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i gripped onto my sisters hair harder, ignoring whatever everyone else was saying.

"ok nicky let go" my older sister ava said, trying to pry my hands off my sister's hair but i wasn't letting go, the bitch got me tight so now i was trying to fuck her up but everyone kept pushing me from doing so.

my sister, shawna and i are always fighting. we do not get along yet we gotta live in the same house. we may look small and weak but we both fight like grown ass men. i mean i am a boy but my family doesn't treat me as such. but anyways, today she tried me and i wasn't having it so i punched her in the face and we started fighting in the kitchen which resulted in most of my siblings coming and trying to break it up but i wasn't letting go of her crunchy ass weave. couldn't get my fingers out of it even if i tried.

"y'all mama coming!" my cousin shania ran in the kitchen and we both quickly let go of each other, acting like everything was normal as my mom came walking in.

"what y'all in here doing?" my mom suspiciously asked as she came in looking at all of us. we all exchanged looks, then around the room. we looked everywhere except for at my mom.

"y'all better not be in here breaking my shit" she exclaimed, her voice raised a bit, making us jump.

ava shook her head, "we not ma"

"betta not, and shawna fix your hair"

i snickered and shawna mocked me rolling her eyes at me afterwards. i was about to grab her until ava pulled me back and out of the kitchen where my younger siblings were playing or watching tv.

i had eleven siblings in total, which is alot to most people but my grandmother had fifteen children and wilma rudolphs father had nineteen kids in total so i don't wanna hear it.

but the only reason my house is so full is because my lazy ass aunt and uncle lived here with they two kids.  they big asses need to get up and get a real job, both of them work sorry ass jobs, not getting paid enough. nobody told either of them to drop out of college at get married at 20, stupid asses. now look at them.. fat and stupid with two kids living at somebody else's house with a couple of sad ass jobs.

the only reason why i'm at steph's house so much is because even though i love my family, i don't have any privacy and most of the time i can't stand being around my aunt so i just leave. stephanie's family has met mine before and they completely understand why i hate being around my aunt. she is very judgmental and she's the only one in my family who doesn't accept me for being gay. she's always trying to tear me down because of my sexuality. i've learned to ignore her but from time to time i find myself arguing with her. i also live in a bad neighborhood so i like to get away. steph's neighborhood is very nice and it's very diverse. so everyday i walk from my shitty side of town to her side. it's so quiet at stephs house and i like it like that, my house is never fucking quiet, niggas always making noise, niggas will go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and it'll sound like they breaking down the whole house.


"nicky, your phone is ringing" my brother ricky yelled from the living room where it was charging. i walked out the bathroom as he took it off the charger and was walking over to me.

"who's taymor?" he asked coming closer. i subconsciously smiled now knowing that tay was calling me.

"and why you smiling? is he your boyfriend?" he asked, being nosey. i was about to say no but he kept asking more questions, asking if taymor go to my school and how we met, being mad annoying.

i snatched my phone from his hands, now irritated with all his questions. the phone been stopped ringing by now and the screen just read that i had a missed call from tay. i walked into my room that i shared with ava and shawna. i even gotta share a room with that flat back bitch.

i got on my bed and i called taymor back. i set the phone up against a pillow while it rung. when it hit the third ring he picked up. i was met with a tan ceiling along with a brown ceiling fan until he moved the camera around his face finally appeared on the screen.


i smiled,


"why you ain't answer the first time?" he asked curiously. "i was in the bathroom and my phone was in the living room"

"oh aigh" he said. i guess i made a face without noticing because he said, "fix ya face"

"come fix it for me"

taymor's eyebrows raised, "oh word?"

i started to laugh when shawna entered the room, every ounce of happiness immediately being drained from my body. she went over the dresser and wasted no time to start talking shit.

"i don't know what you laughing at but it couldn't have been that funny, your laugh is mad annoying" she mumbled but i heard her loud and clear.

"huh? shawna say it louder i couldn't hear you with that deep ass voice of yours. i dunno what your
problem is but you been trying me hard as fuck today" i snapped at her, making her whip around and look at me.

"i been trying you? you steady trying me so don't make me show you how i beat your ass this morning"she said turning her back to me again.

"you want a recap of this morning because we could definitely do that" i quickly unfolded my legs, hopping off the bed.

"nick relaaax" i heard taymor say from the phone on my bed. honestly after she entered the room taymor's presence was forgotten about completely.

i don't know but his voice sort of calmed me a bit. i backed up and sat back down on my bed, still looking at shawna.

"yeah listen to your nigga, he saving you from a ass whooping"

"he's not my nigga and even if he was, i would still fling ya P shaped ass across the room so don't get comfortable"

"don't get fucked up tryna act out for that little boyfriend of yours on the phone nicholas" shawna said raising her voice with each word as she walked out the room. i quickly dove to the side of my bed and grabbed a shoe, lauching it at her head but she had already made it past the doorway when it hit the door.

"who was that shorty?" i heard taymor ask, i kinda forget he was even on the phone

"my ugly ass sister. she keep trying me like i won't dislocate both her fucking kneecaps"

taymor started laughing and i immediately made a stank face at him, "fuck is funny?"

"you, your cute lil yellow ass ain't doing nothing to nobody"

"i'll beat your ass just like i do to my sister and it won't be no different, y'all both skinny and got dry nappy ass hair"

"you gon stop playing with me before i eat ya pussy again"

"so do it"

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