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a couple weeks later..


kentrell rubbed his neck some more mumbling, "damn steph"

i looked at him with a straight face, "i said stop and you kept tickling me". this boy play too damn much so he ended up getting kicked in his throat.

my thoughts were cut off when i heard scream laughing. i looked to my right and nick was sitting at my desk with his phone pointing at kentrell. i guess he was recording him.

i completely forgot he was in here even though i know he been laughing since i unexpectedly kicked ken.

"nick you being mad aggy right now" kentrell groaned. nick immediately looked up from his phone, "bitch who aggy?"

"you and who you calling a bitch?"

"i am not aggy and you a bitch, BITCH"

"okayyyyyy" i immediately butted in the conversation knowing that the both of them would continue this petty argument. "you need some dick.." kentrell snickered.

"fuck you no i don't" nick protested. "wheres that lil trapstar boyfriend of yours?" kentrell asked, continuing to rub his neck. now he dragging it because i didn't kick him that hard. i don't even have shoes on for it to hurt that much.

nick pursed his lips together as his face turned red from slight embarrassment, "he's not my boyfriend"

"from what y'all be posting, i thought y'all was dating" ken shrugged.

nick and tay have been hanging out a lot lately. they do post each other on snapchat and instagram alot with little flirty captions. if they ended up together i wouldn't be surprised. i would support them as well, i've known tay for a really long time and he may be rude but he's always had a soft spot for the person he's in a relationship with.

"y'all wanna go to the movies?" i asked changing the subject because i really wanted to get out of the house. "sure" nick replied and ken shrugged, which i rolled my eyes at. i got up and grabbed my checkerboard vans to wear with my yellow tube top and black ripped jeans, wow i love summer. i like fall as well but summer is more my type of weather.

"aii y'all ready?" i asked after putting my shoes on. nick stood from my chair and pulled his jean skirt down his thick thighs. he had on a blue and black 'expose' t-shirt, denim jean skirt and blue, black, and white jordan 1s. my bestfriend so cuteee.

we left and got into kentrells car. i sat in the passenger side and nick sat in the back.

nick's phone started ringing indicating he was getting a facetime call. "hey" he said to the person on the phone. "where you at?" i heard the other person and i immediately recognized the voice, it was tay.

"with steph and kentrell going to the movies, why?"

"nah i was gonna ask you to come over but you busy, be safe aii"

"wait! i'm gonna come" nick exclaimed tapping kentrell, motioning for him to stop the car. "you sure?"

"yeah i'll be there in like 5 minutes"

"aii" tay answered and nick hung up. i looked back him and he was smiling like an idiot.

"kentrell take me to tays house pleaseee"

"so you just gonna ditch us because ya nigga called and told you to come and see him?" i said trying to guilt trip him into coming, i like hanging out with him and kentrell. it be bare good vibes with just the three of us.

nick was quiet for a few seconds before responding, "you damn right"

i sucked my teeth at my failed attempt of trying to get him to stay. "gimme his address" kentrell said to nick who smiled and gave the phone to kentrell.



"why you aint go to the movies?" i asked as i watch nick take off his shoes after coming in my room. "because you called me" he answered.

"you left ya friends because of me?" i said eyeing his outfit and he looked cute as usual. his jean skirt riding up his lightskin thighs. i licked my lips watching him walk over to my bed before re-adjusting my dick in my sweats.

i sat down on my bed and sat with my back against the headboard. nick was sitting on the edge on his phone. he tapped a couple times and then pressed the power button. he turned to me and climbed over to me and sat next to me, resting his head on my shoulder. we sat in a comfortable silence like we usually do until he says something.

"ya know, i never asked you what made you realize that you're bi" he suddenly blurted out. the question didn't catch me off guard or anything. i never really cared and i was comfortable with teling the story. i cleared my throat,

"ight so i've always liked girls but when i was in eighth grade my best friend told me he was gay and he was scared that i wouldn't be friends with him anymore but my older sister is gay so i wasn't homophobic or anything so i told the nigga to stop his bitch ass crying. but anyways we was at his house one day and he kissed me, i was a nice ass person back then so i kissed him back cuz i ain't wanna hurt the niggas feelings. then he got on top of me so me also being a lil horny shit, we fucked and i decided i liked both pussy and dick" i said chuckling at the end, just remembering it.

"who topped?" nick asked and i almost got whiplash from how fast i turned my head,

"nigga i did, fuck you thought this was? i'm not opening my asshole for nobody"

nick started laughing, "why he ain't top? he was giving me big dick energy being all bold and shit"

"stop playing with me bro"

i felt nick lift his head off my shoulder which caused me to look at him. he was looking at me already, "im ya bro now? ok bet" he tried getting up. i grabbed one of the belt loops of his skirt and pulled him right back down onto my lap.

"you know i ain't mean it like dat shorty"

he rolled his eyes, i hugged him and put my face in his neck since i know he likes that. "im sorry" i apologized. i heard him sigh then moved his shoulder up, signaling me to lift up. i took my head from his neck and looked at him. "i forgive you" he said smiling at me. i leaned over and kissed his nose. he scrunched up his face. it was mad cute.

i groaned and looked at him, "why you not mines yet?"

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