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i groaned for the millionth time today. tay wasn't answering his phone and he was supposed to be with me today. i hopped up from my spot on the couch and went to stokeley's room, thinking he might know something that i don't.

his door was open and he was on sitting on his bed, clicking away on his macbook. i knocked on the door, catching his attention. he smiled softly and motioned for me to come in. he had a small couch in the corner of the room so i made my way over and sat there.

"wassup?" he spoke first pushing his laptop to the side, giving me his fully undivided attention.

"so do you happen to know what tay has been doing lately?"

stokeley shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "nah i was actually gonna ask you"

"bro he keeps ghosting me and he promised he'd take me to get my belly pierced today and then he just stopped answering his phone, what the fuck could he possibly be doing.." i expressed.

"yeah i don't know but i hope it's not what i think it is.." he trailed off which caused me to raise my eyebrows in curiosity.

"what do you think it is?"


"h-he used to deal?"

"yup and he couldn't graduate which is why he's repeating his senior year.. he ain't tell you?" he asked me. i shook my head. i thanked him for the information and walked out.

i made my way downstairs where sonia and steph were still watching tv. "sonia can i borrow your car really quick please?"

she nodded and told me where her keys were. i went and got them. once i turned to leave steph was standing in my way. "where you going?" she asked.

"to tays house, i'm gonna kill him" i said before moving around her and leaving. the drive to taymor's house didn't take long, he lived close to steph so it only took about 10 minutes most.

i didn't even bother parking, i just hopped out the car and ran up the door, rapidly knocking. tay's mom soon opened the door with a nervous look on her face but relaxed when she saw it was just me. "hey nick.."

"hi, where's taymor?"

"taymor? you mad at him?" she asked me realizing that i called him by his full name instead of tay. i nodded and she just pointed upstairs. i thanked her and ran up the stairs to his room. the door was closed but it wasn't locked so i opened the door.

"taymor travon mcintyre!" i yelled as soon as i got into the room but my face of anger was quickly replaced with confusion when i seen a random lightskin bitch with pink hair sitting on his bed.

"uhh who are you?"

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