🍯Severance 🍯 Edited

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"Yar iska ce wallahi, just look at how she is whorey dressed she is, that's not tarbiya ai" she said pointing toward me, I wasn't actually dressed whorey as she said I was.

"For all this years, is this wah u have been doing," she asked, now at the top of her lungs, this woman here is something else I thought.

"Ni ba yar iska bace, kuma banga abi acikin abin dake jikinaba, " am not a slut and I see nothing slutty with wah am wearing" said glaring toward her, she was just up to something which am sure of.

I was just wearing a tummy jean, with a tortoise neck sleeveless body hug, with a black Minny jeans jacket, "bakiga abunda diyarki tasa bane, koh nata karuwancine ba rashin tarbiya bah " ain't u seeing or wat ur whore of a daughter is wearing isn't called lack of home training" I asked looking at her drunk daughter, who was wearing a black shinny Minny body hug gown with a high Boot.

"Ko kin makancene, sai abin dake jikinah kika gani, in rashin tarbiya ne, banga irin naki bah tunda bata da uba " or are u blind, seeing only wat I wore , if it really wah u called lack of home training, yours is way to much cause, she's an illegal child" I said my blood boiling.

The sound of the retreating slap on my right sass from my dad, cause of this dirty woman, I placed my hand, looking up to him with a teary eyes.

"No Alhaji, u shouldnot hit her again, I know I should have interfered into a family thing u know, she never like me buh thankx for the help, i'll be out of ur life for good" she said admits sob.

"Farida could this be a good news, u where always there to create riff in my family. First it was with Salem now here its manal, this the very first time he raised his hand on my child. not only raised, he hited her, all cause of u. Not that it doesn't hurt, it really do, buh I don't blame u. I blame myself for letting u stay, wen all my family do is hating u, thank u and please do a great favour for leaving". Ammi said cleaning her tears. Manal did actually nothing but why was the woman shouting. Wen her daughter is drunk.

"No one is leaving" abbi voice brought me out of my trace "and wen I say no one, it means farida isn't going any were out off this house" he said in a tone of finality.

"Then I won't stay in the same house with her, ammi's voice also, with full might with her eyes daring directing into abbi's.

"Fine then u can leave. it came out in a mere whisper but clear enough to be heard and we did,abbi said also looking into ammi eyes that shows he was talking to her.

"Fine u guys so go get ready, she said to no one in particular buh of course she was talking to us me and Fatima. Buh her eyes where lost in his, I couldn't read them buh the trust broken heart was clearly seem.

"No child is following u, if am the father' he said breaking their staring competition, and "no child is staying with u and your mistress in this house, if that's will mean your not the father fine. She said standing up.

"I couldn't doubt that actually buh she will be no more a mistress by tomorrow, wen I get married to her" he said with happiness around,

'Happy married life' she said with Sarcasm knowing how he hated it with passion, "happy been a divorcee" he said in the same tone as she did.

That made her heart to shattered into million pieces, buh then she wasn't the first divorcee in the world, why care about it. With the stubborn tears, she was managing to keep back buh a lone came rolling with force then another, that was how she broke down completely in front of us all.

She looked up immediately, like one whose been called before looking deeply into into his eyes. "Aleeyu" she called, he was now Looking at her, the look seems so intense before she broke the stare with a good bye and finally taking us with her out of the house, we roamed around the quite street of abuja.

That was how we spent the night in the car in an isolated place, before she sent for our cloths, in a mall also got some for herself. She was trying so hard to be strong, which I was sure of she was doing all that for us


Walking into the ammi's room yes a hotel room, which has two rooms and a parlour.

She was lost in thought,"Ammi am sorry, I know am the cause to all this, only if I didn't pay head to her and walk away, all this won't have happened am sorry, I broke ur family am sorry" I said admits sob engulfing her in a hug.

Shh... Dear she shhed me drawing soothing circles until my cry died down.

"U ain't the cause, all that happened was ment to be, don't put the blame on urself, just tell your sister to be ready, we re going for shopping our flight is tomorrow and we don't want to miss" she said whipping away my tears.

"Ma flight" .... I asked confusion all over my face.

"She smiled at me, yes we re leaving this country to new york"

Hi guys finally an update has come our way just as u requested

Yes this chapters for u


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