🍯Head Queen 🍯Edited

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"Riena, take this also" leema said handing over some sweet brownies to manal who was sited on royal safari rug.

Manal collect the sweet. she like this one most among them all, the last one she finished it before the day end and mummy said she was supposed to eat them for months.

"Salim" mummy called in a warning vioce. Now that he has finally marriage the nayara of a thing why isn't he going to manal's room.


" Salim, don't mummy me wallahi kafita a idona" she warned pointing a fingers at him.

It was obvious to him that the  troubles mummy want is bigger than he thought.

"Manal will be the head queen, and that's final" she said again.

Salim exhaled a deep breath before murmuring a dua under his breath.

Now this it, the head queen as manal.

Walking out of the room with slump shoulders was Salim.

"Bebi are you alright" nayyara asked she was dressed in one of those royal outfit with makeup painted face.

A blood red lipstick kissed against her lips.

Salim just flashed a smile her way walking to his room.

She knew the queen mother was a pain in the ass, and she will get ride of them soon very soon let them just wait and watch she thought to herself with an evil grin on her lips.

"Toh naji ( okay av heard) so you guys are out chilling" manal said.

She was having a video call with all her squad members. They were hanging out at baz restaurant, catching up with her.

" I miss you" Leah said with a puppy eyes.

" Common I'm missing her more" camahtha said.

" They are all funny" lemma said pointing the guys who were still arguing about who misses manal more.

" Wat is that your eating" Leah asked lemma who was munching on her danwake.

Lolx, "it's a traditional food" Mimi said.

"Why is it greenish" camahtha asked.

"Because that how they make it to be greenish" Mimi explain to them, how it's made from flour with some other ingredients.

"It actually inviting, wen will you make it for us" camahtha asked?.

They all laughed, talking about how Mimi don't like cooking, she prefers eating junks all the time.

"Your highness, your presence is needed in the queen mother chamber" a maid dressed in a black skirt with a crop white top.

Manal dismissed the maid.

" OMG!!" Leah exclaimed " don't tell me your the queen" she added dramatically.

" She's the head queen" leemah said batting her lashes.


"Come sit my child" mummy aka the queen mother said panting at the space close to her on the royal pouch for manal to sit.

Manal sat on the couch close to mummy playing with the Fringe on her Alkaiba.

"I declare Salim to make you his head queen" mummy said.

"B..." Manal started but stopped due to the lump that formed in yet throat. Does that mean he chooses nayyara as his head queen.

Salim she thought. It clear to her why is she even here helping him but his doesn't even know.

Sacrificing her education just to help him fulfill his dream of becoming the king but he went ahead and married who he love.

"Stop crying" mummy pleaded hugging manal.

"Why???," she kept asking.

" Did I do any mistake by accepting this marriage, I just did wat I have to do because of Ammi but Salim doesn't know.

He never knew I'd sleep well or not, I eat or not. Since wen I came back from school Salim never step his foot in my home.

He was always with nayyara and I never complained I never did. Now he wants to make her his head queen.

Mummy please don't stop him anymore just let him do wat ever he want to but Allah will avenge everything his doing to me he will"

She ended up breaking into seriously sob, mummy let her cry all she wanted. She never wanted this, she never wanted hurting anyone of them but it seems Salim doesn't want her.

"Am sorry manal, please I never thought Salim will ever hurt you. All my thoughts were you guys where perfect together as couples, without considering you guys were just having siblings relationship" mummy consoled after manal stop crying.

" I promise to talk to Salim, so you could be free from this marriage if that wat you both want" Mummy said.


Asalamu alaikum beautiful people.
Not edited please pardon my typos.

Av think update will be one every week 😊 I'll soon continue with my other story

Date of the date

So wat do you think manal officially want a divorce.

Will her wish be granted.

Comment wat you think

Next chapter will be lit
Dedicated to you all


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Aleeyu xynab

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