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"i think you should talk to him" lauren suggested when i ended my rant.

"well i think i shouldn't" i trailed off, "he's in the wrong anyway so if anything he should be apologizing to me"

she sighed, "but did you let him explain himself?"

"no but-"

"exactly so text him to see what he's doing and if he's free, go talk to him"

"lauren i don't think-"

she sucked her teeth, snatching my phone from my hand and opening it. she went to my messages and sent tay a message.

"now lets wait for his response" she spoke getting up. there's no way i'm really letting my little sister do this for me. this started out as me telling her about our breakup and how i miss him but i don't plan on taking him back. but she insisted that him and i talk things out. a part of me wants to speak to him hut the other half doesn't.

he looks pretty happy on social media with his friends and some new bitch he started posting. it's not the aaliyah girl but some other girl. possibly his new girlfriend i don't know.

"he said wassup" she suddenly said already typing away on the screen. what a feen.

"so what are you saying?" i took a peek at the screen to see what she was typing because it was taking too long. "i'm telling him to come over, i'll make sure you two have privacy"

i felt a bit uneven though, "is potholes here?". if tay and i were to talk, i really wouldn't want shawna or kentrell here. they would clown me like they're not the real clowns walking around with herpes and chlamydia.

"herp man? nah him and shawna went left an hour ago" lauren assured me.

i nodded. turning to my bed side, i grabbed a scrunchie off the desk and put my dreads in a low ponytail.

"ohhh.. nevermind" lauren suddenly said from beside me. i look at her and she's looking down at my phone in with a sad look on her face.

"what he said?" i asked, not really caring because i knew this was going to go left. i had no high expectations for this at all. "that he's handling something so maybe another time i'm sorry nicky" she apologized as if it's her fault tay's an asshole now.

i sucked my teeth, snatching my phone from her hand, "see why this was a bad idea?"

i jumped off the bed, putting my black ugg slides on. i told her i'd be back and left out. i wanted some ice cream. i was originally gonna take both of us but now it's just a party of one.

after a good 10 minute walk i made it to the häagen dazs store already knowing what i wanted. it was a bit cold inside but since i was going to be sitting down i wore a light sweater.

it wasn't crowded but it wasn't vacant either. it was a reasonable amount of people inside but they were still plenty of seats left. i went up to the counter waiting for one of the employees to come and assist me.

soon, a chunky lightskin boy with light brown twists wearing a small smile approached me from the other side of the counter. "hello, what would you like today?"

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