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i paused the episode of 'love is blind' i was watching on netflix and put my airpods in as i answered my phone.

"hey baby" my girlfriend maria's face popped up on the screen.  "hey" i greeted her with a smile. she looked at me and licked her lips, "you should come over"

"right now?" i asked looking at the time, it was only 5:30.

"mhm" she answered taking a pull from her blunt. i cringed. she didn't look cute smoking and i hate the way she acts when she's high.

"you at home?"

"nah i'm at my friends house but imma send you the address" she immediately hung up. hmm, that's weird. i've never seen or been around her friends before. mostly because i'm still in the closet so i don't like being around people with her.

nobody knows i'm gay let alone that i have a girlfriend. it's not that i'm ashamed it's just i don't want my aunt to treat me the way she treats nicky. i know everyone else would accept me and treat me the same but i don't want my aunt to treat me any different but i know she would. she already blames nicky for our dad leaving, i wouldn't be able to handle her telling me the same thing. so i've kept maria a secret for a couple months now and i plan to keep it that way.

"where you going?" shawna walked in asking me when she saw me putting on my jacket. "to the mall" i lied. "get me some pretzel bites if you can" she said. i nodded and walked out telling my mom i was leaving. she let me take her car. it took me 15 minutes to get there. i texted maria and told her that i was outside. after a short two minutes she opened the door. i got out the car and met her at the door.

i hugged her which she responded and kissed me. i kissed her back but the i made sure the kiss was brief being that the door was still open. maria removed her arms from me and closed the door. i followed her in the living room where i took off my jacket and sat on the couch.

she started kissing all over my face which i laughed in response, "i haven't seen you in forever". "i know" she pouted. it's been about maybe 3 weeks since i last seen her. we're fine but both of us be busy with mad shit.

"so who's house is this?" i finally asked because we seem to be the only people here. "my mans. but whatchu wanna do? you wanna watch netflix?"

i nodded, "sure"

"we can watch that show you told me you wanted to watch together, love is blind" she suggested. "i was watching that when you called. i'm already on the reunion"

"well you gonna watch it over again but with me this time" she said putting it on.

we got to the second episode and i was barely even paying attention anymore. "you not even watching it" maria groaned turning to me, seeing that i was on my phone. "girl i told you that i watched this shit already"

she sucked her teeth, "all you do is watch netflix"

"i'm always bored" i shrugged.

"that's because you never wanna see me" maria moved closer to me. she leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my ear, slowly moving to my neck.

a chill traveled down my spine, "that's not true"

"oh really?" she paused for a second.

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