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i cautiously walked in the house. it's 11 so everyone should be at school or work but just in case i shut the door quietly. after hearing complete silence, i sighed and made my way towards my room.

"ava catherine simmons!" i cringed at the use of my middle name. i turned to see my mom on the living room couch looking at me. "heyy ma" i smiled innocently at her.

"girl where the hell have you been?"

"i uh went to mall like i said"

"mall closes at 10. and if you haven't noticed, it's 11 in the morning" she started raising her voice. i thought no one would be here so i didn't think of a good lie to tell while i was on my way here.

"oh yeah uh i saw katie at the mall so we hung out andddd.. i slept over, i should've called i'm sorry" i lied. my mom looked at me, trying to see if i was lying but i'm guessing she was already very late for work so she just let it go.

"don't do it again, i was worried" she said getting up and grabbing her bag. i nodded. we exchanged i love you's and she left. i let out a huge sigh and walked back to my room.

i needed to take a shower badly. so i know you're wondering what happened. both the niggas raped me, the whole night. and maria was no where to be found. when i woke up it was 9:30 and my clothes were put back on my body.

i just don't get why though. was it because i know nicky?

all i know is i'm not telling anyone. nicky is gonna think it's his fault and i don't need him thinking that. there's no point of telling anyone anyway. there's no proof that they did it anyway. it's over. i'm never speaking to maria again and that's just that.


i rolled my eyes as kentrell followed me around the store, "baby do we really have to?". i immediately stopped at turned to look at him like he was stupid.

"what? nigga yes we have to"

"i feel like it's gonna take mad long" he whined, grabbing my hand which i quickly snatched away. nigga must be dumb.

"it's takes up to atleast an hour and i'm not fucking you until we both get checked so" i said as i stopped the cart in the middle of an isle.

he groaned, "aigh when is it?"

"we can just do a walk in. i'm busy all this week but let's go next week"

he nodded, "aigh ima see you later"

"love you" i said beginning to restock the shelves. "love you too" he leaned down to kiss my cheek but i moved away, "bye trell"

he sucked his teeth and walked out the target that i worked at. i smiled and shook my head. i somewhat liked this job. i never had to do anything too hard and i didn't hate any of my colleagues. i never worked on weekends and people barely come in during the week so i was barely ever bothered.

as i was restocking shelves, i heard footsteps coming towards me which i would usually ignore but i slowed my movements when they stopped at me at my side since i was facing the shelves.

"aye where y'all dog food at?"

i made a stank face as i looked at who asked me that. who talks to people like that? once i made eye contact with the brownskin man with dreads he made an 'oh shit' face. he definitely ain't getting an answer with that choice of words. i just ignored him and went back to what i was doing.

"that's not how you talk to people so i'm gon give you another chance to address me correctly"

after 5 seconds of waiting he finally said "umm.. do you guys have dog food?". i rolled my eyes but i didn't feel like talking for much longer so that'll do. i turned to him with a fake smile on my face, "better, isle eight" i dropped my smile.

his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes trailed down to my name tag, "shawna?"

"you're weird" i mumbled now completely creeped out by his presence. who just reads someone's name tag out loud.

he looked back up at my face and realized that i was weirded out, "you just look like someone i know"

"hmm.. sir go get your dog food" i said finishing up in the isle i was in. the man chuckled lowly before turning around and walking away.

yeah i'm bout ready to clock out.


so you guys voted and most of you chose the 2nd option. i came to the conclusion that i love all the ideas i came up with soo i'll write all of them. but since the 2nd one was clearly a favorite, it'll be published before the other two.

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