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this freshman at my school looks exactly like nahmir omg. the nigga even got the dreads the same length. they probably the same height too sksks his short ass.


"damn she really does look like me" i stared at the picture stephanie sent me of the girl that kentrell cheated on her with.

she had lighter skin just like mine and we had similar facial features. the bitch even had the audacity to have dreads, they were just way longer than mine. she was super cute though, we couldn't deny that. but she wasn't stephanie.

"yup.. and they're not even fucking with each other anymore. she's posting about being single and he saying he got a girlfriend" steph breathed out over the facetime call.

"i'm sorry" i apologized for the umpteenth time today. steph sighed, "stop apologizing, it's not your fault"

"but its my fault that i wasn't there for you"

"i shouldn't have said that. you're in love and i should've respected that instead of shitting on you for it so i'm sorry"

"but you were right, i haven't been paying much attention to you and you made me realize that but i'm sorry for not realizing before"

"if y'all say sorry one more damn time.." tay mumbled from next to me. "i'm saying" ava spoke from her bed.

"how bout y'all shut the fuck up" i smiled at the both of them. ava playfully rolled her eyes while tay squinted his eyes at me before laying his head back down on my pillow.

stephanie & i then moved past the situation and started talking about another subject. eventually we weren't even speaking anymore, we just had each other on the the phone for no real reason.

"nick" tay called out to me.

"hm" i hummed in response not taking my attention off of my phone screen.

"i'm bored.. lemme eat ya pussy" he said simply, pulling at the fabric of my shirt.

my eyes widened as i looked over at ava and shawna who were staring at us with shocked expressions. i slapped his hands away from me, "tay my sisters are sitting right there"

he shrugged, "i give a fuck? lets go"

"oop, yeah thats my cue. laterrr" stephanie's voice rang with three beeps following after.

ava cleared her throat, "i think i hear ma calling me"

she grabbed her phone and laptop and walked out the room. i looked at shawna who got off her bed as well, "and i'm gonna mind my own"

hm, that's the smartest thing she's ever said. anyways, i turned my attention over to tay who was already looking at me, licking his lips.

"boy move you ruined the mood"

he kissed his teeth, "so i really can't get no pussy?"



"t-tay" i moaned, grabbing the sheets as he stuffed his face deeper into my heat.

he pulled away, taking his index finger, slowly pushing the digit into my core. i bit my lip, watching him push another cocoa colored finger into me. taymor went very slow for the first ten seconds before picking up his pace. as soon as he got comfortable, he put his plump lips back to work.

i moaned a little too loudly causing his unoccupied hand to fly up and cover my mouth. my moans got even louder but were muffled by his hand. i started to feel a knot in my stomach, knowing that i was coming close to my climax.

"mom's here!" ava suddenly shouted through the door. tay & i scrambled away from each other and he threw me my panties which i put on very quickly.

i hurriedly threw on the outfit i had on before which was a regular black tee & navy blue basketball shorts.

i went over to the door and unlocked it, walking out to greet my mom.

i went to her room, seeing her changing out of her work clothes. "hey ma" i greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "hey nicky"

"is taymor here?" she questioned. i slowly nodded my head, wondering why she thought he was here.

"tell his lazy behind to come in here and say hi"

i laughed and nodded my head, leaving and going back to room.

"baby go say hi to my mom"

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