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i screamed in frustration, i raised my arm to throw my phone but i put that shit right back down. don't nobody got money to be buying a new one.

"nick relax. i'll come with you" tay rubbed my shoulders from behind me. i was at the park with tay when my fuck ass aunt called me saying my mom needed help doing laundry. like what? we have a whole laundry room in the building and theres like a thousand people that live in that house. so why call me? because shes a dick rider that's exactly what that beluga whale built bitch is.

i turned to tay, "tay you can not come back to my neighborhood". he scoffed, "i'll be fine, you can drive if it makes you feel better". i looked at him, hesitantly taking the keys from his hand.

we got back to the car, and before i drove off i looked at tay who was just twisting his hair. "look before i start driving, my family is very big and i know the apartment is small but it's all we have and-" i started ranting but tay cut me off, "nick you never have to explain why you have what you have. i understand and i won't ever judge you"

i looked into his eyes for any form of dishonesty but there was none. i immediately jumped from
my seat and engulfed him in a hug, letting him know that i'm thankful for him.


"lani get your ass back in here now!" i heard my aunt scream as soon i opened the door. i rolled my eyes at her voice. i let tay in and closed the door. we walked in the living room and my aunt was in there with most of my siblings.

"nickyyy!" my 3 year old sister, trinity ran over to us. "who's that?" ricky asked entering the living room. tay looked at me and i nodded, "his boyfriend"

everyone in the room, including trinity immediately looked at my aunt. i didn't even look at her because i already knew what her reaction was. i just sighed and put trinity down, grabbing tay's hand leading him to my room.

"nicholas!" i heard my aunt call out to me but i ignored her. i also told tay to ignore her as well on the way here.

"uhm who are you?" i heard shawna ask as tay and i walked in my room. "none of your business" i answered. "this is my room too so it is my business bitch"

"nobody got disrespectful with you yet, so stop starting with me" i snapped, looking away from her. i sat on my bed, tay following pursuit. "you're the one who walked in here being rude as hell" shawna spat.

"shawna please, i just got here.. plus, you don't wanna do this right now" i breathed out, taking my shoes off. shawna laughed, "oh i definitely wanna do this right now, i'm always ready"


i watched as nick and his sister send blows to one another in amusement. they eventually ended up on the floor and i was still just watching them. suddenly a girl who looked around the age 14 or 15 passed by the room but quickly backed up and peeked in, seeing the pair on the floor. she let out a heavy breath before yelling out, "SHAWNA AND NICKY ARE FIGHTING"

she walked in and grabbed nick's waist since he was top of shawna and started pulling. she looked like she wasn't even in the mood because she wasn't even putting in any type of strength. i finally decided that this had gone on long enough and got up. as i got up two girls came in with a boy.

i grabbed nick and they grabbed shawna. we started pulling the two apart but neither of them would let go of the others hair. the girl who walked in first let go of nick, putting her attention on their hands, trying to untangle them from the others hair.

"can y'all let go.. like damn"

i shook my head and pulled nick away further which caused him to loose his grip on shawna's hair. after he let go of hers, she let go of his.

the group pulled shawna out of the room. one walked back in though, she looked exactly like shawna.

"nicky you good?"

nick nodded, "yeah ava i'm fine"

she nodded and walked back out. he hopped back on his bed and laid on his back.

"so everyone calls you nicky?" i questioned sitting at the bottom of the bed, taking one of his pretty feet into my hand and massaging it. he nodded, smiling softly at me.

"i thought you had to help your mom with laundry" i said starting on the other foot. "if you haven't realized, my mom isn't even here so my aunt was just being annoying because she wants me here all the time since she thinks i'm such a disgrace"

i stopped massaging his feet and looked at him. he was staring at the ceiling. it was only when he wiped his face that i realized he was crying.

i grabbed both of his arms and pulled him so he was sitting upright and facing me.

he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, "everyone in this house accepts me except for her and she loves making me feel shitty about myself"

"man nick you don't need her approval about nothing. you got me and i know she your aunt and everything but fuck her" i told him honestly. i don't care what somebody is to you, imma say what the fuck i gotta say.



"mom is here nicky" ava peeked her head in and then left.

i looked at tay, "okay its time for you to meet her, you ready?" he looked up from his phone screen and nodded.

i led tay to the kitchen where we found my mom was putting bags on the counter and james and kyrie was helping her.

"hey ma" i spoke nervously. she glanced at me before going back to what she was doing, "hey nicky"

"so uh theres somebody i'd like you to meet"

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