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the waitress sent the food down on the table and we all smiled and thanked her.

me, nick, ava, and one of their little brothers, dante all went out to eat at buffalo wild wings. we all decided to be bold and try their blazing hot wings. well, all except me.

"nick what are you doing?" ava exclaimed to nick who was dipping his flat wing in ranch. nick looked at her like she was crazy, "ava you must be insane if you thought i was eating this with no sauce"

ava rolled her eyes, "you ready dante?"

"dante you finna die, these shits is mad hot and you're like five" nick said to the boy before biting the chicken off the wing in his hand.

"i'm seven!" he yelled out. "why are you yelling.. relax" i said getting my fork for my boneless wings.

ava and dante took the first bite of their wings. at first, they were calm, saying it wasn't even that hot and allat. but after a good minute or two, they started to feel it. it was entertaining watching their faces turn red, their noses run all while i enjoyed my boneless garlic parmaesan wings.

nick on the other hand was putting too much dipping sauce on each wing so he ran out of ranch pretty quickly. and not feeling like asking for another, he ended up just ava and dante. i laughed even harder than i already was.

"s-steph" nick blew his nose. "yeah bestie?"

"can you ask for w-water" poor baby was stumbling over his words.

i asked for the water that he asked for and as soon as they got it, they was downing that shit mad fast.

"ava bro your phone is ringing" i pointed out when i saw her phone buzzing from right beside her.

"answer it!" she pleaded, drinking more water.

i picked up the device looking at the caller id. i answered the call i put the phone up to my ear,


"ava?" their mother's soothing voice filled my ears.

i shook my head even though she couldn't see me, "it's stephanie, ava had some hot wings and she's currently dying but i'll tell them what you said"

"oh well we're having a family meeting and you're welcome to come so whenever you guys are finished just come back to the house"

"oh okay i'll let them know and we'll be back once we're finished eating" i let her know. we both said our goodbyes and hung up.

"hurry up we gotta go back to the house, y'all having a family meeting"

"what for?" nick blew his nose. i shook my head "i have no idea that's why we gotta go to find out"

"ok we'll get dessert to go. but i'm still dying steph you gotta drive"

"aighh" i replied.

they finished drinking their waters and we got some desert nachos to go then paid for everything.

when we got to their house everyone was sitting in the living room. i put the nachos in the freezer so the ice cream would freeze back up.

i walked in the living room and since the couch was full i sat down on the floor next to tiamani.

"aigh lets hurry this up, i'm still dying" ava wiped her nose with a tissue. there is no way she was still suffering from those wings, she ate them shits like an hour ago.

shawna got up, "okay so basically i called a family meeting because unlike nicky i don't just bring people in unannounced"

nick made a stank face, rolling his eyes, "who did i bring in unannounced?"


"no i didn't"

"yes, you did" their aunt pointed out. "nobody was talking to you" nick rolled his eyes once more.

"anywaysss.. everyone this is my boyfriend" shawna spoke before someone walked in. i wasn't even paying attention until i heard "i know you fuckin lyin" come from nick's mouth.

my head snapped up and there it was, kentrell desean gaulden standing in nick's living room.

i know you fuckin lying..

"no fucking way" me and nick breathed out at the same time.

"nicky watch your mouth!" his mother scolded him.

"kentrell you ain't shit man" nick said in a shocked state. kentrell rolled his eyes, "shut up, nicky"

"you have no right to call me that after what you did to stephanie"

"to stephanie? what did he do to stephanie?" shawna asked looking all confused. this bitch here. don't even know anything.

"he cheated on me last month with a girl that looked like nick.. and now you dating his sister, nigga do you have an obsession with nick?"

"shawna this is real embarrassing for you bro" lauren snickered. "right.." ricky agreed from his seat on the couch.

"why you got dents in yo head?" lani shouted from where she was sitting, pointing at kentrell. i laughed and kentrell looked at me. my smiled immediately dropped and i mean mugged him. like the fuck you looking at me for. he looks big stupid right now but all this makes me question a lot of shit. was he attracted to nick the entire time we were together? he never showed any signs of interest or maybe i was just stupid enough to not notice.

"yo i hate y'all on god" shawna rubbed her temples. i genuinely feel bad because she honestly didn't know but if she stays with him, i won't feel bad because this here should've exposed his true colors. but i could tell all of this was embarrassing for her and she was upset.

but i mean, you can't bring this boy into your house to meet your family knowing absolutely nothing about him.

"okay everyone out i wanna talk to kentrell myself" their mom said realizing how upset shawna was getting. everyone started to scatter and go to their rooms and such.

"me too" james butted in. "james bye" shawna waved him off.

"yall keep treating me like jamal from on my block and its gonna catch up to yall, watch"

i shook my head, grabbed nick's hand and went to his room.

"i can't believe that bum ass nigga" nick exclaimed, closing his door. i flopped down his bed, laughing to myself. this was just so crazy to the point where it's just funny.

"you gotta fuck his bro, it's only right" lauren came in with tiamani, sitting on the bed with me. "aren't y'all like 13?"

"i'm 15 and she's 14 but still, i know some shit" lauren spoke. "i mean.. it's not a bad idea" nick put his two cents in.

"baby joe has been in my messages lately and he's kinda cute.." i sighed.

"i'll think about it"

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