter drove away just after I got out. It's time to face reality.

I turned the knob of the front door and stepped inside. As the moment I entered I was welcomed by a concerned Ryan. What? Hunter said he wouldn't be home. That liar!

"Kiera," his voice was filled with concerned as e gave me a tight hug. "I was worried about you," he added. I peeled his body away from mine, "Ryan, please," I wasn't pleading, I was warning. "Hunter told me you went to pick up Rose," I said. "I was going but Rose said she'd come herself," he told me. "Okay," I murmured and walked past him but he caught me. "Kiera, I—"

"Ryan, please. I don't wanna talk right now," I sounded irritated. "But—" "Ryan, please," this time, I yelled. "Okay," he whispered and let go of me.

I went straight up to my room and changed into some warm clothes. I just needed a sleep which can take me away from all this weird feelings.


It was around midnight and I was still awake. I was just unable to sleep. That incident kept coming in front of my eyes. And just one thought kept ringing in my mind: Why did I kiss, Hunter? And why was I hurt when he told me to leave?

I heard footsteps and the doorknob to Hunter's room slowly turn.

He came now?

About a minute later, came the sound of his door busting open.

"What the hell, Hunter? You reek of alcohol," I heard Rose yell.

She was home too?

I jumped up and plastered my ear to my room's door to listen what she was saying. Yes, I know it was weird thing to do.

"Hey Ro-se," Hunter seemed to be slurring his words.

"Boy, you just continue to make me so damn proud. First, you killed Elena and went to jail and then you started getting into fights with everyone and humiliate me in front of this entire community, then, you tried to take Ryan's girl away from him and now, you have the courage to set foot in my house tonight drunk? Well, you're gonna wish you never came home." It seemed Rose was boiling with anger. It was obvious Ryan had told her everything about what had happened earlier. "Really? What you are gonna do? Hit me? That's the one thing you haven't done. I'm so ready for it," Hunter's tone seemed challenging. "No, I'm not going to hit you. I—"

"Right..." Hunter cut her off, "you're not going to hit me. You're just gonna hate me... like you always have. Sometimes, I wish you'd hit me once and for all then leave me the fuck alone," Hunter yelled. "And I wish I'd never have brought you here!" Rose too yelled. "Obviously! My parents didn't want me; you didn't want me so why did you bring me here in the first place? I never asked you to do that!" Hunter said. "Because I had pity on you. I had a pity on a four-year-old kid whom I didn't thought would later turn out to be a liar and a murderer," Rose yelled.

My heart was breaking. Why was Rose talking to him like that? I know I wasn't supposed to be feeling bad but I was feeling bad.

"You're a loser, Hunter," Rose said.

"Tell me something you haven't before," he replied.

"Oh, I'll tell you," I heard Ryan.

What? He was also there?

"You just have the habit of taking other's things, don't you? You took my friends away from me; you took Elena away from me and now? You are trying to take Kiera away from me too?" Ryan's voice was way too loud. "And you know what, mom," Ryan continued, "he once called Kiera a whore."

What the hell? How did he got to know about that? I never told anything about that to anyone.

"Look who's talking. He himself called her a slut!" Hunter too yelled.

Even though I wasn't facing them, I was humiliated. They were abusing me.

"Enough both of you," Rose growled. "Calm down, Ryan. I'll talk," she said. "And you," she paused for a moment, "I knew you don't have respect for me, Hunter. But Kiera too? She didn't do anything wrong with you. But what else can I expect from you?"

"If I ever found you near Kiera again, you're gonna pay for it. You're gonna stay away from Kiera and Ryan. And it's not a request, it's an order."

"I just wish I'd never have brought you in my life," I heard Rose murmur.

Then silence occurred. They had left.

My heart was breaking.

Why was Rose talking to him like that? What did Ryan told her?

Back in my own bed, I thought how ironic it was that the guy who'd done nothing but intimidate me and hurt me was the person I was feeling bad for.

My thoughts were going far away until my phone vibrated.

Asshole: I knew you heard what just happened.

Why was he messaging?

Me: How did you know?

And why was I replying?

Asshole: I didn't. Now I know ;)

Same old Hunter.

Asshole: Remember the bet we had made and which I won later on?

Me: I do

Asshole: I want something now from my win

Me: What?

Asshole: If Rose asks you whether you want me out of this house or not, please say yes.

Me: I'd have anyways...

Asshole: I know. I just wanted to confirm

Hey wait!

Me: I think I told you not to talk with me

Asshole: If you didn't want to talk then why did you replied?


Me: I asked you first

I typed to cover it up.

Asshole: Because I cannot stop thinking about you

Me: And why is that?

Asshole: Your turn to answer; Do you have feelings for Ryan?

Seriously? He wanted me to answer that?

Asshole: I'm waiting...

Me: I'm not answering

Asshole: Why?

Me: Because I don't want to

Asshole: Kiera, I'm serious. Just answer the damn question

He was dominating me? No way.

Me: Why do you even want an answer for that?

Asshole: Okay, don't answer

And then he didn't message.

Okay, why he is so confusing all the time?


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