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"tiamani bring your ass" i yelled at tiamani who was standing at the passenger side of rodrick's car ready to get in.

"but-" she tried to argue.

"lil girl i don't give a fuck, get in the car"

"come on nick" rodrick yelled from his window. he was already in the car, waiting for tiamani to get in. he fucking thought. i ignored him and gave tiamani a look. she groaned and stomped her foot, getting in tay's car with an attitude.

"you done lost your damn mind" i mumbled getting in the passengers side of the car.

i heard tiamani suck her teeth from the back seat, "nick shut up! acting just like james damn"

"bitch i'm not the one who was about to just hop in a car with a nigga i barely know"

"he's my boyfriend"

"but you don't even know him like that"

"yes i do"

"what's his full name?" i turned around and looked at her. she immediately got quiet, pursing her lips in embarrassment. i laughed and shook my head, "exactly"

"i'm pretty sure you don't know everything about tay" she said trying to turn the situation on me. "yes he do" tay interjected. yeah look at her, dumb. she sucked her teeth once again, folding her arms and looked out the window until we got home.

as soon as the car stopped infront of our building tiamani quickly got out, slamming the door.

"don't be slamming my niggas doors" i yelled out the window.

"imma see you later or you gonna call me right now?" he asked. sometimes when tay and i leave each other, i facetime him as soon as we part ways. i'm just clingy like that.

"imma call you now, i love you"

"i love you too"

i got out the car and took my phone out. as i was walking away from the car i facetimed him which he answered. i made my way to my house while he drove away.

when i got home there wasn't too many people home being that the kids get out of school an hour after i do.  when i walked in my room ava was standing infront of shawna who was sitting on her bed. it seemed like they were arguing.

"and how is that my fault?" shawna asked. "because you're still with him! he's cool and i have no issue with him like that's my bro but he keep putting you through shit and now it's happening to me" ava responded, irritation in her voice.

"what happened?" i asked slowly closing the door behind me. they both looked at me and ava sighed before answering, "this nigga kentrell's baby mama go texting me thinking i'm shawna"

"bitch it's not my fault we twins" shawna snapped.

ava shook her head, "i didn't say it was. tell your nigga to put these fucking hoes in check that's what i'm saying"

"and how do you expect me to do that?" shawna asked. "bro if you don't know to get your nigga under control then maybe you shouldn't have a nigga, simple" ava walked from her and over to her own bed. i looked at shawna who had a hurt look on her face as she looked down at her hands. i decided to help her out. i know she was stressed out by everything that was flying at her.

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