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i sat in the hospital room with taymor's mom, stokeley, jahseh, jayda, and stephanie. when they first got here and they asked me about a millon questions about what happened but now we were just quiet, not saying a word. and by now the videos that were posted online had went viral. there were also many news reporters outside of the hospital giving updates to the public about taymor's wellbeing.

i decided to try and go on my phone for the first time since i was in the car. i ended up just seeing a bunch of texts from people asking if that was really me in the videos and if i'm okay. then most of the posts i seen were talking about tay and the situation, some of the post even tagging me. how did they find me? i have no idea. the internet was just going crazy since yet another unarmed black male was gunned down at the hands of a white policeman.

it ended up just giving me a complete headache and i put my phone away. i stuffed my hands back in the pockets of the sweater that stephanie brought me. she was at kentrell's house when i called her and told her what happened and i asked her to bring me some clothes since mine were all bloody so she took a sweater from kentrell and i just put it over my bodysuit.

all of my thoughts were cut short when the doctor walked in causing us all to look up. he walked over to tay and looked at him and sighed.

we all eyed his movements as he turned to face us. "so the good news is, we were able to get the bullets out of his chest before they reached his heart so mr mcintyre will be okay, but we will need to keep him for the next few days"

we all let out a sigh of relief after he was done talking. "he should be waking up soon so when he does wake, you can press this button to call us" he informed us. we all thanked him for his help as he left the room. tay's mom rose from her seat and walked over to tay. she kissed him on his forehead and started to caress his face. i smiled softly at the sight infront of me.

riiiinnngggg.. riiiinnnngggg

i looked down at my phone, seeing that my mom was calling me. i silently cursed before picking up. "hey maaaa" i nervously said into the phone. "boy where the hell are you? and what is this shit i'm hearing about somebody getting shot?" she screamed into my ear so loud that i had to pull the phone away from my ear until she was finished.

"i'm at the hospital with the person i was in the car with, i'll explain everything when i get home but i'm fine" i reassured her. "what hospital? i'm having kyrie come and get you right now!" she yelled once again. okay there was really no reason to scream just now. "but maaa.." i started to whine but she cut me off, "but nothing, now what hospital?"

i sighed and told her and then i heard her repeat it to i'm guessing kyrie and then told me that he'll let me know when he's outside and hung up. "what happened?" i heard steph ask. "my mom making kyrie come get me"

"that's okay nick you can come back tomorrow, tay should be up by then" his mom said softly looking back at me. i sighed and nodded, i kinda wanted to stay until he got up but i already knew once kyrie got here, that nigga is not waiting.

after about 10 minutes my phone started ringing again and this time is was kyrie. i answered and couldn't even get the word hello out before he started speaking.

"i'm outside come on" kyrie said through the phone. i said aighh and told him i was coming. i told everyone i'll see them tomorrow and left.

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