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stephanie continued to scream at me and tay.

"CHANGE THE SHEETS!" she demanded. i walked over to the bed to get the sheets but she stopped me, "forget the sheets, just throw the whole room away because i can't"

"steph its not that serious" tay said. it's really not tho, sis is overreacting.

"taymor you ate my bestfriend out on my bed this is serious, i lay my head and body on this bed and i'll be damned if i lay my head in some nut"

i blushed, thinking back to what happened.


i unlocked the door with my key and walked inside. i walked in the living room and seen tay sitting down. "hey" i said shooting him a small smile. he nodded his head at me. i heard noise coming from the kitchen so i walked inside and seen steph and stoke's mom making food. "hey ms sonia" i greeted her. she turned around and looked at me, a big smiling stretching on her face. "hey nick!" she said coming over to me and pulling me into a hug. i smiled melting into the warm hug. i love hugs like this, especially from my mom.

"so whatcha cooking?" i asked looking at the stove. "chicken and shrimp alfredo" she said. i suddenly remembered shrimp alfredo was stoke's favorite food and chicken alfredo was steph's. their mom was so considerate. my mom just makes whatever she feel like and if you don't eat it, then you just not hungry.

"you should keep tay some company until stoke gets here, he's a sweet boy" she said sending me a soft smile. sweet? we talking about the same tay right? the one sitting in the living room? i mean he's nice to me but when he talking to stoke and jayda or even steph he got an attitude. i peeked in the room seeing tay on his phone. he had a mean look on his face but it looked cute on him. i looked back at ms sonia, "yeah we met". i walked into the living room, sitting down next to tay. "hey"

"wassup shorty"he said. he locked his phone, looking up at me and licking his lips in the process. my eyes flickered down at his lips then back up to his eyes. "how old are you?" i asked.

"19" he answered. i let out a mental sigh, i was afraid he was gonna be older than that. "what about you?" he asked.

"17" i answered confidently. he chuckled, "you a lul baby"

"nigga you're two years older than me, shit ain't that serious"

he laughed before changing the topic of discussion.


i landed on the mattress as tay threw me on the bed.

i bit my lip looking up at him. he unzipped his sweater and took it off, tossing it to the side. then got on the bed and inbetween my legs. he kissed me a couple times before sliding down so he was face to face with my heat. he pulled down my shorts and my underwear all at once.

i laid my head on the pillow until there was a pause in taymor's action causing me to furrow my eyebrows. i was about to lift up until i heard,

"nick.. where's your dick?"

i gasped, quickly sitting up and looking at tay who was just staring at my clit in disbelief. i completely forgot to explain to him how i have a whole vagina before this whole thing even started. this probably just killed the mood.

"see i knew yo ass was a girl, i ain't dumb"

"tay i'm not a girl.."

"i'm looking ya pussy right now!"

"i'm intersex taymor. i'm a boy but i was born with a vagina. and that's also why i kinda look like a girl"

"but how-"

"nigga i dont know how or why i got this shit but i have it now eat it, the fuck" i said laying back down. i'm horny and he asking a whole bunch of questions that i don't even know the answers to myself.

i looked down again and tay was still looking at it. i huffed and looked at the ceiling. if this boy dont start- i gasped feeling a warm tongue press against my clit.

i whimpered feeling his tongue slip inbetween my folds. he started sucking making me moan and arch my back.

i was too caught up in the feeling when he stuck a finger inside me while still licking my extremely wet core. he started showing my clitoris attention while he dove another finger inside of me.

now he was eating me out and fingering me at the same time. i tried to moan but it got caught in my throat so i sat there with ny mouth agape as my eyes rolled back. i felt myself getting closer and closer.

tay took his fingers out and wrapped his arms around both my thighs, pulling me closer and now in a position that i couldn't move. the moan that was stuck in my throat finally came out like a scream as tay pushed his tongue deeper in my area. he continued to tongue fuck me.

finally gaining the strength to look down, taymor was already looking at me. now we were making eye contact. he continued to lick and slurp my pussy while looking deep into my eyes the entire time.

my legs began to shake and i fell back on to the mattress. my back arched off the bed as i started moaning even louder than before, completely forgetting that steph's mom was in the kitchen right next to the room. tays arm reached up as he covered my mouth with his hand.

i felt myself getting closer and he continued eating me out. my body started jerking in different directions as i came undone. my eyes rolled to the back of my head as the feeling of myself cumming finally came. my back finally went back to its normal state as i laid on the bed breathing heavily.

tay came up to my side and looked in my eyes before leaning down and slowly kissing me, making me taste myself. he brought his hand up to my neck and gripped it as we continued to kiss. as just like that, i was wet again.

he slowly pulled away from me and fell on the bed next to me.

i was about to speak when stephanie walked in.


"niiiiick" steph dragged out waving a hand infront of my face. i blinked and i snapped back into reality. i looked at her and then at tay who was standing by the door on his phone. "what happen?" i asked.

"look steph, my bad for eating nick out on your bed. we good?" tay said to steph holding his hand for a dap. she looked at his hand and then back at his face, "did you finger him too?"

tay looked at his hand, it was the hand he fingered me with. he quickly put that hand down and put the other one up. she looked at him for a minute before laughing. she dapped him up and looked at us, "i can't stay mad at y'all but can y'all pleaseee clean my sheets?" she asked.

i nodded, grabbing the sheets off the bed and started going to the laundry room. on my way there i ran into ms sonia.

"nick you gotta be more quiet next time" she laughed, patting my shoulder before walking away.

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