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I banged my fist on the wall. It stings but I don't care. Why on earth would she do that? First, she kissed me like she wants me too but then rejects me saying she doesn't feel the same for me? Oh, give me a break. I know she feels something for me. I've seen it, felt it. She's just afraid to accept it because of Ryan. He thinks he has some fucking claim on her? She's mine! MINE!

But what if... what if she really doesn't feel anything for me? What if she really loves Ryan? What if she wants him? Well, how can she not? Everybody wants him. Rose, Jason, Camilla, Elena... Every fucking person on this planet! But what's the use of fighting for her if she doesn't want me? I don't wanna force her... Ugh! It's all so confusing! What should I do now? Can anyone tell—Dina. Yes, Dina. I grabbed my phone from the table and quickly hitted her number. She picked it up after the first ring.

"Hey!" her sleepy-enthusiastic voice filled my ear.

"Hey, when are you coming?" I asked briskly. "Wait, what happened? You sound... different," she said from the other side. "I'll tell you later just tell me when are you coming?" I couldn't tell her all that on the phone. "I'll be there by 8 in the morning," she replied. "Great. Do you want me to pick you up?" I asked. "No, I'll manage. But what happened?" she was really worried for me. "I promise I'll tell you as soon as you arrive, okay?" I said. "Okay," with that she hung up. I glanced at the clock; it was 3:45. There were still 4 hours and 15 minutes for her to arrive and... she's never punctual, so as to say 5 hours. I need to talk to her about this. She can get me out of this, she did last time. She'll this time too. I was angry. At me, at Kiera, at Ryan, at everyone! If I didn't have her, Ryan will not too.


At 8:43, the doorbell rang. As I said, she's never punctual. I quickly got up and ran to get the door. And as I opened my room's door, I was welcomed by those pair of warm brown eyes. She was staring at me and God knows what she was thinking because she was biting her lip. "I'll get it," she said. "No, it's fine. I know its Dina, I'll get it," I tried to sound as rude as I could. Her brows furrowed and she was taken aback. What happened? But I don't have time for this. Trying to snatch my gaze away from her, I quickly ran for the main door. I unlocked the door and Dina stood in front me with her charming smile. She's finally here!

"Good morn—hey!" before she could say anything, I grabbed her hand and dragged her upstairs. "Hunter, what happened?" she asked while trying to pull her hand out of my grip but I didn't let her. When I was up, Kiera was still standing in the doorway. "Oh, hey, Kiera," Dina greeted her. "Hey," she smiled. I took Dina inside my room and banged the door shut. When I turned to face her, she was standing with a scowl on her face and her hands crossed on her chest. "Spill. Now," she ordered. I took a deep breath, "I told her," I said. Dina already knows that I'm attracted to Kiera. She looked confused, "You told whom what?" Ugh! I know she was playing games with me. "Kiera," I clenched, "I told her." Her hands slid down and her eyes widened, "What did she say?" her voice was filled with enthusiasm. But it wasn't gonna last for long. "She said she doesn't feel the same for me," I sat on the corner of the bed, staring at the wooden floor. "Wh—you do know she's lying, right?" she sounded shocked. "I guess," I sighed. She sat on the bed beside me and wrapped her one arm around my shoulders. "You told her clearly that you love her, didn't you?" she asked softly. Love? Oh, no, no, no. She has got the wrong idea here. "I don't love her, Dina. It's just... just some stupid crush...or...or attraction, that's all," I said. She raised her one eyebrow at me like she was challenging me. "Okay," she withdrew her hand, "you haven't heard the way you talk about her, I have. And that's love! If that isn't love for you then what is?" she asked while smirking at me. "Well," I hesitated. Only Dina is the one who can do that to me. "Uh... Loving someone is like... when you see her... gravity moves. Suddenly it's not the earth holding you here anymore... she does. You'd do anything, be anything for her. You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a lover, a protector, a friend or just a stranger."

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