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"tiamani how many times are you gonna make me take you to gym?" i groaned, finally reaching the locker room with her.

"until i remember how to get here" she responded, now facing me.

"its been two weeks"

"and this school is mad big so your point?"

i rolled my eyes, "whatever-"

"aye tiamani!" a deep voice called from the end of the hallway. we both looked to see rodrick walking towards us. rodrick is a senior and i had a few classes with him over the years but we didn't know each other all that well. he was cute though, he had pretty eyes. it took me a minute to realize he was calling tiamani. now i know damn well tay told her not to talk to any seniors. here she go, fucking up already.

tiamani smiled once he reached us. "hey nick" he greeted me. i responded with a simple wave. he then turned to his attention to tiamani, "baby why you ain't call me back last night?"

"sorry i fell asleep" she apologized. i just sat there watching them in amusement because this is honestly funny. tiamani is really a little ass girl and rodrick damn near a grown ass man. she setting herself up for failure because this boy is going to play her but i mean, everyone gotta learn at some point. i decided to leave them and go to my class.

my next class was two floors above the one i was currently on so i snuck on the elevator when nobody was looking. the elevators are only for teachers and students that are injured or disabled. i know i'm neither but i ain't feel like walking up all them stairs.

by the time i made it to the classroom, the second bell rung. indicating that i was late but i was only like one second late so it didn't count.


i was waiting for steph since we always eat lunch together. some days we leave and get food from outside and other days we stay and eat the school lunch if we feel like it. she's taking longer than usual but she was probably taking a test or talking to someone so i just watched jane the virgin on nextflix while waiting. i enjoyed my own company anyways.

after the episode ended, i was about to press play for the next one when i heard someone yelling my name. looking up, stephanie was running towards me.

"nick! oh my god nick!" she doubled over while breathing heavy. trying to catch her breath.

i furrowed my eyebrows, "steph what happened?"

"you heard what happened to tay? did his mom call you yet?" she asked me, concerned.

i shook my head, "no.. did something bad happen?"

"tay got arrested"

"huh?" was all i could get out. arrested?

"this morning the cops went to his school and arrested him" steph replied, sitting down across from me. i honestly had no words because i was just in shock. tay just dropped me off this morning, would could he have done after he dropped me off? i thought he went straight to school.

"for what?"

"i have no idea. tay's mom called mine and she told me and stoke. i didn't know if you knew or not"

"no i didn't know.. what the fuck" i replied while immediately going to my text thread and texted tay's mom.

hey uh whats going on

i'm still trying to figure that out, they won't let me contact tay right now

do you know why he was arrested

as of right now, no but i'll call you if i hear anything

ok, love you

love you too


tay's mom hadn't called me all day but i wasn't worried because i knew she would eventually call me if she heard anything. by the time i got home i still saw no notification from her so i did my homework to just get it out of the way.

after finishing the little bit of homework i had, i decided to take a shower to get my mind off the tay situation for a little. he's the only thing that's been on my mind all day. what could he have possibly done? i swear if this has something to do with his "job" he's getting out of this shit as soon as possible.

as i was gathering my things to take a shower, my phone started ringing. i looked over go see it was tay's mom calling me. i quickly dropped everything and practically ran to the phone. i sat down and grabbed the phone, answering it.

"hey nick" tay's mom greeted me first. i smiled softly and did the same.

"so i was able to speak to tay"

"okay what happened?"

she paused and took a deep breath. i could tell she was stressed but why wouldn't she be honestly.

"he was arrested because he was accused of rape"

my heart immediately sunk into my stomach. rape? out of all the things in the world.. rape? that can't be right, they must got the wrong person because tay wouldn't do that. i know he wouldn't.. right?

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