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Ryan. I need to get to him. He can help me get out of here. Without thinking again, I got up, tightly wrapped myself in Sam's jacket and ran out of the room. "Kiera! Wait!" I heard Hunter calling but I wasn't gonna stop. Heavy footsteps were following me but I kept on running. When I was up again, the club was deserted. I saw Ryan standing with a girl. Two officers were with him too, one of which was Steven. Dina, Sam and Kellan were with them too. "Kiera," Ryan's concerned voice filled my ears. I quickly ran to him and he swept me in his arms and I burst out crying. "What happened?" he asked softly. I couldn't say anything, like my throat was choked. I just buried myself in his chest and kept on crying. "You," suddenly his voice was filled with anger. "You did this!" he shifted me away from his body and walked past me. I turned to see where he was going when Hunter and Wade came to sight. "Ryan, it's not like what you think. I can-" Before Hunter could complete, Ryan launched at his face and Hunter stumbled back. "I told you to stay the fuck away from her!" he again punched him in the face and he again stumbled. Hunter looked up, bleeding from the corner of his mouth but it felt like he was unaffected by it. "Would you at least let me speak?" Hunter shouted. "Ryan, stop," Steven held Ryan by his wrist. "What do you wanna say?" Steven asked to Hunter. "It's Braden's fault," Hunter said, wiping the blood away from his thumb. "Oh, shut the fuck up, Hunter. Braden would never do something like that," the girl who was standing with Ryan before shouted. "Oh, really? Ask her yourself!" Hunter pointed at me. "Is that true?" Ryan asked me. I gulped, "Y-Yes."

"Okay, if it is true, still you shouldn't have beaten the hell out of Braden. He's in the hospital right now because of you, Hunter," Steven said.

"What else did you want me to do?" Hunter screamed.

"Call the cops," Steven said simply. Hunter huffed in irritation, "Come on. Are you serious?"

"I've given you a warning before, Hunter, and I let you go last time just because Rose said so but you have to stop picking up fights wherever you go," Steven said but Hunter wasn't concentrating. When Hunter didn't reply for about a minute, Ryan spoke up, "You're gonna stay away from her. If I saw you with her again, you're dead," with a death look in his eyes, Ryan walked away from Hunter, entwined my fingers with his' and dragged me out of the club.


I was in my bed again. Ryan brought me back home after what had happened in the club. It was a relief that Rose wasn't home when I came. I didn't hear Hunter coming back and I don't even care. It was his fault that I ended up with Braden.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. I quickly went to open the door and found Ryan outside. "Uh..." he scratched the back of his neck. "Mom needs to talk to you," he completed.


"Okay," I replied quietly and followed him downstairs. As I was in the living room, Hunter came into view. He was standing near the couch, staring at the ground and... he was bleeding from the corner of his left forehead. Again. Rose, Camilla and Jason were sitting on the couch in front of him and Rose's expression softened when she saw me. Ryan stood behind me, so close that I could feel his hard chest on my back. "Kiera, dear, are you okay?" Rose walked up to me and touched my face. Her touch was soft against my skin. "I'm fine, Rose," I replied, trying to smile back at her. She smiled at me in assurance and retrieved her hand. She stepped back a little, "Hunter, here, needs to talk to you," her expression hardened when she glanced at him. He slowly walked towards me, still staring at the ground. He stood in front of me, still not looking up. Ryan wrapped his hand around my waist and tucked me close to him. My back was fully pressed against his chest and to my surprise I didn't complain. For what felt like eternity, he just stood there, not saying a word.

"You're bleeding," I said, breaking the silence.

"I shouldn't have made you stayed," he started, "I shouldn't have introduced you to Braden. I shouldn't have taken you to that club. I should've made you stay away from my friends."

Why was he apologizing? It wasn't his entire fault. It was my fault too. I agreed to that.

"It's not your—"

"You're forgetting something," Ryan cut me off with his heavy voice.

"I'm sorry," that came out of his mouth as a whisper.

I was about to say something but Rose interrupted, "Now go to your room and clean yourself up," she ordered. Without a word, Hunter complied, and walked up the stairs without even glancing back. Rose left with Camilla and Jason leaving me and Ryan alone. Ryan was still holding me and I turned to face him. I was still wrapped in his arms and his face was only inches away from mine. "Why was he bleeding?" I asked, not bothering to step away from him. "I don't know," he replied simply. "Why did he apologize?" I asked again. "Rose made him," he said and pressed a soft kiss on my lips. I didn't respond him back nor did I move away from him. He left my lips, "If he hurts you again, I swear I'll kill him," he whispered. "Don't worry, I won't let him," I replied.


Minutes later, I was staring at my mobile screen.

Asshole: Do me a favor, if you don't want me to die

Asshole: Stay away from me as humanly possible

Was he mad at me? He has no right to be mad at me!

Asshole: And one more thing

Asshole: Tell your boyfriend to not to touch me again

Asshole: 'Cause if he did, he'll end up dead too

Asshole: Mark my words, Kiera

Five minutes ago, he was apologizing and now he's threatening me?

Me: I'm not afraid of you, Reid

Me: Mark my words too

He didn't reply nor did I want him to.


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