🍯Dumbo weirdos 🍯 Edited

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Third chapter

The alarm was blasting, manal tap on it but it kept on blasting "am up" she yelled and the clock went off,  stretching her body before walking into bathroom for her daily  business.

She came out with a silk light blue rob wrapped around her firm,  a towel styled in a turban.

Applying lotion to her body,
A knock came on the door.
She stood up to get the door, 

Salim was standing at the door, his hands tug into his blue pants, hand holding  a streaming  cup of mug. 
" won't you make way for me"
he said raisin a eyes brows.

" good morning!"
manal greeted dramatically, closing the door she was holding.

Before walking back to the room, she founded Salim sitting  on her bed taking sip of his black tea.

" ya Allah"
she murmured  under her breath.

Her phone ranged on the bed. 

"hello!! Babes"
she called placing  the phone on her chin, supporting it with her shoulders.

" breakfast is ready"
Ammi yelled from downstairs. 

Salim excused himself to get something to wear.

While manual informed Mimi before calling off the the call. 

" good morning"
manal sang each placing kissed on there sas.

"good morning"
they a sang in uniform.
Making manual giggle.

Manal sat on a sit opposite Salim, who was applying honey on his pancakes.  Does he ever get tired of eating  pancakes manal thought.

Serving herself fried chips with jam, with a cup of coffee.

"sorry am late"
the guess apologised sitting next to Abbi on umimi's sit. 

After exchanging  pleasantries from, Ammi ordered me to serve her which I did reluctantly.

"ya, I called looking at his face"
"was is it?" he asked typing  something in his phone,
' will you please drop me Mimi's"
I asked politely been innocent.

He just looked at me without saying a thing  then back to his phone, " please ya" I pleaded this time around.

" manal!" He called strictly,' you know today is Friday, and I won't want to be late for mosque" he said truthfully now keeping his phone on the center table. 

"fine, I made a dog face, 'I'll take a cab"
" no! You won't" he commanded "I'll just drop you, he added and don't leave me waiting" he stated picking his phone leaving  the room.

I waked to my room my phone was already ringing it was this weirdo.
"  Mimi!  I called after placing the phone on my left ears, 

"Ain't you coming?, she asked sounding off. 

"of course I am just let me get ready, and see you soon"  I ended the call,

Going into my walk-in closet, I got dressed in a red gown which has shinny stones all over. 

I meet salim in the packing  lot he was now dressed in a blue shadda his cap place nearly on his head, a black wrist watch his hand. 

The car zoomed off. 

" I can't wait to resume  school" I said starting a conversation.

"how can u wait! after all, your going to see those u lousy friends like u" he said earning an eyes roll from me

" ohh! common, I did accept that. u also eager to resume school, to see those ur shouty girlfriends" I said popping  the girlfriends.

"hafsah! I don't have any u know" he said raising  his brows.

"ohh! wah of Nayyara, whoses she I just don't like her, the girl seems to be so classless" I said truthfully.

" and that's left for u to like her or not, m even tried of this state" he said

" metoo can we go get some ice creams" I pleaded.

" ohh u and junks" he mocked reversing the car to a nearby shop. 

" I'll call Mimi to join us here" I said bringing out my phone to call her.

Long time people who like the book sorry

manal and Salim are best buddies guys wah do u think



~Aliyu xynan~
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