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after throwing the pack of cheese into the cart i brought the phone back up to my ear, "you need anything else ma?"

"just get two boxes of caprisuns and that's it" she said into the phone. i said okay and hung up, shoving my rather large phone back in my powder blue fanny pack.

i pushed the cart out of the dairy section and towards the juice aisle. as i was walking towards the aisle i heard laughing which originally i would just ignore but the person laughing said something that made me stop in my tracks.

"tay move" a girl suddenly giggled out. i quickly backed up the cart and looked in the the aisle. the first thing i seen was a girl, leaning over a cart, while a boy stood behind her, smacking her ass repeatedly. their backs were facing me but the girl turned around and it was molly, the girl tay been posting all over social media and that cordae told me about.

i frowned, feeling my heart ache just a little. as soon as i was about to walk away molly looked my way, making a stank face and sticking out her neck, "yes? the fuck you looking at?"

now normally, a bitch couldn't say this to me without getting popped but for some reason, i was stuck. it was like my body didn't let me react in the way i wanted to.

that gained tay's attention because he looked at me. i just gave him a blank stare. he turned to molly and said something before making his way over to me.

"hey nick" he greeted me once he was standing right infront of me. "uh hi" i breathed out, looking down and playing with my fingers. i really didn't wanna look at him.

"you good?" he asked.

i only nodded, wanting to get out of this conversation quickly. right now, honestly, all i wanted to do was cry.

"oh you got your belly pierced" tay spoke, eyeing my piercing. i looked down at it and back up at him, "yeah"

"oh sorry i couldn't make it the other day i uh had some shit to do but if you wanna talk now we can-

i cut him off "no i'm okay bye"

i quickly turned on my heels and scurried to the juice aisle, now wanting to leave more than ever. i know that was kind of rude but i couldn't stand there and talk to him after he just smacked her ass. i can't tell him i miss him after that. i just can't.


"that was nick?" molly asked putting the food on the conveyor belt. i nodded, "yeah.."

".. why you look like that? you miss him or sum?" she asked, turning towards me with an attitude. i know molly has a crush on me and has had one for years now but i been told her that i don't really see her that way.

yeah i'll flirt with her here and there but we would never be together. she acts too childish and she's always in some type of beef because alot of people know her. nick is more my type because he likes to be lowkey about everything. molly's also a social media person so if we got into an argument she would immediately run to social media telling everyone our business but nick, our problems were private. nobody ever knew we had problems because we kept that between us. damn i miss him.

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