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"why you just standing there? come on" kentrell motioned for me to keep walking. i looked around at everyone and stayed close behind kentrell. he better not walk away and leave me either.

i wanted to know more about taymor's arrest so i asked kentrell to take me to see keith. since he's the reason my poor baby is in this situation. and i know his ass know some shit, he has to.

"why is he here?" i heard from beside me. i snapped my head to see molly sitting on a couch on her phone. she doesn't have a house of her own?

i rolled my eyes at her, "because i can be"

molly sucked her teeth, turning her attention back to her phone. her bad ass lashes, i'll swipe them shits right off keep playing wit me.

"anyways" i said looking at kentrell who just shook his head. he walked into a room with a few people in it. he went up to a chubby lightskin with dreads and started talking. that's literally how you describe me.

anyways, the lightskin peeked over kentrell's shoulder clearly looking at me. he pushed past trell and came over to me.

"hiiii! you must be nick" he greeted me with a wide smile on his face. i could've sworn he had lips from far away but i guess not. i smiled greeting him back.

"i'm keith's husband michael, i'll take you to him if you would like" he offered. i looked at kentrell who was still in the room watching us talk. i guess he knew why i was looking at him because he nodded. i looked back at michael, "lead the way"


"sit down nick" keith said sitting on the couch in his room. i hesitantly sat down. i made sure i was sitting comfortably but also a respectable distance from him.

he turned to me giving me his undivided attention, "aigh so what you wanna know?"

"why was tay arrested? i know you know more than anybody. tay had to call you"

"he did-"

"oh and just so you know, i don't fucking like you. you're the reason my baby is locked up but go on" i motioned for keith to continue speaking.

he just looked at me before chuckling lowly, "okay nick"

"cordae was the one that told the cops that tay raped him"

"cordae? tay said that?"

he nodded, "they kept asking him questions about him and then they showed a video from cordae's home security cameras it showed tay walking in his house"

".. a video? how do they know it was tay?"

"you can see his face"

i ran my hand down my face in stress. i honestly can't believe this shit. out of all the things in the world, rape? why now though. things were finally getting better for tay and now this.

"oh my fucking god"

now i know damn well cordae set my baby up. i quickly got up heading for the door but keith spoke up, "where you going?".

"to go beat cordae the fuck up"

"nick sit down"


"because thats a terrible idea"

"i don't care"

"sit down, nick"

i let out out a huff, going and sitting back down.

"if tay doesnt make it out of this shit, i'm beating your ass" i said to keith in all seriousness.

he just shrugged, "he getting bailed out?"

"his mom is bailing him out tomorrow and then his first court date is to be determined"

keith nodded, "aigh just let me know if yall need anything"

i nodded and said my goodbyes. i left the room in search of kentrell. this house was actually big as hell but i still managed to find him.

"where you want me to drop you?" he asked me once we got in the car. "home" i told him. he simply nodded and took me home. he surprisingly wasn't coming inside today so i just got out and went into the building.

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