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"taymor put the damn clothes on boy!" my mom told me as i continued to criticize the clothes she decided to bring me from home.

"ma this whack ass fit.. we going straight home if i put these on" i complained.

"when do you ever see me wear this?" i asked seriously. "never so this can be your chance to finally wear the shit i paid for"

"aigh now you just tryna embarrass me infront of nick because you know i buy my own clothes"

i got up from the bed and went into the bathroom with the clothes. i threw them real quick cause i was ready to get the fuck of this place. i was tired of being around all these people. like yeah, thanks for saving my life and all but time to go.

i walked out of the bathroom to see my mom and nick talking to the nurse, i guess about any medication i need to take and shit like that. "aigh i'm ready, nick where my phone at?" i spoke making them all look at me. nick held up my phone and handed it to me, "the rest of your stuff is in my bag" he said holding it up. i nodded and sat on the bed till my mom was ready.

"oh and the news found out you were getting discharged today so there's mad reporters outside.. so please tay, don't punch anybody in the face" my mom said as we got off the elevator. i chuckled, "as long as nobody gets in our face we should be fine"

we walked outside and of course news reporters started running up to us but still keeping their distance asking as a whole bunch questions and taking mad pictures. i just kept my head down and held nick's hand as we walked through them and to the car. "good job baby" nick smiled patting my shoulder.


"alright i'm leaving to get tay's medication, nick make sure he doesn't go anywhere. i want him in the house for the next couple days" my mom said to nick like i wasn't sitting right here.

nick nodded continuing to play with my hair, "i gotchu". she closed my door and left the house. "damnn nick what is you doing?" i exclaimed feeling a hard tug on my head.

"whew chile, this head is real life nappy. remind me to comb this out" he said picking at it. "mane fuck you" i sucked my teeth. "you're out the hospital now so technically you can do that" nick teased.

i moved my head to look at him and he was being deadass.

"so lets go" i said. nick laughed and got up from his position and sat on top of me. "take them shorts off and come sit on my face" i pulled at his belt loop. he unbuttoned them and pulled them down his legs along with his panties. he hovered over my face and i grabbed his legs, immediately shoving my face in.

i licked laps over his pussy, hearing a few whimpers from above me. i sucked on his lips before sticking my tongue out and pushing it inside his entrance. "t-tay!" nick gasped from above me. the sounds he was making caused my dick to twitch in my basketball shorts.

"b-baby.. i-im cumming!" nick moaned loudly. once he said that i quickly pulled away. he looked at me with a confused expression, "the fuck you stopped for"

"i don't want you to cum yet" i replied, taking my basketball shorts off, letting my dick spring up. nick lowered himself until he was face to face with my dick. he looked up at me while he licked the tip before putting it in his mouth. nick took more of me in his mouth until his nose touched my pelvis. i groaned, grabbing the back of his head, moving his head up and down on my shit. he moaned, sending vibrations through my dick.

nick then moved my hand, taking me out his mouth, he spit on my length, he stroked me a few times before sitting up.

he got back on top of me, grabbing my dick and putting it to his entrance, sliding down on it slowly. i bit my lip at how tight he was. he hissed lowly as he started to move up and down. after a while he was moving too slow so i wrapped my arms around his waist, stopping him from moving. i thrusted my hips up, fucking him at a faster pace. "oh-oh my godddd tayyyy" nick moaned in my ear. "thats not my name" i growled in his ear.

"daddyyyy" i smirked at his choice of words. i felt my dick twitch inside him so i stopped my movements. i pulled out of him, "get on all fours" i demanded. nick immediately followed my instructions, turning around and getting in my doggy position. i got behind him and slid in slowly. once every inch was inside i started moving my hips. i grabbed the sides of his waist and went as deep as i could, the only sounds you could hear were skin slapping and our heaving breathing.

nick started making sounds that i don't know how to explain but it sounded sexy as fuck. shit made me wanna cum faster. his hand reached back trying to pushing me away, "daddy! too much.. too muchhh"

"nope, i'm not stopping until we both cum" i grabbed his dreads and pulled his head back. his mouth was open and his eyes were closed. i felt a knot in my stomach as my thrust got sloppy. soon, nick's pussy clenched around my dick and nick was squirting and cumming all over my dick. i pulled out and let my nut out on his ass. nick fell limp on the bed, i thought he was sleep until his body jerked and he started twitching a little.

i fell back, sitting down looking at the sight infront of me, nick twitching from his orgasm.

then my mom opened the door holding a walgreens bag, "okay so i got- oh.. damn tay what did you do to the boy?" my mom gasped, watching nick continue to twitch and shake.

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