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°warning; strong epic, you might cry because I actually did🤧. Well am a cry baby in case you all don't know.

Time flies like rain dropping from the sky, it waits for no one,
Alhaji aleeyu house was deserted with no one he has been sick over the years with no one to turn to.

Then the devil herself came sassing around the room, "my dear, darling Alhaji aleeyu, am sorry to say but am tired of living all by myself with you I need some chilling to do" she said looking at Alhaji aleeyu pale face, a sick sleepy eyes.

"So going to have visitors around, don't disturb us with those your cries"she warned
Turing around on her stilhoe and left the room.

That was how life turned a year after he divorced his wife and left his children.

He let the tears rolled down his eyes as quietly as he could, he couldn't take been punished.

His body aches like fire was set over him.

Maybe he was going to die,no he couldn't die in this state, it's over one and half year with him been on this bed, his doctor assured him, that his never going to get up from this bed and that scared him to death. "No" he murmured "I can't die in this state I can't I need help" he said to himself tears beaming out of his eyes.

The door to his room opened farida and two heavy gaint men, with a pretty girl walked in.

He couldn't do anything about his tears, he was already dead he couldn't move any part of his body even if it was by mistake.

"Baby", came farida mocking voice. The duo's that were with her erupted into laughter's.

One among the guys matched forward and grabbed farida's waist.

'Astagifullah' a married woman. No his married wife doing such stuffs in his eyes.

Well this wasn't the first time, niether was it the second. He hard watched several times his wife been fucked by strangers with his eyes.

He shut his eyes closed to block him from the view in front of him.

They were now living in a one big room apartment in the outskirts of Abuja.

Karu, was the name of the town.

The moans of the people got out of hand. He wished he could also block away his ears.

He heard a hand sneaking touching his tousers.

Not now he tighten his eyes closed, shivering very heard.

A hand was already stroking him. It was pain he was feeling pain like his body was throne over burning ashes.

"Wow his very sweet, very damn good boy" he heard a vioce say. It was the girl.


That was how Alhaji aleeyu live a life of torture, pain and regret, guilt was also eating him up. How he wished he could see his family and ask for there forgiveness maybe just maybe the punishment of his grave and the hell fire he will be throned too won't be much.

Crying was all he does day and night. She wasn't even hearty enough to give him food. he eat maybe just once in a week.

All he get was water by her so called daughter who was actually her maid such like a slave,

He heard the door to his room open, he could now not open his eyes even the food he get once a week he don't have the strength enough to open his eyes.

He was dying he knows slowly, all he get to do was say Astagifullah' day and night it was already his food.

He heard distant laughing yes she was back with another one tonight.

"Yes his has been in coma for over six months" he heard farida said to who ever it was she was talking to.

"May Allah Grant him sifaa"he heard the vioce say before he blacking out again... 

This time it felt like forever for him to wake up but he did, he coughed very hard.

Shaking like a leave, nabila who was farida's daughter or maid was sitted on a plastic rubber chair.

She became alert wen he started coughing she quickly when close to him.

"W...a..t .e..r" she heard him whispered.

She let her tears fell freely she pitied him since day one but who was she to help him, she also needed help.

She was taken from an orphanage by farida who tortured her life and Infected them with aids she knew it was the disease that was eating this poor man up.

She gave him the water which he took.

"Ge...t m...Mee. s..o..m..some. pa.p...paers" he requested.

Nabila quickly moved to the back of the door and fished out a paper from her bag.

"He...lp me write ....a...nd ...g...I.... give to m ....y re....lat..... relatives. ...when ....they ....find ..... out.....a.....mmm...dead..." That brought tears from her eyes.

This life is actually a temporary place but we all seem lost in it,.   She promised herself to move forward on and be a batter person.

Farida have to play for all her wrong doing .


Touchy chappy.

Whose sad for Alhaji aleeyu, 🤧🤧🤧

Okay guys this book is coming to an end, check out date of the date.

Leave a comment of what you think.

Love be you all


All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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