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i'm ending this soon.. i been writing this shit for too damn long💀.


i squeezed taymor tighter for the first time in almost a year. "oh my gosh tay i missed you so much" i cried. he pulled away smiling, "i missed you too"

after i graduated college and moved to alanta, i don't see my family that often anymore. i didn't even get to come see tay when he was in the hospital. when i heard he was locked up i wasn't missing another opportunity to see my brother. so i hopped on the first plane here when my mom told me that he was getting out.

"i'm so sorry i haven't been here for you" i apologized wiping my tears. "tasha bro you valid" tay shook his head. tay then started looked around looking for what? i have no idea.

"where's nick?" tay asked all of a sudden. nick? i guess i've been gone for too long because i've never heard of a nick. "who's nick?" i asked, confused. "his boyfriend and he should be at the house" mom answered both of our questions. we got into the car and drove home.

once we got to the house and there was a chubby lightskin sitting on our doorstep on their phone. i'm assuming that's nick. before we could even park tay hopped out the car and went over to nick. he walked over with his arms open. the boy looked up and screamed. he jumped up and threw himself into taymor's arms. i smiled as they rocked back and forth for a while.

we parked and got out. my mom hugged nick and went inside the house. i decided to introduce myself since this is my little brother's boyfriend and i want us to get along.


"hi, i'm tasha, tay's sister" the brownskin girl that arrived with tay and his mom introduced herself to me. her and tay have similar facial features and shared the same complexion. she's so pretty. as long as that attitude matched that face, we'll be just fine.

"hiii" i greeted nicely and shook her hand. she returned the gesture.

tay looked down at us and smiled. he then wrapped his arms around both of us and walked in the house. as we walked in the living room, his mom was making her way in the living room as well.

"now can we talk" she said sitting down gesturing for all of us to take a seat. i sat next to tay on the sofa across from his mom. tasha took a seat on the recliner on the end of the couch.

"taymor travon mcintyre what the fuck" his mom yelled like she been holding that in for a while.

"what you mean what the fuck" tay's eyebrows knitted together in absolute confusion.

"i mean exactly what i said! what the hell was you doing in that boys house?"

taymor sighed and looked at me before speaking, "i was getting something from molly.."

"unbelievable" i mumbled, shaking my head. i didn't even feel like listening to the rest so i got up, ready to walk out the room when tay grabbed arm and pulled me back, "stop"

i sat back with my arms folded as his mom and sister asked numerous questions.

"so why was molly at cordae's house if y'all ain't supposed to be fucking with him"

then his sister chimed in, "and if you two used to be friends, the house ain't look familiar?"

"nah, he moved"

"but why-"

i was getting tired of the questions because tay could just tell us the whole story in one go. "why don't you just tell us everything that happened from beginning to end"

tasha nodded and pointed at me, "yeah that's smart". we all looked at tay who looked kinda over it but we need to know what happened so he need to suck it up.

"aigh so i had get something from molly so i texted her and asked where she was. she texted me that she was babysitting but i could come to the house and pick it up. i was like bet and she sent me the address. i got there she told me to wait on the couch while she went to get my shit from her bag. so i'm sitting there and then somebody came downstairs. i'm thinking it's molly or the kid but it was cordae. i was mad confused and nigga had the nerve to say hey and smile at me like he ain't fuck my whole life up. but me being a dumbass i said hey and we hugged. basically he was on that whole i miss you shit and i dubbed it. he got tight and walked out but i ain't give a fuck. molly finally came back down after mad long and gave me my shit. i tried to ask her why was she with cordae but a baby started crying so she made me leave so she could take care of the baby. i guess since i curved him he said i raped him"

"oh molly gotta die" tasha nonchalantly responded.


"what? bro clearly this bitch is a opp"

"okay i told y'all what happened so what now?" tay asked. he looked pretty eager to be done with the conversation.

"we meet with the lawyers soon so we'll wait until then to talk about it"

we all nodded in response. tay then got up and went to his room with me following close behind.

"i apologize for trying to leave in the middle of you explaining" i immediately said when we got in his bedroom. he shook his head, "no baby its okay i get it"

"no let me apologize for once. its just.. when you mention molly or cordae i get uneasy. you've known both of them longer than me and they both played very important roles in your life.. i don't know nevermind"

"they were both important lessons, you play the most important role. and yeah i've known them longer but none of em had the ability to make me feel the way you do" he trailed off. he leaned down and kissed my forehead, "ok? i love you"

"i love you too"

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