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"uhh who are you?" i asked the unknown girl as she sat there looking at me since i walked in the room.

she looked me up and down before speaking, "who's asking?". i don't know who she looking at like that but she need to relax before i rip that pink wig clean off her head.

"me, i'm taymor's boyfriend" i said in the most respectful tone i could pull off. i know that if tay is cheating on me, it's not her fault.

"oh aighh, i'm aaliyah" she answered as if that's all i wanted to know. if i just told you i'm his boyfriend and i don't know you and you're sitting on his bed, you're gonna have to tell me why you're even here.

i'm not worried about her anymore honestly, i need to speak to tay. i'm ready to fess this nigga up.

"ok.. why are you here?"

"i work with tay"



"and what exactly does he do?"

"we-" aaliyah started to explain before i felt a tight grip on my arm and i was roughly pulled away from the door. tay stuck his head in the door, "aaliyah i told you to stop talking to everyone that speaks to you"

tay closed the door and dragged me away from the door into the middle of the hallway. "get off me" i snatched my arm away from his grip once we stopped walking.

"nick whats your problem?" he asked me as if i didn't have a right to be mad. is he dumb? do i need to remind him of the situation we are currently in.

"my problem? nigga what have you been doing? now you bringing bitches home saying they work with you. since when do you "work" and what are you doing exactly?"

"nick relax, we can go your belly pierced tomorrow"

"nigga it's not about the piercing! you just don't get it" i said through gritted teeth. tay was just watching me, waiting for me to calm down which wasn't going to happen.

"taymor are you dealing?"

"nick what i'm doing is to protect us" he spoke, trying to reach for my hands but i quickly snatched them away.

"the only this is doing is hurting us so explain to me how you're protecting us"

"look i can't exactly tell you as of right now but i promise-" the sound of me sucking my teeth cut him off. "just-just stop talking, i'm done" i turned to walk away.

"done?" he suddenly asked while i was walking away.

i turned to look at him which was hard because he stood there with his eyes brimming with tears and a hurtful look on his face, "yes, done. if you can't tell me anything then i'm done, we're done"

i walked away from him ignoring him calling out my name and cries for me to stop.


"hey nicky" my mom greeted me with a smile. i sent a fake smile her way before going to my room finding shawna and kentrell sitting on her bed talking while ava was on her laptop with her headphones in.

kentrell has been spending alot of time at my house lately so i'm getting used to seeing him now. my aunt loves him which isn't a shocker. i honestly should've just stayed at steph's house after i brought the car back because i get no type of alone time in this house and that's all i want right now.

and i know when everyone finds out that tay and i broke up, my aunt and shawna are the only ones that are going to be jumping over the moon.

i went over to ava and sat next to her. she looked at me and took her headphones out, "you okay?"

i was gonna answer but instead my emotions took over and my lip started trembling and i shook my head, beginning to cry, tears relentlessly falling down my pale cheeks.

she frowned and immediately threw her arms around me as i cried for the first time since i left tay's house

"what happened?"

"tay and i broke up" i hiccuped, looking her in the eyes.

she gave me a saddened expression before pulling me back in her embrace.

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