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i groaned, "maaaa, relax"

i lightly touched her arm trying to get her to chill out which she quickly snatched away from me.

"boy don't touch me before i whoop yo ass!" she warned
"now get these heffa's out my house"

i sucked my teeth about to walk away but not without feeling a powerful smack being sent to the back of my head.

"who you sucking your teeth at?" my mom yelled at me. i rolled my eyes hearing jahseh's annoying ass laugh even louder than he already has been for the past 5 minutes that my mom has been in my room.

there was only 2 girls in the room and yet the last one was taking forever to put her fucking shoes on. her friend was waiting for her in the hallway.

as soon as she got the second shoe on her foot my mom snatched her up without letting her tie them and threw her out my room, "now get out my house" she said to both of them. the girls scrambled down the stairs and i'm guessing out the door.

"now i want all this weed out my house, i don't care where you put it just put it somewhere that's not here" my mom said checking my room for i don't know what.

"where we gonna smoke now?" jayda asked once my mom left. "stoke can we go to your house?" jah asked stoke who was rolling up a blunt like my ma didn't just lose her shit because of us smoking weed with some girls.

"huh? .. oh yeah sure" stoke replied.


i let out a sigh of relief as i sat down on stoke's couch, "we never smoking at my house again"

"yes we are, that shit was hilarious" jah laughed.

i rolled my eyes in response and took my phone out. i started scrolling through instagram, liking a few pics here and there.

"hey nick" i heard stoke say. i looked up and seen nick walking in. he said hi to us and started making his way towards steph's room which was next to the kitchen. he had on a dark grey velvet sweatsuit. his ass jiggled with every step he took. i found myself staring at him while he walked to steph's room.

i was still wondering how he was a boy. all his features gave off a girly vibe along with his personality and the way he dressed.

"nick is mad cute, if he was actually a girl i would be all over that" jayda said taking a drag from a blunt i didn't even see her roll up.

"nick has a boy face, he just a girl body" jah chimed in. "nah nick looks like a full on girl" i said.

they all looked at me, "nigga you just met him"

"okay but i seen him, i can have an opinion so how my dick taste" i said giving them all a stank ass face.

"like a shrimp, which it is so anyways.." jayda shot back.

"listen you bug eyed bitch-"

"uhh guys" a voice cut me off. we turned our heads and nick was standing in the doorway looking nervous. "what happened?" stoke asked him.

"theres a big ass spider in the room" he said chewing on his bottom lip. "stoke go in there and kill it with your body stench" jayda suggested. i started laughing at how deadass she was being.

"y'all gonna stop me playing with me. jah you kill it since your satanic ass love watching shit die" stoke said leaning back in his seat.

"fuck you. i ain't killing shit, tay you go do it" jah said pointing in the direction of the room.

"i don't feel like-"

"can somebody just kill the fucking spider? damn" nick raised his voice. his nostrils flared and his fist balled up. you could tell he was getting annoyed, in a way that a girl would. everyone looked at me. they get on my damn nerves.

i groaned and got up, going in the room with nick trailing behind me. once i went in i realized steph wasn't even here. how tf you got ya bestfriend here but you not here? i swear the people in this house love inviting people over and don't even be home. "where it go?" i asked as nick pointed at a spot on the wall. damn that shit was big as fuck. "i'm not killing that" i said turning around to take my ass back in that living room. "nooo" nick pleaded while grabbing my arm. i looked down at him and he poked his lip out, "pleaseeee"

"gimme a shoe" i gave in. he smiled and bent down to get a random shoe from the floor. i couldn't help but look at his ass as he did so. he got back up and handed me a nike slide. i looked at the spider and got on the bed since it was towards the ceiling. i sat there and waited until it started crawling again and hit it with the shoe. i kept it squished inbetween the wall and the shoe and looked at nick.

"gimme a tissue" i said. he hurried and got a tissue from his bag. i took it and put the spider in the tissue.

"thanks" nick thanked me as i got off the bed. i took the tissue and pushed it towards nick who screamed and quickly backed up. i chuckled and did it again.

"tay stop playinggg!" he exclaimed never taking his eyes off my hand. i acted like i was gonna do it again and he flinched.

"scaredy cat" i laughed.

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