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An irritated sound came from the back of his throat. Then suddenly he backed away and after giving me a look that I couldn't understand, he walked out of the door, slamming it shut behind him.

What. The. Hell?

Why does he have to be so confusing all the time? Why can't he just say what he wants me to understand? Is that so hard for him? Because it is hard for me to understand him.

Camilla and Jason had come back and after an hour we had dinner. It was fun to have dinner with them since Ryan made jokes and we all laughed. I was going to ask Hunter and Dina for dinner but then again why the f*ck should I? They can come themselves if they're hungry.

Anyways, me and Ryan were doing the dishes together. "So... uh..." Ryan started. He was sitting on the counter, wiping the plates. "What?" I asked because it was clear he had something in his mind. "D-Did Hunter said anything to you while I was gone?" wow. For the first time, I've heard Ryan stutter and afraid while talking about Hunter. "No. I think we've talked about this before."

"No, just a couple of hours ago I saw him coming out of your room. So, what was he doing in there?"


I turned off the faucet, "Uh-" what am I supposed to say? "Uh- he just came by to return my phone. I-I left it in the woods," it was the truth. "Uh-huh," he nodded, "When he got out, he seemed angry. Did you say anything to him?" No. I didn't. That's the problem. Now, what should I say? That he kissed me and for some unknown reasons I wanted to kiss him back and then he wanted me to understand something which wasn't understandable to me?

"No," I gulped, "were you eavesdropping?"

"No," he jumped from the counter and dragged me from my waist to him and wrapped his arms around it so that my back was pressed against his chest, "I was just checking that the jackass next door isn't annoying you," he buried his face in my neck. I heard him laugh and his chest vibrated. "What if the jackass next door was really annoying me?" I asked with a chuckle. "Then he had to save his ass off," Ryan laughed and I laughed with him.

Things are always so good and easy with him. Unlike Hunter. He's just vice-versa of Ryan. Suddenly Ryan started tickling me, "Ryan, no!" I tried to get out of his grip but he just wouldn't budge. He started to tickle my neck with his nose, "You're ticklish, huh?" he teased. "Ryan, please!" I begged between my laugh. But he just wouldn't stop!

Between my laughs my eyes landed on a dark figure in front of me. I froze in my place when I saw Hunter standing at the dinner table. But he just ignored us and walked over to the refrigerator beside me. "Ah!" Ryan chirped, "Speak of the devil." But to my surprise, Hunter didn't reply back. He just stood there drinking water from the bottle. "Well, brother, you missed the dinner," Ryan focused on the word brother. Clearly, he was trying to tease him. But still, Hunter stood silent. "I hope you didn't check into my girlfriend's phone," Ryan said. Then after a long silence, Hunter chuckled, "Didn't your girlfriend tell you what happened after I returned her the phone?"

Crap! Shit! This cannot be happening!

I felt Ryan's body straighten. When he didn't say anything, Hunter let out a small laugh, "Turns out that your girlfriend doesn't tell you everything." "What are you trying to say exactly?" Ryan's voice turned serious. And my heart started beating like a drum. "Why don't you ask her yourself, brother," after replying with the same tone which Ryan had used a couple of minutes ago he walked out of the kitchen.

He did not just put me in a situation like this. Ugghhhghg!

Ryan quickly turned me to him and a deadly expression occupied his face. "What was he talking about?" his tone was dead-serious.

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