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i walked into the basement of stokeley's house instantly coughing when the smoke hit my lungs. these niggas don't do nothing but smoke.

"wassup" i greeted everyone walking over to the couch they sat on.

"damn nigga you don't know nobody no moe?" stoke dapped me up, chuckling.

"whatchu mean?"

"tay ever since you started dating nick you don't give a fuck about nobody else" jayda took a pull from her blunt. "as he should though" jahseh said.

"i heard you met his family, how'd that go?" stokeley took the blunt from jayda who mugged him.

i grinned, "it was great actually, his mom and siblings loved me, shit even his uncle loved me"

"what about his aunt?"

just thinking about that woman made me roll my eyes instantly, "oh yeah i told that bitch off.. she really sat her big oompa loompa ass in that seat and aired out all of nick's business, embarrassing him"

"what did she say?"

"she was basically telling me the reason why his dad left but that wasn't her place because nick told me he would tell me when he was ready.." i trailed off.

"then she gonna go asking me if i know nick got a pussy so i'm like yeah i know so she gon be like why you still with him then. i found that beyond disrespectful so i cursed her out the fuck. you not about to do my baby like that, i don't care who you are"

"wait..nick has a pussy?"

"oh shit i ain't think y'all was supposed to know that.. but yah"

jayda gave me a look,"damn i might have to snatch him from you tay"

"bye jayda he likes dick"

"yuck" she gagged. "you all like yuck like you didn't lose your virginity to a whole nigga" i joked.

"we don't speak of those times"

"anyways! what happened after that?" jahseh cut our conversation short.

"oh basically his aunt got mad and tried to go back and forth with me but his mom shut all that shit down so she continued to sit there and quietly ate her food" i said watching them all smoke. i haven't smoked in a minute due to me being in the hospital and my mom being on top of me lately.

"aighh enough talking niggas pass me that shit"


"dinners ready" nick's soft voice said from the staircase. we was bout hungry as hell so we got mad fast and raced towards the door. nick quickly ran back upstairs seeing how eager we were.

when we got to the dining room, stephanie and their mom sonia was already at the table, eating. we all got settled in at the table eating and talking.

"coop is gonna die, i can feel it" jayda gave in her two cents about the show we were talking about, all american.

"nah my son coop a g, she good" i disagreed with her.

"you know who needs to die though? tyrone. i fucking hate him" nick sucked his teeth. "that's a fact, out here getting my mans shawn killed and shit. he a bitch forreal!" jahseh rambled.

we all started laughing when a phone started ringing. steph looked down so i'm guessing it was her phone. her jaw tightened as she picked it up and held it to her ear.

"bro stop calling me before i block you" she said into the phone before hanging up and putting it down on the table. she sighed and put her head down.

"steph who was that?" sonia asked, concern laced in her voice. steph looked up, tears brimming her eyes.

she shook her head and got up from the table, leaving the room. nick reached over the table and opening it and going to her call log. he furrowed his thick eyebrows, "it was kentrell.. they broke up or sum?"

we all shrugged so he got up from the table and the rest of us followed. we reached her room and opened the door. sure enough stephanie was sitting on her bed, wiping her tears.

"steph what happened?" nick asked as her, stokeley, and sonia sat on the bed next to her. i went and sat at her desk chair while jayda and jahseh stayed silent in the doorway.

"nothing" steph said, trying to brush off the situation. "steph come on" stokeley pleaded.

steph looked up at all of us and took a breath, "kentrell cheated on me last week"

nick gasped, "seriously?"

steph looked at him, "yes seriously and my bestfriend wasn't there for me because they were so wrapped up in their own relationship that they didn't see a change in my behavior"

"steph i-"

steph quickly cut him off, "and you wanna know the worst part? she looked exactly like you"

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